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The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Outcast Skin » Kranachov


(Pronounced Kran-a-kov.) This a skin of one of Luke's characters from his books, comics, and stickman comics.

Kranachov is a clone of Bob. A Kunst spy infiltrated the EDF science facility and took some of the DNA sample being used. An early version of Kranachov was sent back to the past to kill Bob but failed and was killed. The Kunst, with their advanced technology made a new Kranachov. Stronger, faster and tougher than any normal person. They also distorted his appearance so he would not be recognizable as Bob. He moved up the EDF ranks quickly winning staged battles with the Kunst so his 'superior intellectual capacity' is stretched. He reveals himself to Bob on the star cruiser, 'The Defiant' during an attack on planet EX-21 but as the ship is re-taken by the EDF he is transported onto a hidden ship. When the Kunst attack Sheffield (one of the last remaining Earth cities) he reveals himself again and attacks Bob, fatally wounding him and capturing Jeff, Bob's friend also resurrected form the past. As Bob loses consciousness he swears he will take his revenge upon the Clone.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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File Size:
695.1 KiB
The Seven Blessings


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The Seventh Blessing
Posted: 2003-10-23 8:56 a.m.   Report Abuse
I cant rate this as it is my skin (I changed my Name and E-mail address to something i liked a bit more after i submitted this file)
The Seventh Blessing
Posted: 2003-10-23 9:05 a.m.   Report Abuse
Also see Bob its another of my skins
Posted: 2003-10-23 1:49 p.m.   Report Abuse
[Whoops, wrong file... =/]
Posted: 2004-01-19 6:37 a.m.   Report Abuse
its great but it doesent look like bob! 7
The Seventh Blessing
Posted: 2004-01-31 3:42 a.m.   Report Abuse
thnx, but the idea is that he doen't look like bob, i may have left it out of the story, but he is supposed to have changed his apearence fully, using the alien tehnology

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