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Sith Stadium

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Outcast Multiplayer Level » Sith Stadium


Ok, this is my very first map that I've really released to the public outside of my clan Redeemed. The basic idea of the map is that it's an old sith stadium. I did not get these from any Star Wars books I've read; this is a completely imaginative stretch. Basically, the sith stadium is an ancient stadium where the sith would gather to witness some gruesome entertainment. Either that or they'd take it out on each other. It's kinda like the Roman colosseums. You're sure to find some very unpleasant surprises in this map.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
5.5 MiB


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Posted: 2003-10-14 1:39 p.m.   Report Abuse
Very good for someone new to the scene. I liked the concept I also liked how colorful it was :-). Some things you could work on a bit more:

~Just constantly check for brush overlaps, This just kills levels in my opinon.

~Try and curve a few more things

~Try to change around textures a bit more

Other than that great first! Can't wait to see your next ;-).
Posted: 2003-10-15 1:51 a.m.   Report Abuse
To me, it doesn't matter wether a level is either first or last, so here it goes:

1) Try to add some detail, the engine can handle it.

2) Vary more with textures, but try to stick to one theme.

3) Don't use the same object over and over againin a map, unless it's like a torch or something.

4) Make sure you have logical lightsources, and try to keep lightspots to a minimum.

5) Don't overdo colored lighting. It can be the perfect touch for a level, but overusing it only makes it less good.
Darth Vedder
Posted: 2003-10-18 3:52 a.m.   Report Abuse
The coloured lighting makes me go all epileptic... And I don't even have epilepcy...

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