|GlobensGeng|Clan's Official Clan Skin 2.0
The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Outcast Skin » |GlobensGeng|Clan's Official Clan Skin 2.0
A reskin of Raven's Ugnaught model. The default skin is called holo Ugnaught. And that's what he is, a hologram Ugnaught. The red skin is Darth Ugnaught, a sith Ugnaught. The blue skin is Master Ugnaught, a Jedi Ugnaught.
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Hope you like it!
PS. Yep, one of the screenshots are taken on the spaceballs map. Almost forgotten to thank livingdeadjedi for a very cool map!
It's about time we had some "Ugnaughty" fun with JO... Great skins!
Glad you liked it!
is that an actual level that's been released or... if so WHERE
BTW... nice skins
the spaceballs map has been released at pcgamemods.com
But it is very good wok.9/10