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Neo (Final)

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Outcast Skin » Neo (Final)


This contains three different reskins (using the prisonner model) with completely new textures. Bot support is included as well as new sounds taken straight from The Matrix. If somebody else made a public Neo skin and is offended by my attempts, I apologize but I spent about 3 months looking for one and then gave up and decided to make my own. So here it is, enjoy! Thanks to everybody at Massassi forums for being so hard on me and everybody at jediknightii's forums for their support.

  • The default skin is Neo without holster and trenchcoat from the subway scene I guess. I thought he looked cool and since I don't have time to learn to model, you'll have to live without the trenchcoat and sunglasses. Sorry.
  • The red skin is Neo in the real world with a plug on the back of head.
  • The blue skin is Thomas Anderson.

    Since the beta, I've fixed some major texture problems so now he looks more like Keanu now instead of a "sick Japanese Michael Jackson." I also added some new sounds and changed the bot file a little.

  • Screenshots

    screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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    File Size:
    2.2 MiB


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    Posted: 2003-07-30 9:22 a.m.   Report Abuse
    damn, this is really good, i give it a ten. as soon as i get home i will download it
    Posted: 2003-07-30 12:25 p.m.   Report Abuse
    Looks like the Asian down-syndrom version of Neo. Gave it a 5 for good bodies, but the lack of resemblence in the face, and the laziness with the model braught you down a great deal.
    Posted: 2003-07-30 2:14 p.m.   Report Abuse
    Umm...Did you look at the second screenie, Kirby? The real world Neo looks like Reeves. And a 5 for being too lazy to model? These skinners aren't our slaves so they don't have to do anything for us, and so, shouldn't be criticized for not doing anything they don't want to because it's too time consuming. I'll give it a 10/10 to better the score, but it deserves it too.
    Posted: 2003-07-30 6:37 p.m.   Report Abuse
    The second screens do look a good resemblance to Neo though. How about another with the trenchcoat!?
    Posted: 2003-07-30 8:54 p.m.   Report Abuse much did you pay for this skin kirby? ***AND I DIDNT MODEL THIS!*** I dont claim to be a JO modeler, so dont give me grief about that please, any complaints about lazynes with the model can be sent to Raven Software, all I do is skins. The grain on the face in the modview screen (#1) is actually the skin texture (i.e. pores). Seeing as how the skin images are softened greatly in game, I added as much detail as possible. And psssst, Keanu Reeves is half Chinese.
    Posted: 2003-07-31 12:45 p.m.   Report Abuse
    Well, considering there are few people around here who know how to UV tex a model, he's done very well.

    I give it a nine; in the first screenshot, I see a little grain in the cheeks; looks like JPEG compression. I've never seen the Matrix, so I can't complain on wether or not it looks like him.

    Very good. :)

    Edit: Ah. Okay. Changed to a 10 in that case. :D
    Posted: 2003-07-31 5:02 p.m.   Report Abuse
    Wow, that looks great. I give you a ten for a really good set of skins.

    Kirby, I think for you to give him a 5 for something so minor as inaccuracy and lack of a new model is very, very poor. Not everyone can afford the the hefty price of 3dmax (which is the only 3d package that can make models, unlike others like milkshape that can only import, not export). The worst you could give him is something lower than a 7. A 5 is is way too low, IMO.

    BTW, if you want, I could help you out on the modeling aspect. I've been getting into making new player models for JO and I got the basics down pretty good so if you want me to help, send me an email.

    -- SavageX
    Posted: 2003-07-31 6:27 p.m.   Report Abuse
    OK, I rated it how I see fit. The image in the first screen shot DOES look like a down-syndrom, Asain version of Neo.

    Funny SavageX how MS3D can export to JO's native format... isn't that amazing?

    The model just doesn't cut it IMO, and just because I didn't pay for it, doesn't mean I can't rate it low, when it deserves to be rated low. I must have missed the sticker that said you have the freedom to make skins that were fathered by asian drunks because I didn't pay you to do it differently.

    Even if Reeves is half Asian, he looks nothing like it, and he certainly doesn't look like he's got down-syndrom. I previewed the mats in Milkshape, and the eyes look better in that, but still far off. Yes, I took in concideration of the fact that we're wraping this arounda 3D object.

    Note I didn't meantion that his lip looks like Silvester gave him the old one-two then kicked him a few times in the balls, just to make sure his lip didn't go back to normal.

    Neo isn't neo without a trench coat, and that's that. If you had to, I'd have sugested you get one of our many fine modelers to throw a simple little trench on him, as it would have took 3 minutes.

    For those of you that would like to disqualify my oppinions with distastful remarks of me not being able to half-way match it, I agree, but just because I can't do it, doesn't mean I shouldn't expect excelence. I rate as I see fit, and I see this model as poor, but at least it's not a reborn-reskin... oh lordy.

    Posted: 2003-07-31 7:05 p.m.   Report Abuse
    Since when did MS3D export into JO's native format? I must had missed that plugin. You sure it is XSI that is exprted, right? it's impossible to export to glm as far as I know.

    [Edit: Just checked out the latest plugins for Milkshape. No, there is NO PLUGIN FOR EXPORTING TO JO FORMAT. You are so wrong JediKirby. I'm laughing at you right now for your false claim, LOL]

    As for you rating, I still think you're being way too nit picky. Ok, so it doesn't look exactly like Keanu. Big F'ing whoop. It is still a good skin, despite that. You know, its people like you that really get us skinners mad. Your expectations are so freaking high that its impossible for us to reach them. We're not professionals - we aren't getting paid so don't give us so much crap on some errors that are so minor. Ugh.

    -- SavageX
    Posted: 2003-07-31 8:18 p.m.   Report Abuse
    Native format was the wrong term, format that JO can handle... yes. M3Ds are handled by JO.

    Sure, I've got high expectations, but isn't that what is asked of? It's a damn good skin, and it's one of the betters. On a normal scale, it's horrible, but on a scale with everything else we've got, it's one of the best. It's just a let down.

    I should be saying the same for all of you who said 'OMG 10!' because it's NOT a 10, it may not be a 5 either, but it certainly isn't a 10. I'd go with a 7, at best. It's got a nice body, but the face still just looks like a sick puppy.

    Posted: 2003-07-31 9:37 p.m.   Report Abuse
    No, Md3s aren't used for PLAYER MODELS so you dead wrong. JO only uses the ghoul2 format for player models.

    I still disagree with you. I don't think you should have such high expectations when it comes to amateur game making. That should be reserved for professional game developers. We amateur authors are doing this game development for fun and nothing more. Because of that, having people be so hypercritical of little details isn't needed. I just think you should just cut the guy some slack, that it all.

    -- SavageX
    Posted: 2003-07-31 9:42 p.m.   Report Abuse
    Nice work. And although it might not look exactly like Mr. Reeves, keep in mind that the Luke skin (provided by raven) does't look exactly like Hammel. Besides, if the skin was perfect, then no one else would try to make one, and then the skinning buisiness would come to a stop.

    As to the people that are objecting to the comments and scoring of others, isn't that the point of adding comments, so the skinners can get the good and bad reports from the masses. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Besides, the person who gave the low score gave his (or her, not wanting to offend the person) reasons, it's not like all they said was "This skin *****, I give it a 0" So go easy on the people who give their opinion.

    Anyway, nice skin, hopefully more from the matrix are on the way.
    Posted: 2003-08-01 12:42 a.m.   Report Abuse
    Ok, I didnt really want this skin to become the center of anything big here, after all it is only my third skin. The controversy seems to be over the first screen which doesnt matter anyways because you dont play the game in modview. So please, just enjoy the skin, and by all means if you wish to add sunglasses and a trench coat (I thought two holsters on his sides would look cool)to the model, let me know and I'd be honored to skin it for you.

    I apologize for my comment Kirby but I am insulted by yours. I must have reworked the face about 7 times from scratch after being told it looked like a cross between Michael Jackson and a sick kitten (see the beta). Its not that I do not value your thoughts and opinions and do not take them into consideration, there are just more positive way to express your dissapproval. And after spending so much time on this it's kind of disheartening and discouraging to hear somebody talk about your work like that.

    Civility is where my high expectations lie. We are all pretty much on the same side in the editing community, and I wonder if you are really trying to contribute, or just shoot newcomers down.

    Posted: 2003-08-01 5:43 a.m.   Report Abuse
    I think you did a great job with this skin. It looks close enough like Neo and its one of the better skins that is out there. I give it a 10!
    Posted: 2003-08-01 7:59 a.m.   Report Abuse
    Well, I do apoligize for being a bit harsh, but my rating stands, and my judgment on modeling stands as well. Also, I'll make a deal with you:

    I'll make the trenchcoat, and sunglasses if you agree to giving a damn good try on the face, again. If we can come to some mutual agreement, and release a DAMN good Neo model AND skin, I'd be a lot happier. Although it'll be hard to compete with excelencies like the current Neo model (I can't quite remember the young ladies name, but you Salvation, do know who I'm talking about).

    Also, there IS a Ghoul2 exporter in MS3D, it comes WITH MS3D's latest version, I'm looking at it as we speak. And if for some reason you think I'm wrong, it's not that hard to send it to one of the 200 people that do have 3DSMax, and they can export it for you, because it's NOT hard.

    So, E-mail me, and we'll work together. Now I'm going to go look up cloth modeling techniques in JO... BTW, is there a cloth tag in JO so the cloth animates itself?

    Posted: 2003-08-01 8:04 a.m.   Report Abuse
    One last thing:

    I *KNOW* JS doesn't concider this, his own model, to be a 10. Dispite my rude approach, it is not the greatest model, so why are people throwing 10s around like it's a party!? The body textures are godly, but the face just takes away from the skin as a whole, but everyone here is saying the EXACT same thing, over, and over, and over. That doesn't mean 'It must be a good model, if everyone rates it a 10!' I'm saying, if anyone is going to get better, then they need some criticism, and some realistic approach to rating. I'm a low rater by defualt, but some people are just '10s' by defualt. It sickens me when a skin, model, etc gets more credit then its worth, and the skinner, modeler, etc, gets nothing out of the 20 'OMG 10's below his file. Be realistic in your ratings, that way, the quality of work, becomes that much better.

    Posted: 2003-08-01 9:48 a.m.   Report Abuse
    huh, i didn't know he was half chinese...i guess you learn something new everyday
    Posted: 2003-08-01 9:56 a.m.   Report Abuse
    now that everybody are friends again...:)

    i just wanted to say that even though i still this file is worthy of a 10, everybody is entitled to their opinion. I really admire kirby for trying to reach a mutual agreement with Salvation

    Posted: 2003-08-02 10:30 a.m.   Report Abuse
    I'll give it a 7 for looks. I don't play JO.
    Posted: 2003-08-02 5:41 p.m.   Report Abuse
    Hey great skin :) And in my opinion it looks better without the shades and trechcoat.
    Posted: 2003-08-05 10:19 a.m.   Report Abuse
    I gave it a 7. Overall, the head just needs to be totally redone. The size of it, the face skin, etc.
    Posted: 2003-08-07 7:46 p.m.   Report Abuse
    You get a nine
    1 good bodies
    2 the faces are alittle fetureless but its better that i can do
    3 he not a gay reborn
    Posted: 2003-08-12 7:21 a.m.   Report Abuse
    Well done Salv :)

    10/10 go put a comment on all of Stormie's levels :D
    Posted: 2003-11-06 5:58 p.m.   Report Abuse
    Nice. *whine* Now if only he had his awesome trenchcoat...

    Posted: 2003-11-16 2:47 p.m.   Report Abuse

    Hey i know i'm really late and very new, but I'm just perusing the web and looking for matrix skins after seeing Matrix Three.

    Let me start off by saying that i'm part of a clan, EKJO, whose older members used to LOVE making skins and modeling, so i know good skins when i see them.

    Let me tell u something, the person who made this skin as just AWESOME, simply put. This is one of the BEST skins i have ever seen. You managed to get texture, detail, and even good sounds with this skin. I'm very impressed. For someone who doesn't model, you sure make a good skin.

    Kirby, I think you should look at the other Neos out there, or else try and mkae ur own model thats THIS #*(#(*$ing good.

    Kid, keep up the good work, I am just ASTOUNDED at what you've done here. VERY NICE and VERY CREATIVE how you added the REAL WORLD and the THomas Anderson (though I doubt that one will be used very often).

    Please, I'm begging you. LEARN TO MODEL! We must get a good NEO with a trenchcoat. I honestly wouldn't care if you just threw a trenchcoat over this model. The point is, YOU HAVE TO MAKE ONE...PERIOD!

    Again, thanks for such a GLORIOUS SKIN
    Posted: 2003-11-16 2:48 p.m.   Report Abuse
    Whoops, forget to give my rating

    12 out of 10 of course. THis is BEYOND PERFECTION
    Posted: 2004-03-23 4:13 p.m.   Report Abuse
    While it may have been nice to have a treanchcoat and those (awesome) shades on him, JS isn't a modeler. If he was a modeler, I'd have rated it lower (BTW I gave it a 10/10, reasons are gonna be below), but, the fact is, he's NOT a modeler, and he DOSEN'T have to model anything. If it wasn't for JS, I don't think there would even BE a JO Neo skin an Massassi (unless I'm forgeting one).

    my reasons for giving it a 10 are:

    1.Just an awesome skin overall. Just plain awesome
    2.JS did a great job on the face. (Unless I'm mistaken, he did the hair and eyebrows, and even if he didn't, the other parts of the face are fantastic)
    3.I love that belt thing!
    4.Having a real-world Neo and *activate Agent smith voice* Mr. Anderson *deactivate Agent smith voice* skins is sweet. Alot of skins don't have Team Skins, so adding those is great.

    So, JS, you get a 10/10. Keep up the good work!

    Over AND out, SF

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