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The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » SL_Emperor's_House


This is a medium size level that is a haunted house, named after the leader of Saber Lords, SL_Emperor_. It has 3 floors. A main floor, a 2nd floor, and a network of underground chambers that is hidden. There are over 200 3dos, and over 120 lights. It took over 2 months to make.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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File Size:
1.1 MiB


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A Grim Zombie
Posted: 2003-03-30 7:51 p.m.   Report Abuse
Not to be a jerk, but...

you Spent over 2 months on this?

this looks like something I would make in 2 days..

and it also looks like a test Lvl where you make the lvl just to learn how to use/make things :cogs/ect

in witch case you shouldn't of released it(not that I should talk of such things)

any ways I'll give a 3 for effort
and 1 extra point for the pool
Posted: 2003-03-30 9:06 p.m.   Report Abuse
Grim Zombie, there is more to this level then you have probably seen. There are tons of traps, teleporters, false walls, cameras, and a whole secret underground floor that most people find by mistake. So don't quickly veiw it and then dis on it. Go explore it some more. Because I put a a lot of secrets in that place.
A Grim Zombie
Posted: 2003-03-30 9:33 p.m.   Report Abuse
I Saw it all...

In fact after I played it I opened it in Jed to see if I was missing some thing...

it has a good deal of cog work, and a few good looking areas, (like the pool, I thought that looked very nice)

but the lvl has no foucse on gameplay,

I think there too many cogs for a (smaller) lvl, and some are poorly Placed (the grip infront of the door)

texture in some areas look nice, while other areas looked half...umm Butted

its Theme doesn't hold togather (I.e. one room has what looks like supportbeams in wall, when no other one does)

and it doesn't have any....Flow(for lack of a better word)

and there are alot of secrets, but secrets hardly make a lvl(all though then can enhance a lvl by alot),
Posted: 2003-03-31 11:27 a.m.   Report Abuse
I dunno, It looks ok... I'll try it later and give a rating.

when did SL come back?
Posted: 2003-03-31 4:03 p.m.   Report Abuse
I never new there was a clan called SL before emperor started it. Saber Lords (SL) I heard is a brand new clan that came out a few months ago. I never new there was a clan called SL before.
Posted: 2003-04-01 8:28 a.m.   Report Abuse
Actually theres been two past SL's I was the leader of the last one, till the clan died. But anyway if SL_Emperor sees this, Good Luck.
Posted: 2003-04-02 5:03 p.m.   Report Abuse
I don't know what all the fuss is. I thought it was a half decent level. The hidden areas were sweet. I had to use my TABmap to see some of 'em. But I think you still have stuff to improve on. 7/10!
Posted: 2003-04-05 2:43 p.m.   Report Abuse
This is just judging from the screenshots, I can tell you need to work on your texturing skills a little.
Posted: 2003-04-20 4:55 p.m.   Report Abuse
Keep working. Interesting 'secrets' (Nothing really difficult to uncover... actually, think I got all of them in about 20 min...) some minor graphics errors in areas, a lack of stitching in several places, lighting needs to be worked on. Weapon placement, they are just grouped together... the center conc with trap is kinda pointless, cause there's a load of concs and powercells in the next room... if it was the only one, maybe it have made the trap more important (Only way to get a conc would then be with force pull, and the conc respawn could be controlled pretty easily). There's a lack of texturing continuinity. Several other problems. It does look like a first level. Refine your style, and work up your skills for a while, and then work on a level (Plan it first though, this is one of the biggest mistakes editors make, is not planning a level first... treat it like architecture, plan out the building(s) and floorplan first, then put it into JEd).
Posted: 2003-04-20 10:06 p.m.   Report Abuse
Ok LKOH_SniperWolf. If I did such a bad job and your so good that you feel good enough to give me advice. I would recomend that you take a good look at yourself. Yeah thats what I thought! This is my 2nd level I have made and put on massassi. If you're such a good editor, where are any of your levels. Thats right you have not made any. And if you did then why are they not on massassi? If you are so good then lets see you have the guts to post one of your levels. Then we will see who needs inprovement. So if I were you I would not be talkin. Because you have no proof that you are such a good editor that you can go around and tell people how bad they did. Ok and I know the texturing is not the best, so if your so good what could I do to make it better? So go build a better level then mine then I wont think your a newby with no life who sits around all day and plays Jedi Knight and is a wannabe of a editor. Thanks.... newby
Posted: 2003-04-22 6:42 a.m.   Report Abuse
I'm not going to rate it due to the fact that I can't download anything right now. But I have a few thoughts. From what I gather in the screenshots this level is a bunch of rooms. I'm not a big fan of levels like this as far as gameplay goes. I've seen a lot of levels, some well done (from an editing standpoint) and some that were flat out terrible, but when it comes to playing them neither the well polished one or the newbie one are fun simply because it it not condusive to the type of game that JK is. (I hope I didn't lose anyone there). It is my belief that when making a level you should be thinking, "how is this going to play when I'm in a fierce gunbattle with someone" or "can I get an extra boost when I jump off that angle in sabers." Having played the game for over 3 years competitivly I don't want to waste my time making a level that is "pretty," but not very playable. Now this post really didn't have much to do with this level, just some thoughts I had.
Posted: 2003-05-07 9:37 p.m.   Report Abuse
Dude...Bloodinator, no need to get so offended! He did give you constructive criticism, and that's what the LC is for! It's not like he said "You suck" blatantly without any support to his opinion...
Posted: 2003-05-07 9:49 p.m.   Report Abuse
One more thing... I do NOT mean to be rude; don't get me the wrong way, but I really can't stand it when people use the argument 'if you can't do any better then don't talk'. Just because CRITIC can't do better doesn't automatically mean that the AUTHOR can't improve. For instance, many people believe that IE is horrible. One day, I observed someone saying to another that if they couldn't make a better browser, they should not be dissing IE. Unfortunately, the critic's lack of skill does not make IE better. It still sucks. I still don't want to use it, even if the person banging on it is/was make a better browser.

Ok, actual comment on the level: It looks very old-skool, reminds me of some of the classic levels like Bar and Grill and several others I can't recall. Keep it up!

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