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New York

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » New York


Level based loosly on New York about 500 years from now. 2-4 player deathmatch is recommended, or 3-6 player Team Match. This is my first level released to Massassi, but not the first level I have made. Some present day mod is recommended for play (Goldeneye, SS3, etc.)


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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235.5 KiB


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Posted: 2003-02-23 4:01 p.m.   Report Abuse
Geez talk about not knowing how to use colormaps. Texturs are horrible I give it a 4 for effort and having the guts to post it.
yam man
Posted: 2003-02-23 5:06 p.m.   Report Abuse
not too bad. Keep at it.
Posted: 2003-02-23 5:15 p.m.   Report Abuse
Hmm, the texturing could use some better variety and the colormap errors aren't good. I don't see any evidence of lighting anywhere so I'm taking off a point for that. I think I'll give you a 6 instead of a 4, only because you made good use of my mod, hehehe =D.

-- SavageX
Posted: 2003-02-24 11:52 a.m.   Report Abuse
Nice level could use a better job but Its ok for me so I be nice and give you a nice 7 for a good level and nice, also could some improvement

Posted: 2003-02-24 7:05 p.m.   Report Abuse
K first thing, why did u even release it? 2, what gave u the idea. And 3, this dont look liek nothing what New York would look like! i gave it a 4 just for trying. dont worry u will get better at it!~!
Posted: 2003-02-25 9:41 a.m.   Report Abuse

It has potential, but the texturing problems mess it up. All in all, though, good job. Keep editing =)
Posted: 2003-02-25 12:29 p.m.   Report Abuse
Lets see AGHHHHHHH I"M BLIND ok sonny basicly you need to get the colors right make it a little better and this is not how new york will look like 500 years from now it will look like orlando Florida =P keep trying but please make the colors better before i go blind nice level though i give it a 5 for good effort
Posted: 2003-02-25 6:19 p.m.   Report Abuse
Meh figures. I gave up working on it when i got tired of trying ot send it, and just recently i foung out how to use the color maps corectly. Umm do you realy think that New York will have much resemblence in 500 years to what it is today, and who says the world has to be a garbage pit, maby we will still have blue skys for the next thosand years.
Posted: 2003-02-25 6:22 p.m.   Report Abuse
Two things i forgot to mention 1 it is only at about beta 0.78 and I didnt include the tank 3do in the screen shots.
Posted: 2003-02-27 1:45 p.m.   Report Abuse
Okay heres some suggestions
1) Use the right .cmp for the right texture it gets rid of all the purple on the walls.

2) Its a bit boxy cleve and put more detail in it.

3) Come up with a better name cause that doesn't look like New York at anytime.

I gave it a 3 cause it was good besides those problems but you do need a bit more practice before you release another level.
Posted: 2003-02-27 4:32 p.m.   Report Abuse
2 things one i know how to use colormaps and no one know what new york will look like 500 years from now. I have already fixed most if not all the colermap problem and i have added some stores.

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