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Forest Arena

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » Forest Arena


This is a wooded Battleground. There is a room for sabers, a room for guns and a room for health. Beware of the prison. The entrance to my room is in the health room.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
576.3 KiB


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Posted: 2003-01-12 10:49 a.m.   Report Abuse
Atom. Could you please call your level screenshots something over than "JSHOT###". Also, please make them JPGs not BMPs.

I haven't actually played the level but one of the screenshots shows a colormap error.
Posted: 2003-01-12 1:25 p.m.   Report Abuse

KEEP making THOSE great LEVELS!!!!!
Posted: 2003-01-12 1:28 p.m.   Report Abuse
I give it a 10 for Fun and Good achitexture
Posted: 2003-01-12 3:11 p.m.   Report Abuse
This was a pretty good level... it had alot of bugs though. I noticed on one of the switches and on several of the passageways there was clipping problems and some of the skies weren't properly taged. But you made up for it in architecture. Keep it up!
Posted: 2003-01-12 3:51 p.m.   Report Abuse
Great Architecture? The only smoothed and rounded off thing I can see is the hud... No offense but the level is a big box with more boxes in it. It also needs some more lighting and shading effects. I like the lava river. :)
Posted: 2003-01-12 4:51 p.m.   Report Abuse
well.... I bet your proud on letting down his spirit. it IS a custom to give at least a 8-9 rating on someones first few levels to keep them motivated on doing what they love to do. It was good you said on what should be added, but saying it was boxy and stuff might be true, but kind of hurts someone when they try their best and cannot do what you are asking of.

Thus, id Give A 10 if I could again, because I played it, and found it really fun.
Posted: 2003-01-12 8:22 p.m.   Report Abuse
"it IS a custom to give at least a 8-9 rating on someones first few levels to keep them motivated on doing what they love to do."

Since when? I've been visiting this website once a day since 1998 and to my knowledge, that has NEVER been true. The only custom that I know of by Massassians when they criticise a level, is to be hard on each and every person until they create something that looks very nice.

I'm not going to download the level because it looks like a box with crates and lava (probably because it is). I wish the author loads of luck with his/her next levels, but pretending that something is good when it's not will only hurt him/her in the long-run.

My advice would be to read through all of the tutorials here at Massassi, spend a few months practicing and experimenting with different architectural, lighting, and item-placement tecniques, then create and release a level that is of high quality. Most importantly...have fun while doing so.

Joren DarkStar
Posted: 2003-01-13 10:11 a.m.   Report Abuse
Ain't that the truth. Massassi was hard on my hiney.

Anyway, in true massassi fassion, I give him a 0 because JK is dead, and the level is bad. Make it in JO, and I *might* give ya a 1.
Posted: 2003-01-13 10:17 a.m.   Report Abuse
"Anyway, in true massassi fassion, I give him a 0 because JK is dead, and the level is bad. Make it in JO, and I *might* give ya a 1."

You are worse than I thought. Maybe I should mark down all Q3 mods because I don't like the game. If JK is dead, then why did you even bother to rate this level?
Posted: 2003-01-13 2:49 p.m.   Report Abuse
Another selfish prick in the JK world. Like he said, if JK is dead, why don't you stop messing with JK levels? Look anyways your comment doesn't really count. Take a look at all the other comments. Everyone else seems to like it, your the only child with a problem. If JK is dead in your world, then stop rating JK levels.

Anyways Atom, good job man, I'm glad you got a great turnout this time. Keep 'em comin' my friend.

Posted: 2003-01-13 4:44 p.m.   Report Abuse
the only thing wrong with it was it was too small but other than that is was great.
P.S. if JK is dead than why do people still play it? A game is only dead if no one plays it.
Posted: 2003-01-13 7:35 p.m.   Report Abuse
I'm going to rate this level objectively.
So here goes. This is in sections. Please read, lol. Also contains advice on how to fix the errors and problems.

Texturing: 1
Ok, you textured the skies, and some grass. Problems... Just about everything else. Colormap problems, using tranparency textures on walls (Which creates HOM), lack of stitching, no apparent thought in texture placement.

Architecture: 1
Skies to low, bunch of cubes, without much arrangement or modification. Closest thing to actual architecture is the one room that looks like its used the delta transform slope method, that or ugly cleaving. Several HOM errors. Bad surfaces. Bad technique, etc.

Flow: 2
Some movement, but not really anything. No logical flow or movement to level. Level doesn't lend itself to gameplay or movement. Plan beforehand. Think like an actual architect. Take CAD and Drafting if you need to.

Item Placement: 1
All the items are basically in two rooms. Not a good thing. Spread them out. If your gonna add conc, put it somewhere that the person will be a good target.

Object placement: 1
The crates are the only partially decent objects. The Sith things are just blocks. Good god, don't use destroyable crates for architecture. Colormap problems with some 3do's. Trees seem out of place in small rooms, just sitting there. You should have 3do's the proper size for doors.

Cogs/effects: 0
Oh, boy... Where do I start? First of all, get the doors going up. It's annoying when they go down. And it's not just preference. You can move earlier when doors go up or to side, and you can see and attack your opponent earlier. Your teleport cogs don't work very well. They'll often just run you back into same location. Part of this seems to be bad ghost placement (I came out of the floor when I teleported from health room.) As for effects, make things move more. Clouds look very, very bad when they are just sitting still, especially posterized gray clouds. Also, please fix the sky tags in areas. This can be done with a plugin even. Lava river... is it just me or isn't lava supposed to hurt? Make it do some damage. It's not hard... REALLY! All it takes is using 00_sectordamage.cog, or you could take the same cog and modify it to be a surface damage cog. There are also a couple in CTF/MP that you could extract. This looks nothing like it's in a forest, btw. The walls do nothing to convey that, and neither do the two trees (Isn't a forest a few hundred trees usually?).

Overall Appearance: 0
This looks nothing like anything foresty, and nothing like an arena. Effects that could be done weren't. There's no theme or pattern to the look, and it looks choppy, and bothersome to the eye.

Overall Gameplay: 1
You might be able to play... for 5 minutes or so. This level is too tight and lacking of flow to allow much of anything. Item placement is horrible and destroys any hope of flow.

Final suggestions:
Please... Don't release any more levels like this. Learn how to edit first. Also learn how to design. Plan, think, look through hundreds of levels. Take a look at some of the designs of some of the 3rd party DF levels (Yes, DF... Some amazing style in some of the 3rd person levels. Particularly Jereth Kok, Peter Klassen, etc. Note Condition Red's blueprint worthy appearance.) Other sources would be Half-Life, TFC, CS. These contain generally realistic maps and levels, with good architecture and flow. "The Well" for example has excellent flow and tons of play patterns are possible. Another source would be Unreal and Unreal Tournament. These contain some well designed levels. I would not look at JK levels. Practically none of the many JK levels has good flow or pattern. Battleground Jedi has pretty good, as well as variations on Canyon Oasis, but it still has flow problems and design flaws (part of the reason for so many versions). Please, please, don't release levels like these. Learn the techniques and styles necessary to make a good level, design it, and then slowly and carefully construct it.
Posted: 2003-01-13 8:15 p.m.   Report Abuse
i'd call it a forest, but that would be a lie.
Posted: 2003-01-14 11:50 p.m.   Report Abuse
It's customary to give first levels 8/9? Wow, I'm glad I worked my ass off to get three levels into the '9-10' range just so a 'forest level' with no trees and a glaring colourmap error could tie it.
Posted: 2003-01-15 7:07 p.m.   Report Abuse
" apparent thought in texture placement."

Please, just take off those last three words.
Posted: 2003-01-16 5:21 p.m.   Report Abuse
Posted: 2003-01-27 3:23 p.m.   Report Abuse
"The comment section is designed to allow people to post thier thoughts on levels. If these thoughts happen to be criticism, make sure it's constructive. Comments like "this level sucks" are not wanted. Constructive criticism only."

Read People! Whats wrong with you? I don't think its customary to give people an 8/9 on one of there first levels, but I DO think its customary TO NOT BE SUCH JACK*** WHEN THEY PUT TIME AND EFFORT INTO THESE LEVELS! How Is Someone Supposed To Get Any Better If All You Do Is Just Say, "Your Level Sucked." Do you people just like to put others down? CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM! TELL HIM HOW HE COULD MAKE IT BETTER IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT! AND IF YOU DON'T KNOW HOW, THEN YOU OBVIOUSLY DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT LEVEL MAKING AND SO YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH TIME OR EFFORT HE PUT INTO THE LEVEL THEN DO YOU!? Phew... glad I got that out, now I just hope you people will listen.
Posted: 2003-01-27 3:23 p.m.   Report Abuse
"The comment section is designed to allow people to post thier thoughts on levels. If these thoughts happen to be criticism, make sure it's constructive. Comments like "this level sucks" are not wanted. Constructive criticism only."

Read People! Whats wrong with you? I don't think its customary to give people an 8/9 on one of there first levels, but I DO think its customary TO NOT BE SUCH JACK*** WHEN THEY PUT TIME AND EFFORT INTO THESE LEVELS! How Is Someone Supposed To Get Any Better If All You Do Is Just Say, "Your Level Sucked." Do you people just like to put others down? CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM! TELL HIM HOW HE COULD MAKE IT BETTER IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT! AND IF YOU DON'T KNOW HOW, THEN YOU OBVIOUSLY DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT LEVEL MAKING AND SO YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH TIME OR EFFORT HE PUT INTO THE LEVEL THEN DO YOU!? Phew... glad I got that out, now I just hope you people will listen.
Posted: 2003-01-27 3:24 p.m.   Report Abuse
Sorry for the double-post...

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