Scream Multiplayer Beta 1.4
The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » MotS Multiplayer Level » Scream Multiplayer Beta 1.4
Scream MP is a unique new way to play MotS multiplayer. The level is based on the Scream movies, but does not portray events or locations from them. Instead, it is set in a large, realistic house with many interactive objects, such as light switches, TVs, security cameras and working kitchen appliances. Scream MP is much more than just a level though, it's more of a level and mod combined, as it modifies almost everything in the original game. To find out more, go to and select "Scream MP" from the editing menu.
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3D Preview developed by Stephan Reiter
It's a great level/mod which contains alot of fun. The modifications and special easter eggs add to the enjoyment as you run around chasing/running from your opponents.
(it's pretty scary when you're hiding in the kitchen, knowing that you've left a blood trail on the floor, and the killer is very close by. Or when you think you look out of a window, and see a black caped figure literally sprint across the garden, the huge garden, and into the mansion in your direction.)
It contains alot of neat features, including a camera system in the study (that has access to cameras everywhere, all with an ultra red feature), lights in every room that can be turned on and off, lots of custom 3dos, alot of windows that are all smashable, and.. did I mention a tv that has a live connection with George bush? ;-)
(there is alot more things which I have forgot since I haven't played the level in months)
Fantastic addition to Mysteries Of The Sith. This deserves to be checked out.
So if you haven't already, download it now..
-Stormie aka James
Would you please please please consider making this exact same level/mod for Jedi Knight? There are many people who play JK, but don't have MOTS, I for one would love to have this, but I can't. :( FOR THE SAKE OF ALL, PLEASE MAKE THIS FOR JK!!!!!!!
I'd give it a 9 for the level, however I'm subtracting 2 from that mark due to the bugs (mentioned by other people).
I'm sure that when this level is finished, it'll be amazing.
Anthony: Don't worry, I haven't defected - I'm still making The New Empire. I made this level quite a long time ago as something to play with friends, but it grew into something much bigger so I decided to release it. See it as a MotS engine showcase, not an MP level , as not many people actually play MotS MP :-)
Stormie: Hi, haven't heard from you for a while. Thanks for the feedback, we'll have to have a Scream MP game again some time.
Sith_Da_Axe: The camera console is in the study. To use the cameras, activate the computer furthest from the flat-screen TV on the wall of the study.
Muurn: The main bugs are as you described them - the doors and the lights. I'm still working on a way to get the doors to swing properly. The RotatePivot verb doesn't work properly in MotS :-( The lights are difficult to do as well because it has to change the light value of so many sectors and any lag will mess this up. I've tried using dynamic lights, but they light up other rooms as well as the one they're in...