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The Empire's Web Part 1

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » MotS Single Player Level » The Empire's Web Part 1


This fairly large MOTS single player level has you as Leia Organa, a Jedi Apprentice of Luke Skywalker. It takes place about 3 years after The Battle of Endor.

Opening Scroll:

"Three years after Darth Vader brought Balance to the Force , the Galaxy is in chaos. The force may be balanced but evil is scattered throughout the Galaxy. Ex-Imperial generals, system warlords, smugglers, and corporate interests all fight to control star systems and the Stormtroopers. 
Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa struggle to rebuild the Republic and the Jedi Knights. The Inner Core systems are the only members of the new Senate. The chaos in the rest of Galaxy must be brought under control or all will be lost. The dark side can easily take advantage of this turmoil. 
Meanwhile Leia's recent nightmares grow in intensity..."

Please note: This level uses 16 bit mats. A 3d card is required.

Visit Basement Levels' web site for clues and hints.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
9.7 MiB
Basement Knights


Score (0-10):
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Posted: 2002-12-13 4:25 p.m.   Report Abuse
Nice to see MotS levels still, I miss the times when MotS was as mainstream as the rest of JK.
Posted: 2002-12-13 9:32 p.m.   Report Abuse
Superb Level! Nice use of colored lighting!
Looks like another splendid addition to Massassi's vast MotS Library.
Kyle Kelasheskee
Posted: 2002-12-13 11:56 p.m.   Report Abuse
A fantastic level in terms of architecture, textures, enemy and powerup placements... A REAL gem for JK MotS! So, why am I "only" giving it a 9? Well, the high useage of 16 bit textures really bogs my system down from time to time, but it's a real treat to look at the exquisite environment nonetheless.

Rarely have I seen a level that allows the player to look back on where they've previously been with as much grandeur as this HUGE level does. Just wait till you get to the surface--that large rectalinear structure set into the cliff face will surprise you when you get on top of it and discover what it really is. It brought a big smile of admiration to my face (and I won't even mention the treat you'll see when you look down into one of the large surface openings). A class act all the way.

Thus far I'm stuck at finding a way into the "spider" complex. It's probably too simple for me to figure out. ;) Any help on this would be appreciated, as the authors' website has yet to post any clues to this puzzle's solution.

Some may say that one shouldn't rate a level till they get to its end, but thus far the design has been just superb. I only hope that when I face the Dark Jedi, that his lightsaber's texture is compatible with SBX. I just gotta have that motion blur along with its nice glow.

I also greatly appreciated the implemenatation of Leia into the design. It's a refreshing change, and I welcome designers who go out of their way to diversify JK's predominantly male (and need I say it, white?) universe. The galaxy is a big place, full of diversity, save, I guess, for the heroes of most of Star Wars' best adventures.

One last note: the opening cutscene is the best I've ever seen for JK or JK MotS. The entrance of the massive, undulating Republic fleet, and the graceful flybys of the camera are a site in themselves to behold. A prophetic teaser to the hard work and artistry that went into making this level. You won't be disappointed.

I, for one, eagerly anticipate the sequel to this endeavor, and hope that it arrives soon (tomorrow, perhaps?). Safe travels.
Kyle Kelasheskee
Posted: 2002-12-14 1:49 a.m.   Report Abuse
Alrighty then... The above is the first review I've ever posted on Massassi, and if there's one thing I've now learned, it is this: play a level COMPLETELY through before posting.

Do yourself a favor, download this humongous high-quality level NOW. It just got better and better the further I went into the fortress. Smart puzzles, wicked surprises, more of Al's awesome skins, and a great plot to boot.

For those who got stuck in the same spot I did, here's a little hint--look VERY closely near a chasm filled with magma.

Keep up the great work! This is simply the best MotS level I've ever had the honor of playing. Thank you!
Trigger Happy Chewie
Posted: 2002-12-14 7:46 a.m.   Report Abuse
I agree. The colored lighting is very neat.
Darth Vedder
Posted: 2002-12-14 2:20 p.m.   Report Abuse
Hmm, this level was quite weird...

The good:
Another mots level with a good length! bravo.
Also the cutscenes were good to, too bad they didn't had voice actors that would have added another notch. But well then the filesize also would have been way to big...
The puzzles were good to though not much we haven't seen already.
Itemplacement was good, I rarely died. (except from falling in lavapits then)
I didn't really notice the lighting, so it couldn't have been bad, I'd have to look again though to see just how good it is.

The Bad:
The architecture was a bit mixed, some of the base parts were really good. But I didn't like any of the cave parts, they didn't seem natural at all, and the rocktexturing was horrible. Overal the texturing was bland anyway, there were some nicely textured parts with nice new 16bit mats, but mostely the textures used didn't fit eachother.

So I rated it a 7, the gameplay is good, though it offers nothing new to what you have seen already. But the architecture and texturing need work. I suggest the author to aim at improving that for his next level. (for I hope there'll be one)
Posted: 2002-12-16 8:15 a.m.   Report Abuse
i really like this level, and thought that the gameplay was really nice...can't wait unit the next one
Posted: 2003-06-23 3:45 p.m.   Report Abuse
I really like this level for MOTS.
I wish omly it the next part came olso to MOTS insted for JK2 onky.
Posted: 2003-07-18 12:42 p.m.   Report Abuse
WOW! THIS LEVEL ROCKS! cant wait for the next release on jk2
Posted: 2023-06-15 4:23 p.m.   Report Abuse
10 - Perfect!

I played the levels and couldn't find anything wrong with them. All of the secret areas are easy-enough to find. All 6 in L1. And 1 in L2. And the story is beatable. Cutsceens were a bit long tho... it literally put my PC to sleep because of inactivity. LOL. But that's not a bad thing.

I encourage you to continue the series. Please do!

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3D Preview developed by Stephan Reiter