Jedi Stadium
The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » Jedi Stadium
This level takes place in a small saber arena with chairs, catwalks, dead guys on the floor and all that other good stuff. This is best played with either full force or no force. It is made for 2 to 8 players.
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3D Preview developed by Stephan Reiter
I wont put in MATs that are so in your face.
Hey it looks a lot like my very very very first level: "Elevator Shaft," a nice little level where you fall down and Elevator Shaft, and die in a control room.
Not bad. The catwalks really add to the level. 3dos aren't too hard to make, that'll really add to your level. Hope to see Stadium 2.0 Soon. . .maybe one where you can walk outside (there's a tutorial for that too. . . )
Nice job!
Make your level acutually in the Episode folder. It just simplifies everything. You have your 3do right? Stick it into your Episode/3DO/ folder. Then go into your level, and on one of the pull-down menus, choose "Template Creator." Not sure exactly, but basically 3 parts: Name of it, 3do location, and what _thing-a-ma-bob you want to make the template from. I always use "_walkstruct." Then you save it, and when your choosing the 3do, you'll see the new 3do at the end of the "template," list. Hope that helps. If not go to the editing forum. That's where I really should've said all this.