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Hollywood Holocaust

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » Hollywood Holocaust


This is the JK Remake of Hollywood Holocaust from Duke Nukem 3d. If youve never played Duke Nukem, heres a quick overview: The level is based on a movie theater and the street around it. The movie theater has an arcade, consession, a film room, and washrooms. The theaters have had some slight renovations but the gameplay is pretty much the same. I've put in some secrets of my own just to add some spice to the level. Have fun!


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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187.2 KiB


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Posted: 2002-12-01 1:49 p.m.   Report Abuse
Needs work, but it's ok. I give it a 5, because I'm feeling good today.

Posted: 2002-12-01 1:58 p.m.   Report Abuse
DUDE go back a learn i am a learner and my beta lvls or better then that i give it a 1 at least!

sry just needs work
Posted: 2002-12-01 2:54 p.m.   Report Abuse
Could use some work. First of all, the texturing is quite plain and doesn't look like at all like what it's supposed to look. Lighting is non-existant. You NEED to have lighting or order to compliment the texturing and architecture. Lighting a level in JK is not at all hard so not including it just makes you look lazy. I highly suggest you go practice some more and make sure you study other people's work (especially the LEC levels) before even thinking of releasing any more levels. I gave you a 2 for some effort. Sorry if I sounded offensive but at least I gave you constructive criticism unlike some other people might do (and probably will do knowing the people here at Massassi).

-- SavageX
Posted: 2002-12-02 2:14 p.m.   Report Abuse
To everone that says the mats are bad: This version is for the people that cant sopport 16 bit mats, I am workin on taking the mats from Duke Nukem 3D for the 16 bit version.

SavageX, The lighting in my level is almost EXACTLY the same as the lighting in the origional except for lightswitches.

The duke skin is in BFP2X. Sorry im not sure where to d/l it though.

Before you judge too harshly play the origional. Trust me the game play is exactly the same.
Posted: 2002-12-02 2:17 p.m.   Report Abuse
BTW this isnt meant to be an amazing lookin lvl.
Posted: 2002-12-02 2:57 p.m.   Report Abuse
Couldnt have said it better myself. That statement is so true. JK does not do any justice with its normal textures, you pretty much have to make your own, and they have to be 16 bit to make them look decent. Thats why i gave up on editing. Its an ok level, it does need work, the idea is good. Keep it up.
Posted: 2002-12-03 8:09 p.m.   Report Abuse
Wait a second..did you say "Taking it from Duke Nukem 3d"? Isnt that against your user policy? Unless you have permission or the makers of the game encouraged editing a lot, isnt that illegal? ...Sorry if I sound like a moron. O_o I have to get my moronic word of the day in, ya know.
Posted: 2002-12-03 8:18 p.m.   Report Abuse
Dunno about that, but i'll check. If i cant I'll make my own =)
Keith Marshall
Posted: 2002-12-07 2:58 p.m.   Report Abuse
The 16-bit mats better be more eye pleasing than these mats, or I won't download it again! I give it a three!
Posted: 2002-12-07 4:25 p.m.   Report Abuse
Thunderer, making a recreation of a level from another game for another is perfectly legel as long as you don't steal any of the actual files from the other game.

As for this level's lighting, I don't think saying that it's lighting is exactly the same as the original Duke Nukem level gives it justice. JK has vertex lighting so I suggest you take advantage of that and actually cast some good shadows in there, not much it look mostly all day bright.

-- SavageX

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