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Mortal Kombat Skins SE

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Mod » Mortal Kombat Skins SE


This is the second of many Mortal Kombat Skin packs. This pack has Sub Zero, Scorpion, Reptile, Baraka, Johnny Cage, Cyrax, Jax, Quan Chi, Kai ,Liu Kang,and Raiden.I am also adding a faster fist cog in the mod. I hope you like it! This is my SE version of the first. I used my computer's paint [program] for these.I really hope you like them; I tried hard and worked long :-)


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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File Size:
150.6 KiB
Mr. X


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Posted: 2002-11-11 4:46 p.m.   Report Abuse

Sorry, man. I think you just lost any chance you had at 1337ness.

Seriously, I'm not even gonna look at it... get a real graphics program before starting out. Ideally, you should get Adobe Photoshop v7.0 if you have lots of spare $$$, but if you don't, there are plenty of freeware and shareware progs floating out there. Gimp is one I hear about alot.
Posted: 2002-11-11 5:44 p.m.   Report Abuse
aaa... it could be better kinda with him^ on this one
SM Mister Moe
Posted: 2002-11-11 7:27 p.m.   Report Abuse
It doesn't really matter how snazzy your graphics editing software is, effort, in my opinion is what counts. Sure, somebody with half a brain and more money than he has sense could get Photoshop 7.0 and probably turn out something cooler looking than this skin pack. However, from using just the tools this author had at hand, I think it's a pretty good job.

On another note... it is NEVER a good idea to publicize the fact that you used Paint for the bulk of an editing project. AFTER the crowd "Ooos and Aaas" then tell them what program you used, and especially if it's Paint, be a good guy and pick their jaws off the floor for them.

Super S51
Posted: 2002-11-12 11:20 a.m.   Report Abuse
I appreciate that you worked hard, but there's only so much one can do with MS Paint. For the love of Satan... er, God, download the Paint Shop Pro trial or something like it.
Trigger Happy Chewie
Posted: 2002-11-12 11:35 a.m.   Report Abuse
Lord_Maul155, its constructive critisizm. It looks like ts got a lot of effort in it, but threr is no special effects on the skins, just one color. But you can't do much with paint anyway.
Posted: 2002-11-12 5:12 p.m.   Report Abuse
Ok sry man. Need to work in for coloring of the skin.
Trigger Happy Chewie
Posted: 2002-11-12 7:35 p.m.   Report Abuse
much better
The Lone Rogue
Posted: 2002-11-13 1:17 p.m.   Report Abuse
This is your SE? No offense, but I don't think Paint was is the best program for this. It's a good idea and a good start, but I think it definately needs some work.
Posted: 2003-02-13 1:12 p.m.   Report Abuse
I'm sorry but try to be more creative if you dont mind but I give you a 6 just for a nice try on mortal komat but I can do much better

One more thing is I'll get your mods on massassi a.s.a.p
Posted: 2003-02-13 1:12 p.m.   Report Abuse
I'm sorry but try to be more creative if you dont mind but I give you a 6 just for a nice try on mortal komat but I can do much better

One more thing is I'll get your mods on massassi a.s.a.p

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