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Construction Site

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » Construction Site


Medium size level meant for about 4 to 8 players consisting of a few rooms with assorted vehicles that are being built there and a garbage disposal with a very very long drop.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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45.5 KiB


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Posted: 2002-08-26 3:38 a.m.   Report Abuse
The rating of 10 that is already here must have been placed by the author, as this level is plagued bu paper-thin walls, repetitive texturing, and needlessly long chasms. I wouldn't suggest it.
force destiney
Posted: 2002-08-26 6:27 a.m.   Report Abuse
this leval is very bad
there is only one leval that could be worse than this and that it the defolt box retextured

Here are a few tips

1. The weapons are too hard to find make them easier

2. make your walls have depth you have defied a rule of physics

3. cheak the floors it the Tie bomber room you can sink through the floor

4. in the room with the very long drop there is no black out fade make it about 1/3 of the way down to balackout cheakb sector flags

5. Lights so im just anoying now but try to make the leval have more lights than just fully lit always

6. make all your pasages acessable the one with the rail detonator has 3 crates in frount of it

7. cheack for Hom if you dont know what it is cheack the basics
Posted: 2002-08-28 11:52 a.m.   Report Abuse
Black out fading SUCKS. We want to see him hit the ground!

Anyway, this level is really bad. I'm not gonna rate it though.

This is just a texturebox with metal-like textures.

I have an unfair advantage, my dad does construction work, so I, above almost everybody here, know that it doesn't look a single thing like any construction site ever.

And the guy who posted above me - you need to spellcheck.

Also, no blackout fade, blackout fades are evil. What if you're playing a mod that doesn't make you die when you hit? Why should you get faded if you wouldn't die?

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