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SWTTC Mos Eisley

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » MotS Single Player Level » SWTTC Mos Eisley


The unfinished Mos Eisley level of the SWTTC. Tries to replicate the feel and enormity of the bustling spaceport from the movie. This is an old beta but would have reflected what the final verion would have been like. Hopefully more of the TC will be released to the public soon if found.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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File Size:
1.1 MiB
Earl Dalton


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Posted: 2002-07-11 8:10 p.m.   Report Abuse
Please start making these kinds of large city type levels for JO. I would love to see a remake of caeser palace and jedi high school. If your thinking of a map to make please please remake these maps and do it good or create a large city bar type for JO. Also this map looks good. 8.
Posted: 2002-07-11 8:29 p.m.   Report Abuse
This isn't a 'multiplayer' level, it's a 'singleplayer' level...

It's sad to see such a beautiful level not being completed. The textures are good, the architecture is great, and the potential here is astonishing. I don't know the specifics of why the TC died, but it's a shame, it looks as if this could have been something great.
Darth Vedder
Posted: 2002-07-12 4:37 a.m.   Report Abuse
I get a 404 :(

And does this actually have a mission or is it just an empty map? because the screenshots look kind of empty.
Posted: 2002-07-12 6:38 a.m.   Report Abuse
I give it a 9, because the textures look a little too repetetive. Other than that, it looks sweet. LotW! LotW!
Posted: 2002-07-12 12:42 p.m.   Report Abuse
Thrawn, when you build things in a desert, they are bulit to reflect heat and sunlight. When the best way to do this is done by one person, it is soon done by the others. When you get on the inside of the buildings is when you find diffrent textures and styles. Besides, if you look at the movies, the buildings have all the same textures/look, because that's how it's done in real life.
Posted: 2004-12-07 8:23 a.m.   Report Abuse
Attention to detail is the best aspect of this level. It was fun to ride Luke's speeder. The level could use some more people to create more atmosphere.

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