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Nar Shaddaa Loading Terminal Updated

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Outcast Multiplayer Level » Nar Shaddaa Loading Terminal Updated


Based on the original Loading Terminal map from Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight, this map has a fun layout with many routes around the level. Aside from the standard weapons there are traps that can be activated by players and force fields. Although it was based on the original Nar Shaddaa Loading Terminal map as much as possible, alterations had to be made due to the changes in game engine and features, but hopefully it will retain the enjoyment factor. Some of the updates are now that it supports all gametypes, the gun turrets now fire more randomly, and it has improved bot support. The forcefield must be toggled on and off. It has working conveyers, tunnel traps, and improved level sounds.  


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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1019.3 KiB


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Posted: 2002-07-07 6:19 p.m.   Report Abuse
Just to make it clear to everyone. This is the latest version (1.2) of my map. Which now supports ALL game types and improved bot navigation, along with various other fixes/improvements.
Posted: 2002-07-07 6:22 p.m.   Report Abuse
hey clax, i updated the news post. sorry, about the previous description. thas my bad. great level by the way tho. i give it an 8
Sith Lord
Posted: 2002-07-09 11:51 a.m.   Report Abuse
excellent level. its nice to see someone remaking the origional JK levels. very well done. i give it a 10
Posted: 2002-07-09 8:56 p.m.   Report Abuse
This blows the origonal away I think. Maybe its the engine but you gave it the darker more dynamic colored light look I always wanted in JK 10 all the way
Posted: 2002-07-11 3:00 p.m.   Report Abuse
This level is great! Even better than the original. I'm also glad you put bot support in - It's hard to find people with new maps and downloads take forever from most hosts. It would've been nice to have the thermal detonator traps, but the lasers are nice too. Great replication and effects! I give it a 9!
Posted: 2003-08-01 7:30 p.m.   Report Abuse
The bottom hall way crashes my computer and a friend of mine as well. Say some like No name given.....
Posted: 2007-05-12 7:07 p.m.   Report Abuse
I loved the joke with the R5 unit. I won't ruin it for those who don't know it yet. I do, however, have a few qualms about this level.

There are a lot of boxes laying around, which is good seeing as how it's a loading dock. The thing is, they don't have too much detail and they look kinda plain.

I like how you used the lightning effect for the replacement on the detonator traps in the access shafts, it looks like a malfunctioning power system. But you used them for all the traps and that makes it a little boring. I think the traps on the upper level could have been firing some rockets into the area and the turrets should have been left to fire lasers.

In my opinion, there is too much energy cell ammo laying around. Since JK, the packs have been made to give more shots and the weapons maximum ammo has been reduced. Each player starts with 100 shots of energy cells and around the E-11 (which gives you 100 itself) is four packs which seems a bit over kill to me.

Now a major problem that I found is that the game crashes as soon as you step onto the conveyor belts. I believe it's something about a sound not being found.

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