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Plo Koon for SP and MP

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Outcast Skin » Plo Koon for SP and MP


Plo Koon skin for multiplayer and singleplayer.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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File Size:
1.2 MiB
Lord Lance


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Posted: 2002-07-02 3:26 p.m.   Report Abuse
Nice! 8
Posted: 2002-07-02 3:48 p.m.   Report Abuse
nice 7 and i love how u did it with the reborn model but i think peeps should stop being so lazy and get off their asses and make models i know its hard but its really not that hard ive done a qui gon model 1nce but then i got a new comp and lost it but nice work for the reborn model
Posted: 2002-07-02 3:50 p.m.   Report Abuse
O MAN DUDE I GOT AN IDEA USE THAT SAME MODEL BUT MAKE THE LONG SNOOT (a new hope spy for the imperials all black robe and black face with long snoot)
Hard Driver
Posted: 2002-07-02 4:26 p.m.   Report Abuse
Yeah, use those textures and make a model! I thought Plo Koon's lightsaber was green...
Posted: 2002-07-02 4:49 p.m.   Report Abuse
Honestly, im getting really sick of looking at reborn skins. The face looks good though.

Posted: 2002-07-02 5:41 p.m.   Report Abuse
9 from me. I love Plo Koon, and I think this skin is excellent.
I'm afraid you're wrong, Hard Driver... ;-) Actually, in the comics and even in Jedi Power Battles (Dreamcast, PSO), Plo Koon had a yellow saber... I don't know why the cast of AotC (Sam Jackson and Chris Lee as exceptions) was restricted to green and blue. That sucked. On the other hand, the saber that he's carrying looks pretty cool.
Orion... making models isn't as easy as some people claim, and just because YOU'RE tired of seeing the same model reused (to great effect, by the way) doesn't mean that you have to take that out on the author as the determining factor of your rating. That's insulting and unfair. ...however, you did say that the face was good, and that complement does you well.
My rant is finished. You put in effort, and you came out with a great skin. Two thumbs up.
Posted: 2002-07-02 6:19 p.m.   Report Abuse
Nice. But I'd rather see him without the hood. But I'll give it an 8. Hope to see more from you.
Posted: 2002-07-02 7:07 p.m.   Report Abuse
I'm with orion.....reborn is jus played out. Nice face...but the clothes are black? It's a nice looking touch but he wears a dark brown jedi robe with the regular jedi tunic under it.
Posted: 2002-07-02 11:27 p.m.   Report Abuse
yep he has a yellow saber given to him by his master and a anakinish saber hilt
Posted: 2002-07-03 2:19 a.m.   Report Abuse
I have to say this looks a lot better than the "Plo Kloon" that this other guy on here did!
Posted: 2002-07-03 8:48 a.m.   Report Abuse
Ploo Koon has a green saber. The films are canon. Video games are not.

His saber is green, no matter what JPB may have shown us.

Decent reskinning!
Posted: 2002-07-03 9:26 a.m.   Report Abuse
I give it a 5, not bad.

And why do you say canon? Why does ANYONE say that? Do people even know what it's definition is? Look it up on, you might be suprised.
Posted: 2002-07-03 9:54 a.m.   Report Abuse
Canon was used in the right context,
-what's your def of it Emon?
Posted: 2002-07-03 10:22 a.m.   Report Abuse
The other plo "kloon" *shivers* I remember those comments.mad funny......"darth mon mothma" "the mosquito god" lmao
Posted: 2002-07-03 11:18 a.m.   Report Abuse
I like Plo koon alot. But have any of you guys really played this skin? the mouth plate opens when he talk, no prob but what bothers me is he holds the saber in the left hand which causes problems in game and crashed my game afew times. Who ever makes a non hooded good plo has MAss props from me. Aslo plo koon owns many lightsabers yellow included. He uses blue in the arena battle in episode II. I dont know why u guys think a jedi Master would have only one, most of the council owns numerous sabers of diffrent colors.
Posted: 2002-07-03 1:09 p.m.   Report Abuse
D.L., you are wrong. darkfloyd is correct. Plo Koon, as well as the rest of the Council, has every right to have more than one saber on hand. However, none of the sabers I've seen him wield were green. In Episode 2, the blade was blue (if that's where you think you saw green, watch the movie and look closely), so this mod is accurate. And in the games and comics, he has a yellow saber. They may very well be different ones. So why care about "canon"? The games and comics are sanctioned by Lucasfilm Ltd. as much as with any movie they make... so what if they change the blades? It does not change the storyline.
JNR_GrimReaper, Plo Koon is not just straight brown, he has orange in his skin color. Take a look at screenshots straight from if you don't believe me.
And why are we arguing so much over the COLOR of a FICTIONAL CHARACTER AND WEAPON?! Just enjoy the mod!
Posted: 2002-07-03 3:14 p.m.   Report Abuse
Not my definition, the dictionary's definition:

A member of a chapter of priests serving in a cathedral or collegiate church.
A member of certain religious communities living under a common rule and bound by vows.
Posted: 2002-07-03 8:57 p.m.   Report Abuse
You can see it is correct in the context if you look at your definition from


n 1: a rule or especially body of rules or principles generally established as valid and fundamental in a field or art or philosophy: "the neoclassical canon"; "canons of polite society"
canon This word is derived from a Hebrew and Greek word denoting a reed or cane. Hence it means something straight, or something to keep straight; and hence also a rule, or something ruled or measured. It came to be applied to the Scriptures, to denote that they contained the authoritative rule of faith and practice, the standard of doctrine and duty. A book is said to be of canonical authority when it has a right to take a place with the other books which contain a revelation of the Divine will.

***Obviously you can now tell why this word is used in debating between whether in the end, the Star Wars comics are right or if the movies are. THE MOVIES ARE BECAUSE THEy R CANON.***
Posted: 2002-07-03 9:04 p.m.   Report Abuse
*Or the debate between whats correct above all in Star Wars according to Video Games and the films.

**Also, don't forgot some words have more than one definition

***And...don't forget to scroll all the way down wep pages cause thats how found the def and info- below your first def.
Posted: 2002-07-04 12:02 a.m.   Report Abuse
Anyways, back at the ranch...

Nice skin.
Posted: 2002-07-04 2:08 a.m.   Report Abuse
atleast this one doesn't look like his brains are coming out of his head like the mon mothma one... lol i gave it an 8 (even though i am getting bored of reborn models).
Posted: 2002-07-04 7:29 a.m.   Report Abuse
It doesnt matter what lightsaber color he has, but in my opinion, he looks the best with an orange light saber. What i want now, though, is a Predator model. Woo ya that would rock
Posted: 2002-07-04 3:25 p.m.   Report Abuse
Some great work here, and a mod that's very fun to use. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not quite sure how Plo Koon developed such a fanatical cult following, but I enjoy this mod nonetheless.

Rating: 8

Positives: Very well made. Remarkable detail in the face. All around excellent mod, both for MP and SP.

Negatives: Uses the Reborn skin, which is not entirely original (Though I'm aware of the current lack of new models). Also, certain animations are not as fluid as they could be. The Force Lightning animation, for example, shows the lightning shooting from your torso, and not your hands. :)

Funny Quirk: Try using the SP mod and then loading yavin_swamp. You'll be treated to a scene of Plo kissing Jan. And when Plo delivers Kyle's lines, Plo's facemask grows a mouth and teeth. LOL.
Posted: 2002-07-04 9:53 p.m.   Report Abuse
This is really cool but the front needs to stick out a little more. Btw: Plo Koon does use a yellow lightsaber. Check in Sw:GB and in some of the books. Even check
Posted: 2002-07-05 12:18 a.m.   Report Abuse
Nice reborn reskin!

Not my definition, the dictionary's definition:

A member of a chapter of priests serving in a cathedral or collegiate church.
A member of certain religious communities living under a common rule and bound by vows.

His definition is corect, try respelling it with Cannon:)
Posted: 2002-07-05 1:27 p.m.   Report Abuse
great job! finally some one did a good Plo skin. i gave it a 9 because id like to c him with out a hood. btw: is skin making easy for JO (im pretty stupid so i didnt undestand how to edit in jedi knight)
Posted: 2002-07-08 1:43 a.m.   Report Abuse
The SP thing is absolutely BEST. I have always wanted to play in the role of Plo Koon! It rulez! i gave it ten! Almost only because it´s Plo Koon. It kicks the KLOON model right to the face!
Posted: 2002-07-08 1:43 a.m.   Report Abuse
The SP thing is absolutely BEST. I have always wanted to play in the role of Plo Koon! It rulez! i gave it ten! Almost only because it´s Plo Koon. It kicks the KLOON model right to the face!
Posted: 2002-08-13 1:34 p.m.   Report Abuse
This is the author.
I`m happy most of you like the skin, and I WANT to make a complete new model! The problem is, I need a converter from .md3 to .mdl, or someone could give me a link to a free version of milkshape, or a modeller would work with me. If you can help, please mail me!
Posted: 2005-04-02 5:14 p.m.   Report Abuse
This predated the Kel Dor model in Jedi Academy.
Posted: 2007-03-05 8:57 a.m.   Report Abuse
I gave it a 9. I didn't like the saber that much but otherwise...I think it's great...I don't really care what color the of the robe is, or his lightsaber, but personally i enjoy him using orange, or red...he looks cool with red. but yea, otherwise I love the skin...

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