Jango Fett
The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Mod » Jango Fett
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The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Mod » Jango Fett
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We should have a nice repaint of the LEC boba skin.
took me a while to get this skin right heh, but i still think the blue of the jumpsuit is too dark due to the use of mspaint.
but anyhow it's astill a good skin for Jedi Knight and i hope you all have fun with it!
i do have jedi outcast. but i enjow making things for jedi knight and mysteries of the sith.
im just waiting for something like Manowars to come along for outcast so i can jump ship to JO.
Hey bub, does that mean people shouldn't make things for DF, JK, and MOTS b/c JKII is out? What about people who like the first three games just as much as the new one? Why can't we make things for them? Why is JKII the "standard"? And what if we don't have JKII yet? Do we just not matter? Tell that to all the DF editors out there. Tell it to everyonr who doesn't have the "standard". You make me sick.
and there IS a jetpak (it's hidden in the screenshots.)
and the level in one screen is Jawa Dwelling SE.
people saying outcast is standard..are on some cheap drugs. Jedi Knight is far more..FAR MORE modded then Outcast.
until outcast becomes more simple and better tools are released JK and MOTS are my favorite games PERIOD.
Anyway, this is a cool skin. I like it. Play nice people. ::points at above comment:: that makes about as much sense as all the "debating" going on in the !LEVEL COMMENT! area. Get to a forum you odd people. I'm done now. I give it a 10.