The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Outcast Skin » Chewbacca
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The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Outcast Skin » Chewbacca
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all that hair he will have in his mouth ROFL
Han: That can be aranged
Yes indeed it can.. indeed it can..
Jan would smell better than a wook anyway...
DS-181-61, I'm not forcing you to download it. It's just a bit more like the Star Wars films when you are fighting the Imperials with Chewie.
pur33vil, I'm working on this. I'll be releasing a seperate npcs.cfg file to remedy this. I said this in the readme I believe.
koyama, yeah I know. I'm working on a SP mission :)
jesseg88, Major Clod released a MP skin and bot version. You can get it at and
I'm not sure if he sent it to here.
I see nothing, and hear Chewie, i would like to know whats wrong, because it does the same with some other skins I have
If Chewbacca is invisible, go to and download Major Clods Chewbacca model and it will work.
^^ ^^
o o = :)
^^ ^^
o o = :)