Nar Shaddaa Loading Terminal
The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Outcast Multiplayer Level » Nar Shaddaa Loading Terminal
Based on the original Loading Terminal map from Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight, this map has a fun layout with many routes around the level. Aside from the standard weapons, there are traps that can be activated by players (perhaps a strategy in CTF games?) and force fields. Although it was based on the original Nar Shaddaa Loading Terminal map as much as possible, alterations had to be made due to the changes in game engine and features, but hopefully it will retain the enjoyment factor.
- Suitable for most multiplayer game types (Holocron not supported, Duel matches can turn out to be more of hide and seek but that's how I began to love this map anyway).
- Bots are supported.
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PS: In case I am spotted for spamming, I had a lot of trouble geting the file to download. I did not try to deliberatly spam this level.
Its great to see the old JK spirit still around in JO.
Great job and keep up the good work.
About the poor framerate in upper hallway. That was caused by my area portals not quite filling the doors at the end so the forcefield room was being drawn too. Not forgetting there are 6 turret models in that area, but the main problem was the doors.
I've made a new version, that is cleaner, has more traps (like the original) and has a forcefield that you have to turn on AND off, which should be uploaded soon (hopefuly).
But the loading dock area is not even close to perfect. and the tunnel is suppose to be dark meaning no lighting and needs to be wider..... and what happen to the detonator dropping from the ceiling. The force feild is not on a time delay in JK.(but that is perfence).
This map needs more work to be done. It may sound like I am flaming you but I am try to help with the mistake in it.
Advice: Resize the map. and go by sight in GTK radient and the screenshots.
Have a nice day