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3 Challenges

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Outcast Single-Player Level » 3 Challenges


Kyle, Luke and 2 Jedi Trainers must go through 3  Challenges: one fighting 6 reborn, the next 4 shadow troopers, and the final challenge: fighting Tavion and Desann.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
954.8 KiB
Matthew Green


Score (0-10):
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Posted: 2002-06-20 8:01 p.m.   Report Abuse
a modified version of the ladder, try putting a little effort into this.
Posted: 2002-06-21 6:05 a.m.   Report Abuse
I don't understand though, whats the point? You can just spawn 6 reborns in game, then some shadow-troopers, then desann and tavion?
So whats so cool about this? You need to make a level with like cool objectives and stuff, this wasn't that great, and It couldn't have taken a lot of effort, if its your first level, I can understand, but if its not you should probably work a little harder next time and make a long SP level.
Posted: 2002-06-21 6:06 a.m.   Report Abuse
And what the hell is up with Screenshot #2?
Posted: 2002-06-21 6:21 a.m.   Report Abuse
Screenshot #2 is shadowtroopers. In game before they start pulling out their sabers, they cloak remember? You can barely see them and you dont get the red target thing on them.
Posted: 2002-06-21 2:35 p.m.   Report Abuse
Rating: n/a
Comment: Screenshot #2 is really neat!
Posted: 2002-06-22 10:19 a.m.   Report Abuse
Nothing new....keep moving
Posted: 2002-06-23 8:08 a.m.   Report Abuse
Ok, my bad.... sorry.
Posted: 2002-06-28 2:56 p.m.   Report Abuse
Im going to download it out of curiosity. But these type of levels where its Jedi vs. Dark Jedi really are starting to get old. Id like to see some single player levels like I saw in the old JK. Some of those reached very high standards of greatness in my opinion, and Id like to start seeing the same thing with outcast. Because with the new capabilities, im sure it could fly higher than any JK sp level. And, another thing, why did you take all the screen shots while using your light amplification goggles? Did you make the level really dark or something?
Posted: 2002-08-02 11:26 a.m.   Report Abuse
How do you install this level?
Katarn's clone
Posted: 2002-11-10 1:39 p.m.   Report Abuse
Hey, i got the same question. how do you install it? i bring up console, put in the name and my computer freezes! and also, i'm having trouble with radiant, how do you spawn, make curves and how do you submit levels?
Posted: 2003-01-20 6:34 p.m.   Report Abuse
when i typ map 3_Challenges in the console it closes the game and goes to the console and it says

R_CreateImage: levelshots/3_Challenges dimensions (1000 x 1000) not power of 2!
Posted: 2003-01-20 6:34 p.m.   Report Abuse
when i typ map 3_Challenges in the console it closes the game and goes to the console and it says

R_CreateImage: levelshots/3_Challenges dimensions (1000 x 1000) not power of 2!
and it doesnt work
Posted: 2024-06-07 1:44 p.m.   Report Abuse
Congrats on the 10. Since it’s my birthday, I’m more generous than I would be. If it wasn’t a special day, I’d hand out some 1s to you. Just 1 one tho, a 2 would be too much for your petty work. Since it’s the anniversary of my birth, I’m celebrating the day with perfect reviews. So, luckily for you that 1/10 became a 10/10. But you won’t get lucky next time. Pick it up. No hard feelings but your level doesn’t load and it instantly crashes. Be thankful that it’s my birthday. I’m currently 23. And BTW, this is my 1st review since Star Wars Day so, happy feelings there too.

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