Jedi Moves
The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Outcast Mod » Jedi Moves
The moves that I altered:
Roll forward, left, or right - cartwheel roll
Backward - butterfly
Jump - force jump style instead of pansy normal one
Fast saber style replaced with one-handed (Tavion) style
Strong saber style replaced with one-handed (Desann) style
Backstab - all saber styles now do backstab instead of swing back
Now walks with saber raised, for effect while dueling.
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Yes, this mod is mainly for visual effect. That is what it is intended for. It is made to make you go "hey, that's pretty cool". It's not meant to make you feel like you're IN the game. Have you guys made mods that do? Because I'm looking for one, and I'd really like to check it out.
Any contructive critisism is welcome, however. Please continue to let me know what you think.
Looks pretty good though. :)
- Jedi