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Hideout Escape

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Outcast Single-Player Level » Hideout Escape


No sooner do Kyle and the Padawan reach the Padawan's Master, than they feel a strange disturbance in the force. Kyle, the Padawan and his Master all attempt to escape from the hideout. Imperial forces have tried to block their path, but there is always a way out for determined Jedi.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
942.1 KiB
Simon "Kengo" Williams


Score (0-10):
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Posted: 2002-06-14 5:25 p.m.   Report Abuse
Well, its al-together a pretty descent level. Im not going to criticize anyone because I know how hard it can be just to make a small level like this, and I do enjoy an SP level with a plot of some sort. So yeah, its very nice, I would like to see more from you! I won't rate it until I play it some more. But its cool :) very neat!
Posted: 2002-06-16 6:33 p.m.   Report Abuse
Well, I must say, its quite easy and small, and sort of annoying. Its the same thing through every door, 3 reborns or some troops, but I know it was hard to make, so I will give it a 7. (Why dont the doors and stuff have sounds? That sucks)
Posted: 2002-07-18 10:18 p.m.   Report Abuse
Nice level, i really like hacking up the stormies and reborn! Its a bit slow though but then you didn't make them (in UT talk) spawn when triggered.
Katarn's clone
Posted: 2002-10-29 4:12 p.m.   Report Abuse
a bit better, but it still needs some work, but, better than any of mine, speaking of which, how do you submit levels? 8/10
Jedi Knight_Joshua
Posted: 2003-01-26 4:17 p.m.   Report Abuse
cool! 9
can someone please give me a good tutorial on how to mak a level like how to make doors work and a mainframes and stuff on Jk2radiant?
JK Phoenix
Posted: 2003-03-16 2:24 p.m.   Report Abuse
Hmm, Too annoying to get the guys to follow me. I just left them behind eventually. Repetative level with nothing special. Fortunatly, JO can still be very fun with just saber fights.....

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