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Jedi Battle

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Outcast Single-Player Level » Jedi Battle


Kyle, luke, and four jedi trainers fight Desann, Tavion, a shadowtrooper, and two reborn to the death.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
306.9 KiB


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Posted: 2002-06-14 9:24 a.m.   Report Abuse
I believe this would be a JO level, from the screan shots adn the descriptions, not JK....
Darth Vedder
Posted: 2002-06-14 10:15 a.m.   Report Abuse
Yipee, a big giant box...
Could it get any worse?

How to get MORE FUN with the same CONCEPT:
Open a nice sp level made by Raven.
Bring up the console.
Spawn some Reborn and Luke.
Posted: 2002-06-15 4:22 a.m.   Report Abuse
Nothing new...keep moving
Hard Driver
Posted: 2002-06-17 7:22 a.m.   Report Abuse
More effort is needed. I won't rate it, but that one screen is pretty appalling. If you were to at least put some rafters up there itwould spice it up about 3 points more than the other guys gave you. But I don't know, Vedder. The CONCEPT of real voices in your levels never quite hit home either. Just to remind you.
Posted: 2002-06-17 11:24 a.m.   Report Abuse
Fun Level,

But no effort in creating it
Posted: 2002-06-20 9:06 p.m.   Report Abuse
Umm..go into a level and spawn a few reborns and dudes... not much of a SP level...but I look forward to seeing what you come up with next...just please expand on it a little more.
Posted: 2002-08-06 11:15 p.m.   Report Abuse
Very good but next time see if you could build more adventure!
e.g doors to lead to other rooms!
Posted: 2002-09-21 9:17 p.m.   Report Abuse
this level isnt all that bad specialy if you like saber battles alot and i do you all are just ticked that you couldnt beat the level
Posted: 2002-09-25 4:23 p.m.   Report Abuse
Well first off i can beat this level, i do like saber battles to but its just to dark for my taste. I do like the level but its not exactly what i thought it would be like. Next time i will be sure to check the ratings b4 i download another level. Thanks for the less than five mins of fun!!! Hint Hint!!!
Katarn's clone
Posted: 2002-10-29 4:20 p.m.   Report Abuse
well well well, i finally found a level worse than mine. i am happy now. in my opinion this is a 5 and my level is a 7. but i can't know that 'cause i can't figure out how to submit my level! any help?!
Posted: 2002-11-28 3:09 p.m.   Report Abuse
Renee you one stupid mofo
Posted: 2002-12-11 12:45 a.m.   Report Abuse
Dude... it's a box with a few NPC's... I know this sounds rude, but I want to encoruage this guy to add at least a catwalk or an arched hallway to another box if he ever makes another level...

Jedi Battle 2 perhaps? a nice skybox, tall mountain with a mesa tip, duel to the death or until someone falls off? It's harder to make, but when you are able to make that, it'll open the world to bigger, better levels.

Good luck.
Posted: 2023-12-14 1:22 p.m.   Report Abuse
I'm gonna be generous and give you a 6/10 but I can't rate you any higher than that. This level isn't at all a good level but it's not one of the worse levels either. At least it's a box with a few enemies. You'd be surprised how many people submit an empty box, which is the worst thing possible. So, at least this level gives you something to do.

Cons: Easy (not even a challenge), Quick (which can be a good thing actually), No Story (it's just random fighting), Inconsistent Mobs (some of the bosses die in 1 hit. And some of the nobody's hit hard. This really shouldn't be random), Dark (well... a lightsaber makes this a bit less of a problem), Etc.

Since this was my 1st play in almost 3 months, I went easy on you. I just hadn't played this since like Halloween season, so I needed to get back into this. Lastly, welcome back to myself...

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