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Troubles on Nar Shaddaa

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Single Player Level » Troubles on Nar Shaddaa


Some Information was stolen from the Emperor's archives on Courscant and sold to the Hutts. Your mission is to bring back the data disc before the thieves can send to Nal Hutta. The latest information about the location is on Nar Shaddaa in a Store House. Travel to the moon and find it!


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
1.5 MiB
May Michael


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Posted: 2002-06-10 5:46 p.m.   Report Abuse
Excellent level. It's been quite some time since I've downloaded a singleplayer level but I love any level that is set on Nar Shaddaa (multiplayer and singleplayer). I like how you used some of the architecture from the original game but added alot of your own ideas as well. It's not technically a "[n]ew level from scratch" like the readme claims, but it's close enough. I give it a 7/10 and recommend that everyone download it and play it through at least once. I only noticed a few glitches, but they're so minor that I won't bore anyone. Excellent work.
Darth Vedder
Posted: 2002-06-11 6:45 a.m.   Report Abuse
Fun level, it brought up the good old narshadda ambiance.
The architecture was pretty good, you pretty much got the idea that you really were in a city.
It was a bit to dark though, in the end I ended up looking for mousenbots and ungnaughts to refill my batteries.
I also thought the difficulty was a tad to easy, with only two times I really got into health trouble.
But the enemy placement was GREAT, Some grans scared the hell out of me!

I think the 'stealing' of jk architecture was unneeded, since you definitely have enough skills to make your own great architecture.

In the puzzles department this level lacks a bit, some (reverted) jk level 1 and 2 puzzles, but that's it, it never got really hard or interesting.

I'd give it a 7.5, but massassi rating only goes with whole numbers..
Posted: 2002-06-16 2:33 p.m.   Report Abuse
I gave this level an 8. I really liked how the author integrated sections from the original JK levels. It worked for Imperial Seige on Derra IV, and it works for this level as well. Furthermore, by putting a twist on the familiar area, the level became more interesting. Keep up the good work May Michael, and it would be interesting for you to release a series of levels that model themselves after the original JK levels, with the twists added.
Posted: 2002-06-28 6:51 a.m.   Report Abuse
Thanks a lot for the comments.
Yes it's true, the difficulty isn't very hard. So I wrote by the email on submit, "it's a easy walk through the city of Nar Shaddaa". In fact, my reviewers haven't big experiance in JK games. In future I have to implement difficulty settings. And I know about the lack of puzzles. You've to know, I started for try out the JED editor but then the level goes bigger and playable but it isn't professional.
I noted the problem about dark lightings. On my computers I never realized.
Posted: 2002-08-05 8:33 a.m.   Report Abuse
Cool level.
Posted: 2003-08-14 2:22 p.m.   Report Abuse
Question (yeah, I'm blond :-/)- where's the blue key? I can't find it. :(
Posted: 2004-12-08 6:41 a.m.   Report Abuse
Looks nice from the screenshots. Are there stupid-looking pedestrians from JK we can push over ledges? I liked the vertical city.
Posted: 2005-12-11 12:50 p.m.   Report Abuse
Maybe I'm stupid, but I just got the red key and now I can't figure out what to do to save my life. I've been everywhere a hundred times and have no ideas. Any hints?

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