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The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Mod » Unlimited1


This patch gives you UNLIMITED use of your force and of your weapons!


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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File Size:
14.8 KiB
Boomer Bomb


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Posted: 2002-05-18 1:42 p.m.   Report Abuse
This is just a collection of cheap hacks. Good start, but it should not have been released.
Plasma Man
Posted: 2002-05-18 2:28 p.m.   Report Abuse
At a time when there is JO, mods like this are still released... *sigh*
Posted: 2002-05-18 3:02 p.m.   Report Abuse
It would be good as 1 of the little features that good mods offer, but on the mod is too.....empty
Posted: 2002-05-18 4:35 p.m.   Report Abuse
"This is just a collection of cheap hacks. Good start, but it should not have been released."

Hacks? Perhaps, but nonetheless, it can be fun to play oasis with all ammo and whatnot without donwloading Merc O or anything. Although it pretty much is a collection of hacks, it's meant for fun. Ever tried playing a ConC war at BGJ? MUCHAS FUNNAS!

"At a time when there is JO, mods like this are still released... *sigh* "

For one thing, A TON of people do not have Jedi Outcast. I often walk past it in walmart with the money to buy it, but I really dont' want the game! Besides, my VooDoo 3 isn't compatible with it. Don't be self centered. In addition, many like Jedi Knight better.
Jedi Master Jay
Posted: 2002-05-18 5:05 p.m.   Report Abuse
edited a bunch of .cgo files, and put em together in a .gob, wahoo, 1
Posted: 2002-05-18 7:12 p.m.   Report Abuse
He isn't self-centered for saying that. A self-centered person thinks that the whole world should revolve around him. He would be self-centered if he said, "I can't believe mods like this are being released at a time with me."
Posted: 2002-05-19 2:53 a.m.   Report Abuse
Just a cheap hack..item.dat really..and you probably didnt make it yourself...AND WHY DOES PPL STILL SUBMIT JK MODES WHEN WE HAVE JO !!!!!!!!!
Posted: 2002-05-19 5:03 a.m.   Report Abuse
First Of all i played jo And i think it SUX!!! jk is alot more fun....u go to push someone off the edge and they pull u :-( hax are what make jk so much fun, you can have a really interesting game with hax. i love it playing on the zone waz fun i give it a 10
Chiss Lord
Posted: 2002-05-19 10:27 a.m.   Report Abuse

Hacks = cheating.

What you should do, is make this mod over but remove things like Force Destruction, Persuasion, Blinding, etc and put in Force Push and other powers that would make Jedi greatly superior to non-Jedi, but not through cheap powers.
Posted: 2002-05-19 11:14 a.m.   Report Abuse
Personally, I think Chiss Lord has a good idea going, and you might want to consider that if you were to modify it.
Pile of hacks? I don't know. Stuff similar to this have been posted on Massassi before; some were removed, some stayed. I don't care either way, as I am already in possession of a fair-sized hack collection.
EvilTowlie, I don't think you're giving a fair chance to those of us that hack. People like Syfa_Gran are your stereotypical hackers, those who imply that they have no inhibitions. The clan I belong to uses hacks only when permitted to use them; the rest of the time, we play by the rules, and a good time is had by all. Hacking is generally considered hand-in-hand with cheating, yes, I realize that. However, my clan and its members are sworn to our rule that we will play by the rules unless our opponents say otherwise. That means when WE hack, we aren't cheating; we're playing by the rules everyone has agreed to. So please don't dis all hackers; we're not what you think... not all of us.
Posted: 2002-05-19 3:08 p.m.   Report Abuse
This mod SUCKED. It's just a cheap items.dat hack. I successfully made one in the first ten seconds of hacking.

I admit hacking is a lot of fun, but only against hackers, otherwise that does make it lame. Build games were fun, and I remember a time on the zone where everybody's skin was Kyle, and the only way we could tell each other apart was by the uniquity of our God Sabers. Good times.

But anyway, this mod sucked, it's worthless, you probably just posted somebody else's items.dat, and this 'mod' should be deleted without question, as well as having all of the admins send you hateful and defametory emails that may or may not contain viruses.

C'mon now, dumbarse, JO just came out, us JK veterans shouldn't have to sift through this piss-poor bullcrap ever again.

[edit: Oh, BTW, cheating means 'to break the rules of.' Hacking isn't cheating, because if we break the rules of the game, we get checksum failure, so we have to stay inside the rules of the game. The end.]
Posted: 2002-05-19 8:00 p.m.   Report Abuse
Now, is this compatible with the SBX mod at the same time?
Posted: 2002-05-19 9:16 p.m.   Report Abuse
The download link doesn't work - I click on it, it redirects me to some whiney post on the forums about a guys job.


This is a simple hack, anyone who can use a word processor can make something like this. Oh and download something like gobEx.

No, it is not compatible with SBX.

Frankly, this 'mod' does not deserve to be called such, it is a simple hack and should be removed.
Posted: 2002-05-19 10:55 p.m.   Report Abuse
It's obviously a gobbed items.dat.. which isn't even a good start if your new to editing! Sorry, but this gets a 0 for a total lack of effort, and being basically utterly pointless
Posted: 2002-05-20 12:30 p.m.   Report Abuse
I don't like this discussion about hacking. People who use external programs or modified game files to gain an advantage in multiplayer games are not hackers...they are just cheaters, nothing more. Hacking is actually testing computer systems for security holes. Most hackers are paid to do this by the company that owns these computer systems. People that abuse these security holes to get into the system unnoticed aren't even called hackers, but crackers (although the film industry and press use the expression hacker for both types)... This mod is not very original, but it has nothing to do with cheats, since everyone is treated the same. There is no advantage for single people.
Posted: 2002-05-20 5:32 p.m.   Report Abuse
I could have done this with just an items.dat file!
Posted: 2002-05-21 7:57 a.m.   Report Abuse
This is just an items.dat file
Boomer Bomb
Posted: 2002-05-21 4:56 p.m.   Report Abuse
This patch is exactly the way I want it! I made the whole thing my self, and YES it was very easy! I wanted this mode to have NOTHING else in it! This mode is meant for multiplayer use! Sure just about anyone could make something like this, but they would not all work together! Now there is one that every one can use together, and people can use it who can't make it! Every one Must have the same version of this patch in order to play! So there can be no cheating! It will not work with SBX or any other mode that changes your force or guns! If you don't like this patch because it's small or easy DON'T GET IT AND DON'T WHINE!

Is there a difference between patches and modes?
Boomer Bomb
Posted: 2002-05-21 4:56 p.m.   Report Abuse
This patch is exactly the way I want it! I made the whole thing my self, and YES it was very easy! I wanted this mode to have NOTHING else in it! This mode is meant for multiplayer use! Sure just about anyone could make something like this, but they would not all work together! Now there is one that every one can use together, and people can use it who can't make it! Every one Must have the same version of this patch in order to play! So there can be no cheating! It will not work with SBX or any other mode that changes your force or guns! If you don't like this patch because it's small or easy DON'T GET IT AND DON'T WHINE!

Is there a difference between patches and modes?
Boomer Bomb
Posted: 2002-05-21 4:56 p.m.   Report Abuse
This patch is exactly the way I want it! I made the whole thing my self, and YES it was very easy! I wanted this mode to have NOTHING else in it! This mode is meant for multiplayer use! Sure just about anyone could make something like this, but they would not all work together! Now there is one that every one can use together, and people can use it who can't make it! Every one Must have the same version of this patch in order to play! So there can be no cheating! It will not work with SBX or any other mode that changes your force or guns! If you don't like this patch because it's small or easy DON'T GET IT AND DON'T WHINE!

Is there a difference between patches and modes?
Boomer Bomb
Posted: 2002-05-21 5:01 p.m.   Report Abuse
Posted: 2002-05-22 2:59 p.m.   Report Abuse
I prefer the expression "mod" for an addition like that, because it "mod"ificates gameplay. A patch is more like a correction...
and there are basically two sorts of people that rate your work, the users (they have almost no idea how anything was done, and they actually rate the fun factor) and the designers (those people will also rate your effort and creativity, because they can see what exactly you have done) here's a detailed rating (0-9):

creativity 0
It has been done before. And it's the first step everyone does when starting to edit a game.

effort 1
You opened an ascii text file, changed some lines, and that's it. Five minutes of work.

use 5
It can be fun sometimes. But not for long.

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