The Vanquished Few
The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Outcast Multiplayer Level » The Vanquished Few
This map is placed over a lengthy pit, any step could be your last one, so tread carefully.
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539.3 KiB
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Great? Hardly!
The level isn't even set up correctly! It took me a while to find out what was wrong, and when I eventually figured out how to play it (move the bsp into maps\) I was discusted [sp?] by the newbie archi. It's one big box, one powerup, about 100 floating platforms, floating for no apparant reason, 4 circlar platforms, than can rise and lower for no apparant reason, and very few lighting entities.
Here is a full list of the things that this author needs to improve on:
1) Test your level first!!
Make sure the JO community will be able to play your level!
2) Put it in a PK3!!!
It's supposed to be mandatory, but I guess the level poster were in a good mood the day they posted your level.
3) No boxes! Complex archi!!!
Maybe you could get away with it in JK, but with the power of brushes, there is no longer an excuse! Complicated archi is easier than it will ever get!
4) Powerups!
I realize your level is a duel level, but the Raven duel levels have AT LEAST a half-dozen powerups each easy.
5) Lights!!!
I could hardly see in there!
6) Realism!
Although the rule of realism can be bend and broken, doing it for no good reason is a bad thing. Platforms have to be attached to something or else they are gonna fall. If they are supposed to hover, put some rockets or something on it... a tractor beam or whatever. And I doubt elevators will ever be made as thin as a Ritz (C).
7) Don't distribute levels that don't even begin to compare with Raven's!!!
Why? Let me be frank. Because the JO community doesn't want to have to shift through TRASH to find good levels.
8) Botpaths!
Botpaths are your friend. I didn't test the bots, but I'm sure it's safe to assume you didn't put botpaths in your level. And if your level isn't big enough to put botpaths in, then it isn't big enough. Period.
9) Cheese!!!
Because... uh... cheese is good.
Anyway, one thing you can do to improve is to open up good levels and study them. Also, look up tutorials on the 'net for Radient.
One-half point for everything this author did that impressed me.
1/10 (Because he figured out how to compile it into a BSP, and he figured out how to use his e-mail prog to send it to Massassi.)
Which reminds me... the same people who complain about not being computer-savvy are the same people who know their e-mail programs and their browser interface inside and out.
Ok, I'm done blowing off steam. I'm sure this author can make some good stuff if he tries--anyone can. We all have access to exactly the same tools (except maybe Raven :). To the author: Come back when you have something decent to show us.
ANd its supposed to be dark...
I haven't played it yet so I won't rate.
not to be rude or anything but from the screens I would suggest
-either make a bit more architecture or make the room bigger so you can't see the walls.
-maybe more powerups?
-you might want to add light sorces, to make it look more realistic.
anyway, not bad for a first level. keep it up:)