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Rbots JK

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Mod » Rbots JK


This all new version of Rbots has now been released, featuring major reworking, bug fixing and most importantly 'Bepsin Mining' is the new addition to 'Canyon Oasis', 'Nar Shadaa Loading Terminal', 'Battleground Jedi' and 'Valley of the Jedi' available previously. With improved lightsaber combat, smarter enemy AI, and more, I know you will be pleased with the end result. Please note that due to illness this is the final version that will be released.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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6.5 MiB


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Posted: 2002-03-11 3:15 a.m.   Report Abuse
Since its original incarnation, the Rbots program has vied to make the Jedi Multiplayer experience more than was ever imaginged by the LucasArts team in 1997 or 1998. It attempted to add a form of gameplay that was at the time only seen in the premier games of the time, and it has accomplished this goal in a most admirable manner.

It as brought an aspect of multiplayer gameplay to Jedi Knight that has only been matched in games that are two or three years newer such as Unreal Tournament and Quake III Arena. Thus, the Rbots program has taken a venerable, clunky engine that was four years old, and has turned it into something that can stand up to many of the multiplayer gaming experiences today.

This is what Rbots is all about. My kudos goes out to all involved in this project. Congratulations, and a job well done.

-Lord Tiberius Grismath

P.S. ... w00t first comment...
Chiss Lord
Posted: 2002-03-11 11:05 a.m.   Report Abuse
Nice work. The only thing missing in compatability with patches like SBX.
Posted: 2002-03-11 11:12 a.m.   Report Abuse
*reads above*

Who says? All you have to do is play an Rbots lvl without the patch on! :)

the problem with that, though, is you don't get Rbot's wonderful features like changing the AI's difficulty lvl and etc. And you don't get to chose how many bots.
Posted: 2002-03-11 1:07 p.m.   Report Abuse
So does this mean we don't have to manually place Rbots into JK?
Posted: 2002-03-11 4:12 p.m.   Report Abuse
Yeah you can play the game in it starts with somthing like 4 bots.

Anyways i give this a 10! I LOVE CTF and not many people play it on the zone any more.
Posted: 2002-03-11 5:41 p.m.   Report Abuse
hmmm...for some reason i can't get it to work at all. I put the gobs in the proper places and setup the hotkeys but it still didn't work. Anybody got any ideas? I put the rbots-jk.gob in the episode folder and the other two in the JKPatch folder that's located in the Jedi Knight folder. I opened Patch Commander and activated the rbots-patch.gob then ran JK from Patch commander. Sigh...
depth core
Posted: 2002-03-12 6:35 a.m.   Report Abuse
R-bots has come a long way since it's first incarnation. The team has come a long way. I'd like to thank you all and congratulate you all on a job well done.
Posted: 2002-03-12 1:33 p.m.   Report Abuse
well a few flaws in the system...

1. the bots still pull your gun away even if you have absorb on
2. some of them were using deadly sight and speed
3. THEY DONT USE FORCE JUMP AT OASIS... most levels didnt require force jump that badly besides bgj but oasis by far needs it not to mention the bunny hops werent programmed in...
3. it crashes every once in a while... i get shot with bryer and baaam! crash
4. every once in a while a ghost player apears. he respawns or gets stuck in one spot then turns invisable and cant be shot...
5. good for nf play but i would recommend it for ff at all i understand how tricky and long that would take to program in to the point where they would be elite
6. there names dont show up and no scores.. i just find that kind of annoying not to know how im doin
7. they dont respond when hit like a person would they just stand there and keep shoting at the person they were fighting before
8... it goes on

needless to say i found a few kinks and bugs that needed to be worked out during beta testing and few that requir a new version... all in all i would have to say great for nf gun play and for nf saber play set on difficulty inhuman is pretty good

*note some thing is up with elevator at valleye of the jedi it never stops going up and down after you use it the first time
Posted: 2002-03-12 2:42 p.m.   Report Abuse
Excellent mod! Makes for fun late night saber/gunning practice when not many people are on the zone.

Some bugs I found:
1. Only hit sound was the character's groan. Couldn't really tell whether I hit the bot.
2. I couldn't force pull any guns from the bots yet I had everything pulled from me (see above)
3. Any bot who gripped me while I had absorb on seemingly gave the bot unlimited mana (not bad for when I really need the force :P )

All in all, good mod just a few kinks.
Rating: 8

~Sauron of Mordor
Posted: 2002-03-12 4:20 p.m.   Report Abuse
I also found atleast one bug: when the bots fall they don't die

I give it a ten anyway, great work!
Posted: 2002-03-13 4:02 p.m.   Report Abuse
Are you able to have more than 4 bots, like about 16+ bots, and will you be able to have fun sabering FF and guns?

I rated this an 8.
Posted: 2002-03-16 11:33 a.m.   Report Abuse
andryz your wrong i was playing oasis when the yun bot jumped from the conc to the bottom level and went *splat*

more bugs ive found

1.not sheild hit sound
2. they use the first saber swing... now i didnt even do when i was a newb and no way a "inhuman" should
3. some times their guns pull some times they dont kind of annoying....

raynor, if you do decide to make a new one (hoping your illness clears up) i would like to help you beta test it... most of these glitchs dont seem to server in the programing and might be able to cleared up in just a simple addon who knows? but for what it is worth i realize what kind of effort must have gone in to this and thats alot and i hope you decide to make a new version
Posted: 2002-03-17 11:41 a.m.   Report Abuse
Didn't you hear? He ISN'T making another Rbots. He will NOT make another one so you might aswell start from scratch.
Brick Phillips
Posted: 2002-03-17 12:12 p.m.   Report Abuse
Wow! This mod rocked! I was amazed on how real the bots were! Good Job, Raynar, though I'm sorry to hear that this will be the last version. I gave this a perfect 10!
Posted: 2002-03-18 4:55 p.m.   Report Abuse
great, they're as challenging as real players, but unfortunately, they all blow with the saber even at inhuman's still cool anyway
Posted: 2002-08-10 9:50 a.m.   Report Abuse
Beautiful mod, I must say. One of my computers isn't hooked up to the Internet, so when ever I'm on that computer, you can bet I have RBots playing. I really love the CTF bots, also. It would have been great to have some more releases, but the Final Release will do for me. I'd give it an 11, but I can't do that. Here's a 10!
Posted: 2003-03-03 4:49 p.m.   Report Abuse exactly do you start it up? I followed the instructions got up patch commander and initiated it but then what? Do i get up multiplayer or what?

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