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Rbots CTF

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Mod » Rbots CTF


This all new version of Rbots has now been released, featuring major reworking, bug fixing and most importantly all new levels 'The Duel' & 'The Arena of Light and Dark'. With improved lightsaber combat, smarter enemy AI, and new Capture The Flag gameplay, I know you will be pleased with the end result. Please note that due to illness this is the final version that will be released.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
2.3 MiB


Score (0-10):
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Posted: 2002-03-11 8:38 a.m.   Report Abuse
I've never really been a fan of CTF, but due to JK's player limitations online I can truely say this mod is the best Jedi Knight CTF you could play. Lots of bots = lots of fun. Thanks Raynar for all your hard work.
Posted: 2002-03-11 3:43 p.m.   Report Abuse
I was kinda hoping you mighta been able to release a KFY version for MotS ,but this is just as good. Hope you get better sometime.
Posted: 2002-03-23 4:06 a.m.   Report Abuse
I LOVED it! It had nice gameplay, hard enemy's, but it didn't give me a good challenge. I played last night and the score was 301-12. There are 1 or 2 bugs I have found:

1) Sometimes when you have your opponents flag, if you step on to your teams platform with the flag on it, it wouldn't let me capture it. I had to kill myself and let my AI buddie do it for me.

2)It really stinks if one of your team members captures the flag because the bot will get distracted by many things and you have to deleate them from the game just so you can pick up the flag & get it back to your base.

But all in all, I liked it. I'm DLing the JK Version now.

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