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Dark Tempest 3

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » Dark Tempest 3


A small level based on platforms and jump pads, set in the eye of a turbulent storm on a distant planet. Best played with low Force settings, or no Force at all. This level contains a multitude of new textures, power-ups, sounds, etc...

A 3D accelerator card that supports 16-bit mats in JK is required.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
1.4 MiB


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Posted: 2002-02-06 2:57 p.m.   Report Abuse
Nice Work Flexor, I Give it a 10.
Posted: 2002-02-06 5:42 p.m.   Report Abuse
You made a typo in the description ;) I give it a 10, i loved the small mini-jump pads.
Posted: 2002-02-06 5:52 p.m.   Report Abuse
I liked everything but the purple sky and the music. It was the oddball out of the Dark Tempest Series but I give it a 9, some cool new additions. I like that you fixed it so you do not fall through the level anymore.
Posted: 2002-02-06 7:38 p.m.   Report Abuse
I loved it man, so fun, gave me the feel for morpheus, but better. I loved the music, but I, too dont like the purple sky, or only looks good from the view of the end of it,looking strait down at it makes it look like one of those splotchy pink mats that don't go with the colormap. Other than that, GREAT level, real fun. I suggest a download. Keep editing! 9
Posted: 2002-02-06 10:27 p.m.   Report Abuse
I had to add this but, I kindof think the whole Dark Tempest thing is starting to be Over rated. I mean in the begining it was Very good work. Now it just seems like Very Small changes are being made, aka Purple Skys, music, moving around of platforms. I think That Tempest Should just quite now While he is winning, I dont know how long things like this can keep going. Im not Saying it is bad or anything, Im just saying this Idea need to rest. (p.s. did not rate)
Posted: 2002-02-07 9:17 a.m.   Report Abuse
I had no intention of making a forth addition to the series. That doesn't mean it's my last level however.
Posted: 2002-02-07 12:06 p.m.   Report Abuse
Thats Good, I really not saying your levels are bad. Im just saying the Idea has had its Glory and needs to be put to rest.
Posted: 2002-02-07 7:22 p.m.   Report Abuse
GREAT LEVEL!i have only got this one and think i'll stick with this one cause like one of the above comments(only edited)this idea is good but you don't need 50 levels with the sam idea...well anyway great level and i just wish i had a good editor!
Posted: 2002-02-09 4:49 a.m.   Report Abuse
I dled this the other day, expecting another great level from Flexor. I expected to see a cool sky, and blue platforms with blue bouncy thingys.

It went WAY past my expectations!!!! Here's why:

1. He could have made it blue and gotten a 10! But he decided to give this one a different color (which I like BTW).

2. Cool powerups: The "armor shards" from Quake 2 (with the now-famous glow effect) and the health orbs were VERY cool... the onlt way it could've been better is if ALL the powerups were given new, cooler 3dos (hint, hint :)

3. SOUNDTRACK! Any level with a soundtrack is a winner! But this isn't just any level, and it just isn't any soundtrack!

4. It's got cool new styles of jump pads. Jump pads, Mini jump pads, Directional jump pads... available in all flavors at your neighborhood grocer.

5. 'Cause Flexor made it!!!

6. The cool lightning and thunder effects! Now you hear the thunder after the lightning!

My score: 10

Great work Flexor!!!
Posted: 2002-03-02 8:08 a.m.   Report Abuse
Great work! The textures and lightning effects were awsome! I give this a 10.
Posted: 2002-03-02 8:24 a.m.   Report Abuse
The level is good, though the pink sky is a bit eye-hurting. The ala-quake armor shards r intresting, too. However, in my opinion, your DT levels before this one were better.
Dark Lord Rahn
Posted: 2002-03-02 8:28 a.m.   Report Abuse
It's one of my favourite levels. Excelent job Flexor. I give it a 10.
Posted: 2002-03-02 10:23 a.m.   Report Abuse
Looks awesome,but it's too bad I don't have a 3d card that supports 16 bit mats...
Posted: 2002-03-03 12:55 a.m.   Report Abuse
This level is a great level. I liked it better than Dark Tempest 1 but not better Dark Tempest 2. I think that DT2 had the more "dark" feeling to it. The purple planet in Dark Tempest 3 strays away from the theme. The level architecture was good and this led to good weapon placement. The "big guns" (the concussion rifle and the rail detonator) weren't in easy reach but accessible. At points I "had" to use the blaster rifle and the bowcaster. I like levels that have players uses other weapons, IMO it leads to more interesting games. The music doesn't leave me with an opinion. For me it's a "meh" reaction because I don't think it is really indicative to the level. All thing considered I give this level a 9.
Posted: 2002-03-04 1:44 p.m.   Report Abuse
SWEET LVL,DUDE! perfect 10! keep up the good work!
Posted: 2002-03-05 11:38 a.m.   Report Abuse
Dashmaster, wheres the typo? By the way, excellent level. 9.
Posted: 2002-03-10 9:30 a.m.   Report Abuse
Great work, it's an A+ or a 10!
Why don't you release the entire series on a single gob?
Posted: 2002-03-10 10:16 a.m.   Report Abuse
Because the first level was on the massassi level pack. And as a rule of the contest, I can't re-release my level seperately.

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