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The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » Warlocks3


Warlocks is a modification of Barons Hed which takes place after the death of the 7 dark jedi. The plot of the level is the towns people are fighting for or agaist the rich nobel, who took over Barons Hed for his own, calling it Warlocks Hed after his sith master. The level was made for team play. Also it is called Warlocks3 because this is the 3rd time I made it on my current computer.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
343.9 KiB
Master Trunks


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Posted: 2002-01-23 7:23 p.m.   Report Abuse
It's not a bad Baron's Hed modification. I gave it a 7.
Posted: 2002-01-24 3:30 p.m.   Report Abuse
Personally, I'm not a fan of single-player remakes. This was better than some, I liked some of the fortresses scattered through the level. This would make a somewhat good team experiance. However, if you try to open some of the doors, (well, at least one of them) you get 'Cog 1101' I think. Some cog. I've seen the problem before, but I'm not sure what it is. Also, if you enter the areas counted as secret areas on the single-player map, you get the 'Secret Area' message. Which, in a multiplayer, seems kind of stupid. Also there was a wall that opened into thin air. (this was in part of the map from the level 'Entering the Black Tower' the number to which eludes me at the moment) Basically, a good level that could have been done better. I give a 7
Posted: 2002-01-26 7:49 a.m.   Report Abuse
This isn't all that great. The use of one mat over and over really didn't appeal to me, and most of the stuff was just there from the regular Baron Hed level. A few boxes here a few guns there and what not but still, I don't think it is worth much playing time, the best thing I can say is that it is small at least.
Posted: 2002-01-28 7:10 p.m.   Report Abuse
Thanks for all the input on this level, I know sqaut about editing and this is the best I could do. I have many blue prints for levels and stuff but like I said this is the best i could do. My cousin is an awsome editor, but one he is busy with his life on the other side of the country to use my blueprints and ideas for levels. I just wish everyone will give my level a chance and play it in real multiplayer games and with good hardware and internet/lan connections. If any1 wants to play me at my level on the zone my name is "Master__Trunks" (I bet you will win) and once again THANKS to everone who gave my level a chance

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