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A Pirate's Tale Level 2

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » MotS Single Player Level » A Pirate's Tale Level 2


Level 2 starts where level one ended; Hake escaped from his prison and went to search for a ship. But the police are looking for him, and finding a ship without any money isn't exactly simple. Maybe he could ring at the door of the local crimeboss and his former contracter Lillithon... Hake doesn't realize he's part of a game of power and corruption; and the disc he tried to steal before he was caught is the key to everything...


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
13.9 MiB
Darth Vedder


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Jodo Kast_JD
Posted: 2002-01-22 4:57 p.m.   Report Abuse
Looks awesome. From the screens, it loks worthwhile to DL. I dont have MotS tho.. so i dunno.
Posted: 2002-01-23 11:29 a.m.   Report Abuse
Might have shown the level off a bit more if the screenshot didnt show your framerate as 9...
Posted: 2002-01-23 5:43 p.m.   Report Abuse
Better than the first, but it still had glitches and problems.

The lag was much less, which is a great improvement, and the architecture was phenomenal, as like the previous. But when I picked up the red key, the objective didn't get checked. And also, that ballroom Tomb Raider tune was so annoying! It worked in the library, but it shouldn't have played anywhere else beyond that point. The 16-bit mats were great, though, and made the level so much more atmospheric than it would've been otherwise. Other than that, one mahjor problem would be the sky/box. I call it a sky/box rather than a skybox because, well, it was quite literally a "box".

Good level, though. Worthy of 8/10. Can't wait for APT 3-6!
Posted: 2002-01-25 3:40 p.m.   Report Abuse
Why is this level D/L so darn big??? is it really THAT good?
El Cazador
Posted: 2002-01-28 3:05 p.m.   Report Abuse
Visually real purty. . . fun game play, puzzles not hard, but a real nice, bread and butter level, with gorgeous architecture ane enough challenge to be interesting. . . I gave it a 9 and look forward to more work from Vedder.
Posted: 2002-01-30 6:48 p.m.   Report Abuse
Good architecture,but a little too much. I have a Win 95 180 Pentium, with a 6 gig hardrive.I bet you can imagine the pain I might have with lag. Other than that,it's a pretty cool level.Next time,tone down the quality,we'd rather have quantity. I gave it a 8.
Posted: 2002-02-04 4:58 p.m.   Report Abuse
who say that BoaM is the best level for MotS?
This level is just perfect!!
I can't wait for the sequel(s)!!!
Keep up the good work!!!!

Darth Vedder
Posted: 2002-02-18 9:10 a.m.   Report Abuse
Viper: I'm affraid I will continue trying to make detailed and complex architecture. (Quantity)

But on the other hand my next levels will probably contain less large open enviroments.

I'm glad evrybody liked it! Took me half a year to build!
Posted: 2002-05-26 1:13 p.m.   Report Abuse
I can't wait when I DL that :). The screens are VERY GOOOOOOOD! If that map took hafl of year... I MUST DL THIS! I give it 10 for screens :D.
Darth Vedder
Posted: 2003-02-01 4:12 p.m.   Report Abuse
I would appreciate it if people rated my level after they actually played it, not by how the screens look.

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