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Battle Ground Oasis

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » Battle Ground Oasis


Many years have past. Due to the constant fighting in Battle Ground Jedi, a wall has collapsed leading to a new Battle Ground. Good for 4 or more people. Excellent for training.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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755.2 KiB


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Posted: 2001-12-27 4:53 p.m.   Report Abuse
I give it a 10 i enjoyed it......modifying lec levels make them more enjoyable i get sick of playing bgj so i d/l a new 1.
Posted: 2001-12-27 4:54 p.m.   Report Abuse
Keep in mind that technically, Baron's Hed RPG is a modified LEC level.
Posted: 2001-12-27 5:28 p.m.   Report Abuse
First of all, thank-you to all of the people who liked this level. Second of all, this is NOT a mod, this is a combination of two of the most frequently played LEC levels. I made it this way because I'm always hearing people say that they wish they didn't have to restart a jedi knight game just to play Oasis if they were playing BGJ. You people that give zeros to levels before you play them should be banned, I think it's an abuse of the system.
Exar Kun
Posted: 2001-12-27 5:46 p.m.   Report Abuse
I love it . It should have been made a long time ago. The only thing with this is you took out a few weapons, items, and that swicth to the secret trap , I'd say you should of left them , otherwise ...9
Posted: 2001-12-27 5:49 p.m.   Report Abuse
Oh God, not again. Won't people ever learn?

Score: 0
Posted: 2001-12-27 6:30 p.m.   Report Abuse
I think my name says it all.

Posted: 2001-12-27 6:51 p.m.   Report Abuse
Actually, I did have numerous amounts of various people test it before I released it, Waxi. And guess what, they liked it, which is the sole reason why I released it in the first place!
Bus Driver
Posted: 2001-12-27 7:21 p.m.   Report Abuse
Trige, just ignore the people that are giving you a hard time. These people are know-it-all's and find a problem with everything.
Posted: 2001-12-27 7:22 p.m.   Report Abuse
Not a bad level I don't suppose for a modification. I pretty much liked it because I hate having to restart to play Canyon Oasis or Battleground Jedi when I'm playing. My points were spread out on these facts:

1. I hate to restart Jedi Knight to play another level, this saved time.: 3

2. You get points for effort.: 2

3. You did a pretty good job for an LEC modification.: 2

Messenjah's Overall Rating is 7 points for Trige here. :)
Posted: 2001-12-27 9:03 p.m.   Report Abuse
1. LEC modifications are good if done properly. Ex: N-BGJ or JKRPG: Barons Hed.

2. You don't have to exit Jedi Knight to play BGJ when your in an Oasis game, or vice versa. Just use the endlevel command to cycle levels.
Posted: 2001-12-27 11:59 p.m.   Report Abuse
Shut up.


Now, to the level. I think the idea for this level was well founded, however, the execution wasn't pulled off perfectly, due to BGJ being only for sabers, while Oasis is definitely gunner territory. Keep making levels, but try something from your own head.

Now, to the flamers. Shut up.

Mr. Alias
Posted: 2001-12-28 1:30 a.m.   Report Abuse
It's been done.
Posted: 2001-12-28 6:16 a.m.   Report Abuse
Come on guys give this guy a break he allready tried his best so be nice to him.I give him a 10 =)
Posted: 2001-12-28 8:40 a.m.   Report Abuse
Nobody has to restart JK just to go to Oasis. All you have to do is enable more than one level and then in the command console (t then tab) type 'endlevel'. This is indeed a mod, you modified 2 LEC levels, thus combining them. It took little or no skill, and now you expect us to take it seriously. It's a waste...
Posted: 2001-12-28 9:28 a.m.   Report Abuse
Hey Administrator, for your information, not once did I say that these were levels that I made. I did give credit to the author when I said "LEC levels". Maybe you should read instead of jumping to conclusions next time. Jumping to conclusions is a foolish mistake that can get people into trouble, or make them look like an idiot.
Posted: 2001-12-28 10:50 a.m.   Report Abuse
duffman encourages you to flame administrators

Duffman rates this level 2, why?, because duffman doesnt like LEC levels
Duffman is outta here
Posted: 2001-12-28 11:49 a.m.   Report Abuse
So _DashmasteR_, all you basically want me to do is make a mirror image of the same level, and connect it to the mirrored image? Yeah, I bet that would make things better.
Posted: 2001-12-28 2:10 p.m.   Report Abuse
It's already been done, Trige, and it was done *much* better, as well. Rather than encouraging people to download this, you can tell them to download LoC Oasis, which is arguably the best modified LEC level to date. If you're going to release something under your name, I'd much prefer you put a respectable amount of effort into it.

LoC Oasis:

...And what's this? I see you've already released another CO mod: SpacePort Oasis. It was obviously not well recieved, and it had more work on than this item did. I question why you did not stop (either completely or to question why you're doing so little to modify the level) after the first attempt?
Posted: 2001-12-28 3:28 p.m.   Report Abuse
Okay this level is okay but making this level is bad,bad, very bad. Don't make levels that are LEC official levels. Make your own levels beside those basic mp,sp and CTF levels from jedi knight but I rather like Battleground jedi 2 it's kool than this.
SimoN CL
Posted: 2001-12-28 4:50 p.m.   Report Abuse
Its hard to tell how much effort went into making this level, but its a mod with the word Oasis in it which surely you would have known would be worrying to people.

When will the mods stop?
Desert Fox
Posted: 2001-12-28 8:08 p.m.   Report Abuse
Please let us not forget a level called Jawa Dwelling, which had BJG and Canyon Oasis in it.
Posted: 2001-12-28 8:41 p.m.   Report Abuse
Let me rephrase this into lamen's terms for everyone out there: "Hey, this level is awesome. Now you can play BGJ and Canyon Oasis without having to switch. I am the greatest! this is undoubtedly the greatest idea ever! I don't care that lec-adjusted levels suck and that only for the past 3 1/2 years people get bored with them and think they're crap! I like it!......Oh, by the way, credit goes out to LEC for doing 99.9% of everything for me." You may think this is harsh, but bgj and canyon oasis are getting old, and if that's not bad enough, new levels should have some kind of extra *POW* that really makes it worthwhile. Notice how JKRPG has one of the greatest rpg features, but is a modified lec level. If you could've done a little...a lot more, then maybe this level would actually have a real point.
Posted: 2001-12-28 8:48 p.m.   Report Abuse
And another thing. You don't take another author's level that you know plays on the zone or is another kid, whatever it may be, and mess with their level and change it. Like I said before, unless it has something extra, you're pretty much stealing ideas and doing nothing to put your own creative brand of editing into your work. This level is lame and I'm going to have to get a good night's sleep to get over this time-wasting rip off. Not to be mean or anything, but...This level sucked bad. If you're going to release an already predestined bad level, at least change the name to something different.
Posted: 2001-12-29 11:57 a.m.   Report Abuse
Just because a level takes an LEC idea and modifies it, it doesn't mean it is bad. In fact, it shows that the person has played the game and thought "Aha, I can beat LEC by making this level even BETTER." So many other levels glue CO and BJ onto them (Jawa Dwelling SE is an example) and you don't moan about that. All you zero people need to actually PLAY the level, and THEN rate it. All of you are just being so short sighted...
Posted: 2001-12-29 5:49 p.m.   Report Abuse
I gave this a one, only cause I figure the guy spend sometime doing this level. If I really wanted to play BGJ and then hit Oasis without restarting, I would play Jawa Dwelling SE. At least Jawa has other cool items that are not LEC rips, and its a hell of a lot more fun. I say scrap this level and create something original like Jawa and then put the BGJ/Oasis in there instead.


--Long Live The D!!
Posted: 2001-12-29 6:27 p.m.   Report Abuse
Okay... I'm ticked off so im gonna post

You bunch of gays. First of all, CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISISM! If you can't do it, you probably have the education rate of a preschool student. Simple as that.

Secondly, If you don't like the level, why even say it?? Just get a life and not waste your time posting junk. Geez...

Thirdly, if this dude wants to add this level here, he can. I've seen people add levels that are basicly just rooms and it got less criticism than this one does.

Also, I'm not rating it.

And.. have a nice day :)
Posted: 2001-12-31 1:22 p.m.   Report Abuse
LEC Levels
They are not bad there what made the JK and they are fun. They are what made people play the game and made people even think about making editors.

This Level
Listen, I am not saying that its a bad Idea. But they do have a point you can just switch between in game and both lEC levels have Differnt Styles of play. Lastly Level making is a ART! IT TAKES PRATICE! IT IS SOMETHING THAT COMES FROM YOUR OWN PERSONALITY! I think you dont have the same Thought process that the guy from LEC did when he made the ..... thing. Please use your talents to come up with something that expresses you.

Somethings are made after other games. I dont think thats bad it allows others to play what other games have or rather someones inpression of another game.
SimoN CL
Posted: 2001-12-31 7:14 p.m.   Report Abuse
To the tucker guy.....

"If you don't like the level, why even say it??"

That makes no sense considering you said "Constructive Criticism only" or something. The majority of people who gave the level bad ratings DID play it and can say it wasnt very original or spectacular.

And nobody said he couldnt submit it. If they download the level and then play it only to find that its not that good then they have a right to criticise.
Posted: 2002-01-01 4:46 p.m.   Report Abuse
Amen Tucker. Even though it's ok to post here if you don't like it, just give advice on how to make it better. (look up in the fourth bullet above the comment submission box, it says (and i quote) "The comment section is designed to allow people to post thier thoughts on levels. If these thoughts happen to be criticism, make sure it's constructive. Comments like "this level sucks" are not wanted. Constructive criticism only.")

And all of you people are telling him to make a level, "more like Jawa Dwelling, ect" if he did, then you would yell at him for copying the 'original.' CAN'T YOU PEOPLE JUST COOL IT??

Also, amen to 'A Big Fat Cow'!! all levels aren't make espcially for you. Some people like them, some people don't live with it, go find a level that fits your style more.

(hater of stupid annoying people)

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