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Dark Tempest 2

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » Dark Tempest 2


A small level that consists of a series of platforms floating in a sky during a thunderstorm. This level is the sequel to the original Dark Tempest from MLP4. Best played with no force. This level contains 16 bit textures.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
620.2 KiB


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Posted: 2001-12-06 6:13 p.m.   Report Abuse
this looks really nice. looks like Dark Tempest except they have more platforms.... nice use of lighting and mats!
Posted: 2001-12-06 6:53 p.m.   Report Abuse
+10 if I could give it. This is one of the best levels I have seen in a long time pat yourself on the back you made a amasing level you should be proud of yourself.
Posted: 2001-12-06 7:58 p.m.   Report Abuse
OOOOh! You know Flex, this is Massassi's 1000th level! Very well done, too... Although I had hoped this level would be significantly different than DT1 for the sake of variety (like maybe red clouds and curvy catwalks), I still had to give it a 10... since this level was an improvemnt on your last masterpiece.
Posted: 2001-12-06 7:59 p.m.   Report Abuse
very nice, very nice indeed!
Posted: 2001-12-06 8:22 p.m.   Report Abuse
Posted: 2001-12-06 8:32 p.m.   Report Abuse
The lightning effects look a bunch better. two thumbs up!
Posted: 2001-12-07 5:55 a.m.   Report Abuse
Better than the first one. It looks better and the clouds in the background look good, so does the lightning. Its a little small for my tastes. It could use some more platforms to fight on, more space to move around. But a pretty good level.
Posted: 2001-12-07 8:34 a.m.   Report Abuse
I was gonna say that this should have been in MLP4, but it was as Dark tempest!
SimoN CL
Posted: 2001-12-07 9:20 a.m.   Report Abuse
Lovely lovely lovely.

I think you probably spend more time standing still admiring it than playing it.

Good job.
Posted: 2001-12-07 1:09 p.m.   Report Abuse
Nice lvl. I give it an 8, but only because I found a bug. if you are standing on the platform above a Jump Pad, Force jump up as high as you can, then fall towards the Jump Pad, you fall through the platform and die. Other than that, it's a nice lvl.
Posted: 2001-12-07 4:40 p.m.   Report Abuse
VERY nice-very much like Quake3/Unreal Tornament-but there is that bug, I guess you just have to remember NOT to force jump and go down the platforms. The level IS an improvement on Dark Tempest.

I give it a 10
Posted: 2001-12-07 7:04 p.m.   Report Abuse
Good level. That glitch sounds kewl (I should try it) lol. Personally. It would have gotten a 10 except for the following:

-It's a take off of a Q3 level (part of the reason u got the 8 lol. That was good in a way bad in a way.)
-It's small as anything.
-There is nothing to do there except fight (not a LARGE disadvantage at all, but is nice for eyecandy or secret rooms or something of the like)

Things I LOVED:

-The main idea
-The scrolling floor and sky and their mats.
-Lightning and sound
-The fact that it's like the Q3 level (which I play a lot).
-The fact that it's not a large DL for my ole low tech 56gay.

Overall, 8 like I said. Good work man. keep it up.
Posted: 2001-12-07 7:21 p.m.   Report Abuse
I give it a 10! Wonderful! I see no reason to take off because it's like the floating Q3A levels. They gameplay is completely his own, and unlike Q3A, his actually has a sky... Also, secret rooms aren't usually a good thing. You don't see people walking through uncolidable walls in UT or Q3A...
Posted: 2001-12-07 11:05 p.m.   Report Abuse
I have to say...this is way too similar to DT1. It basically looks and plays exactly the same. It should be called Dark Tempest SE
Posted: 2001-12-08 5:15 p.m.   Report Abuse
Heh. U don't do ya? I do in Unreal. Course, it's Unreal Not Unreal tourny. Havn't looked in Q3. But. that's a dumb concept. Secret rooms are cool. They give the users some extra goals. Also keeps em lookin around. But when used excessively... It suxors. But 1 - 3 is about the best for secret rooms. But, it wouldn't have made since to have them on this level. That's one reason I rated 8, because of the TYPE of level. This is basically a pretty way of taking launch pads and puttin them all around. =D. I still love it tho.
Posted: 2001-12-11 7:21 a.m.   Report Abuse
hmmm i didnt get it yet.....but the screenshots look impressive. I think this looks like a good elite sabers level probably with SBX 2. Ill get it.....

Posted: 2001-12-11 6:56 p.m.   Report Abuse
One Word Two Syllables....SWEEET!
Posted: 2001-12-13 10:57 a.m.   Report Abuse
wow to me it looks like dark tempest (i only looked at screenshots) but thats good cause thats my fav level =)
Posted: 2001-12-14 5:18 p.m.   Report Abuse
its a cool lvl but when ever lightning flashes I keep seeing it its hard to explane but if you know a way to fix this or if its a bug let me know
Posted: 2001-12-16 7:45 p.m.   Report Abuse
Before reading my review, please note that these are my opinions, and I won't be replying to anyone who tries to debate with me. You won't change my mind. Thanks.

I give it a 6. rating is actually very lenient. I'll explain why.

Frankly, I found this to rely heavily on the concepts of "bonus areas" in Turok: Dinosaur Hunter for Nintendo 64. That the ideas are clearly not dreamed up by Flexor *himself* — unless he was on the Turok development team, by chance — lessens what impact the level had on me...oh, and in the Turok "bonus areas," you didn't die if you fell in the blue mist... =/

The replay value is somewhat lacking, I think. I mean, this seems to be one of those levels that I could cleanly tuck away in my hard drive and never play again.

My hat does go off to Flexor in that he — and I assume Flexor is male — chose some very nice concepts to draw from. Not many level authors have the courage, depth, guts, or nerve to release a dark level — both in lighting, and in feeling.

I hope that Flexor will turn his talents toward a more original work in the future. He is obviously gifted in the dreamer's sense.

So...a 6...which really is not bad at all. I generally do not rate levels on Massassi, as they rarely impress me. But, I am glad to see that people wish to share their artistic endeavors with people such as me — this is the good of Massassi.
Posted: 2002-03-17 6:24 a.m.   Report Abuse
Great job, Flexor. Keep up the good work.
I really liked the liked the lighting effects. Over all, GREAT LEVEL!

Rating: Big fat 10

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