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The New Jedi Order: Inception

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Single Player Level » The New Jedi Order: Inception


A distress call has been received from a research base and two Jedi who are looking for adventure go to investigate. When they come under attack by Peace Brigade soldiers and Yuuzhan Vong, they get separated. As one of the Jedi, you must make your way through the base to help those inside and find your partner. Please note it is HIGHLY recommended that you read the readme included, which is in html format.


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Berlick B'ja and Pac_Man3D


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Posted: 2001-12-02 6:47 a.m.   Report Abuse
Looks okay to me, I think it may be worth downloading - it looks kinda good.

Like ideas of new jedis, cause I have an idea too, wait for my SP level, which is being planned.

Good anyway
xwing guy
Posted: 2001-12-02 11:52 a.m.   Report Abuse
I've played a little of this level and I gotta say its pretty good. The enemies are kinda tough and the level is pretty big from what I've seen so far.
Chewie of JNO
Posted: 2001-12-02 12:21 p.m.   Report Abuse
This level is decent. Architecture needs work inside the research facility (like the one room with the Imperial Commando: a box with nothing in it). The saving bug is quite annoying. The new Vong fighters are nice, although (if you looks on a novel cover) they don't look as Human. I hope to see more NJO levels from you in the future.
Posted: 2001-12-02 2:10 p.m.   Report Abuse
Glad you like it. We was kinda hoping other editors better than ourselves would make some more NJO levels :-), well we can dream can't we.

I would like to say "Thank You" to MikeC for attempting to debug the level even though he didn't succed, the help was appreciated. Also thanks for suggesting additional light in the sectors, it does make it easier to navigate doesn't it. :-)

Keep those suggestions and comments coming, Pac_Man3D is planning to make a sequal IF people like this, all tips on improvments will help.

I would just like to say thank you all for downloading and playing my level (that's right I did most of the work, not Pac_Man3D never mind the fact his name is also listed as author), it makes all the time and heart ache worth it (just).
xwing guy
Posted: 2001-12-02 3:12 p.m.   Report Abuse
Yes please make another NJO level, I loved this one.
Posted: 2001-12-02 3:19 p.m.   Report Abuse
Just wanna say that Yoda said in some book that "Excitement, adventure, [something else i can't remember], a Jedi does not seek these things. :-) But that doesn't really matter. I like the lvl, make a sequel.
Posted: 2001-12-02 3:43 p.m.   Report Abuse
A couple of things. First off, Pommy, the quote was from "The Empire Strikes Back," and Yoda said "Adventure, heh. Excitement, heh... A jedi craves not these things!" Aside from that bit of retentiveness, Berlick & Pac, despite my severe distaste for the NJO series, this level looks really quite playable. Keep it up.
"In Life, there lies both Light and Dark. To embrace one side and shun the other, such is to destroy the esential nature of Life itself." -- Ashraf Parduk, Shadow Jedi Master
Posted: 2001-12-02 7:56 p.m.   Report Abuse
8. The architecture is kinda Boxy... but not like some. Good arrangement for the base. Nice to see the Vong in a SP game finally... even if they aren't "correct" they're still fun to fight :)
I dunno if this was intentional or not, but I was playing with SBX 2 on and it allowed me to use my normal MP Skin as my playable character.... pretty cool :)
Posted: 2001-12-03 10:13 a.m.   Report Abuse
(the following is a comment from co-editor Pac_Man3D)

Hi there! Thanks for the comments, both the praise and criticisms were much appreciated. As for the SBX2 thing, where you play as your SBX2 character... is your MP character Ulic Qel Droma? In that case then you'll find that we changed the skin to that particular skin. Hehe. As for a sequel, I'm currently designing one right now... and thats where I need some ideas. I would like to start a poll - who thinks that the character should atone and remain true to the light, or be corrupted by the dark? I would appreciate the public opinion.

Also, the YV skins in the second level (soon to be titled Renegade) will be much better. I recently purchased a copy of third edition SW RPG and I'm going to use the YV illustration as a reference for a more lethal AI opponent. Once again, keep the comments coming in and thanks for your time...
Posted: 2001-12-03 10:30 a.m.   Report Abuse
Finally, A New Jedi Order level. I like this. Its nice and dark, fun and cool. The only problem - aside from saving bug - is the dodgy screaming in the background. It's cool when the level starts, but it does get kinda boring after a while.
Oh, and don't shout at me as I don't edit myself, but in the books, the Jedi can't use the Force on the Vong. Is there any way that this can be shown in the sequel levels, as, although I didn't manage it, the Force Pull and Throw still targets them.
Anyways, as for your poll, I reckon the dude should stay light. A) Skywalker would kick his ass if he went dark.
B) If you manage to make the level so the player can't use the Force to affect the Vong, then the basic two Dark powers (Throw and Grip) won't work against them.
C) I don't actually have a C). No, wait, I do. Is there anyway that you can make the level, and any future levels (this goes to every editor) so that if you use SBX2, then the enemy's lightsaber shows up? Coz I hate fighting something I can't see.

Cheers for now,
Chewie of JNO
Posted: 2001-12-03 1:10 p.m.   Report Abuse
Actually, the Vong may not be present in the Force, but they can still be affected by things around them which have the Force. Throwing a brick at an opponent requires the brick to exist in the Force, not the opponent. Also, choking is possible if one pushes the air surrounding the Vong's throat inward, which will obviously stop its breathing. Finally, Vong weapons are not lightsabers, they see all lifeless weapons and teachnology as acts against their gods. The Vong weapon is alive and has the ability to parry lightsaber attacks and turn into a whip.
Posted: 2001-12-03 4:29 p.m.   Report Abuse
The only power that affects the Vong is Force Throw as it's the object been moved not the Vong (like the other guy said).
If somebody cheated and used either grip or destruction on the Vong it would have no effect (except impact damage if the Vong get blasted into a wall) because in the cog that controls the Vong I've made it so damage done by the Force = 0. Force pull would work on a Vong IF they had an object that could be sensed through the Force, as the Vong are only carryig staffs (actually sabers) this power can't be used on them, it was included to give you a easier time with the PB's.
You may have noticed we haven't given you Force seeing, this is because your not meant to be able to detect the Vong with it but we couldn't stop them showing up on the map.
Posted: 2001-12-04 2:45 p.m.   Report Abuse
Yeah, Chewie, I'm well aware that the what the Vong use as weapons; but the dude at the end of the level, the Vong Lord, is carrying the fallen Jedi's lightsaber. My comment was simply that every level that I download with enemies based on existing Jedi models (I assume the Lord was an altered Jerec) the lightsabers do not show up in SBX2. I was simply wondering why this was and if it could be fixed if its just my computer.

Posted: 2001-12-04 5:33 p.m.   Report Abuse
The level is really fun, a great idea,and I did like it, but for one thing:
The save bug. I couldn't save at all, and the game would effectivly crash whenever I would get killed.

I can't rate this one very high because of that one aggrivating bug. You can't play if your rebooting the game constantly.

I do look forward to similar games. Hopefully, with out this bug.
Posted: 2001-12-05 10:23 a.m.   Report Abuse
Well I most certainly liked it... wait a minute, I designed it. As for the above mentioned save bug, yes, it was mentioned in the html file, but my computer isn't affected by it (it doesn't crash constantly and the save function works hunky-dorey) and my PC's from the stoneage! Ah, well. Luck of the draw I guess.

Once again, thank you all for adding your comments. I finished the plot synopsis for TNJO: Renegade the other day, and so hopefully progress will start soon... thats if I can convince my fellow partner in crime, Berlick to realise my ideas and intentions once again (which is gonna be a bloody hard job).

The plot itself will follow the next stage in the misadventures of young Zack, following him to a treacherous ice world after a desperate blind job into the system to escape from those damn coralskippers. Obviously everyone's favourite masochistic aliens aren't going to let him get away intact...

Any comments or suggestions for this would be helpful. A new Jedi ally will also be included, but the problem of Zack's dark side tendencies won't relent so easily.

Watch this space.
Posted: 2001-12-05 10:27 a.m.   Report Abuse
... and a BIG BIG thank you to Berlick - my good ole' mate who lives just down the street from me.

Cheers fella!
Posted: 2001-12-05 7:46 p.m.   Report Abuse
Fun level, cant wait for the sequal.

Anyway, Berlick, Grip does work on the Vong, Tahiri did it, just different, instead of choking the vong, she pushed the air away, causing it to choke.
Posted: 2001-12-06 9:23 a.m.   Report Abuse
Yeah, we know grip works on the Vong... it was mentioned a few times above, and we DO read the NJO books (SBS is mint). Shame about Anakin... ah, well.
Posted: 2001-12-06 3:43 p.m.   Report Abuse
Yuuzhan Vong. At least give them the proper respect. Sorry, lol, been reading Edge of Victory to much recently; that's all Tahiri seems to say to people.
And by the way, she was only able to use choke by concentrating really hard; those of you that have the book should reread it and see that she tires herself out using it (granted thats in addition to being electrocuted by Nen Yim). Anyways, it takes far too much concentration to do, and concentrating is something a Jedi can do little of in the middle of a sword fight with a Yuuzhan Vong warrior.
And I was thinking earlier, only Healing, for Light Side, would have any real effect when it comes to playing against Yuuzhan Vong, as they are not directly affected by the Force, so cannot be blinded or persuaded and have no use of Dark Side powers so Absorb is useless against them.
Man, I think this is the most I've written in a single games bit.

Ciao for now
Posted: 2001-12-08 10:55 a.m.   Report Abuse
Posted: 2001-12-10 3:45 a.m.   Report Abuse
Is that clapping for me? Am I really deserving of applause? Cool.....

Posted: 2001-12-10 7:21 p.m.   Report Abuse
Well done on the level. The darkness drove me nuts, I would have killed for the benefit of Force seeing, or even IR goggles. *LOL* But I saw the prior post and understand why Force Seeing couldn't be helped. Anyway, like I said, well done. One problem I had: I reached the point where I found the scientists, but then I had NO idea where to go. I searched high and low, jumped down the shaft more than once, killed all the monsters down there, all that stuff. Every time I jump down the shaft, it popped up with that message of: "I couldn't save them! This is a dark day for the New Republic..." Yet every time I try to explore elsewhere for a way to complete the mission, I can find no place that I haven't explored. I have a feeling that the red switch in the room above the commando guy has something to do with it, but no matter how much I do, I can't figure out how to activate it. Will someone PLEASE tell me where to go from here? I'm at a complete loss!

Posted: 2001-12-10 8:01 p.m.   Report Abuse

when you drop down the shaft, you land in water, whoop monsters etc. and there are some large crates by the side of one of the caverns walls. Jump over them and you'll see a door. Voila! Goold luck!
Posted: 2001-12-11 7:10 a.m.   Report Abuse
Again, thanks for the comments. It's actually impossible to save the scientists from being slaughtered by the Yuuzhan Vong... its a plot device to drive Zack Helix further and further towards the brink. Failures like these, and the tragedies awaiting him are what will ultimately force him to stray down the dark path.

Work will be starting on The New Jedi Order: Renegade, which follows on from where the first level left off. Zack will be sorely tested by more capable opponents, and of course the ever-lingering dark side. In Inception he has a taste of the capabilities which the dark side offers, Renegade will see him taking a great big gulp...
Posted: 2001-12-12 1:48 p.m.   Report Abuse
Hello there everyone!

You may be pleased to hear that TNJO: Renegade is now in production. You may also be pleased (or maybe 'intrigued' is more appropriate) to hear that I have been told to play more of an active role in editing the whole episode (I think Berlick's words were something along the lines of "You edit the f***ing thing!"). Which initially left me with little choice.

But thankfully, he's offering his support with the cogging and matting, and no doubt after several hours of me constantly asking for his artistic opinion and how to perform certain editing tasks, he'll relent and resume his rightful role as chief editor(hint, hint, if you're reading, Berlick).

I do the designing, scripting, plotting, etc.

He does the editing.

Two Star Wars fans in a perfect symbiotic relationship.

More info to come soon...
Posted: 2001-12-14 12:01 p.m.   Report Abuse
Yay! 600 downloads!

(sniffs) makes it all somehow worth the effort (sob).
Posted: 2001-12-14 4:22 p.m.   Report Abuse
Man, I was killed within five minutes of starting this thing...methinks I'm gonna put jediwannabe on until I've been through the level and I know how to deal with the stuff...hehe. Prett cool, though(from the little I've seen...). I'll rate it later.
Posted: 2001-12-16 7:19 p.m.   Report Abuse
This level sounds cool. When I play it, I'll let you know what I think!
Posted: 2001-12-19 4:10 a.m.   Report Abuse
Hey, I just finished Star by Star, and I was thinking; why not have a pack of voxyn in the next level. Granted the Jedi Strike team managed to destroy them (sorry to anyone who's reading or hasn't read it yet), but the level could be set when the book is happening. I think it would be kinda cool.
And, see part of the sound in the first level, is that supposed to be a coralskipper flying overhead, cause if it is, it'd be kinda cool if you actually put it in.

Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2001-12-19 8:41 p.m.   Report Abuse
I like this level, mostly because I like the idea of the NJO books. The books before NJO were same old Empire vs. Rebellion. The only ones I liked were the Thrawn Trilogy, The Sun Crusher trilogy, and The Hand of Thrawn books. I like the idea of new jedi.
The level was long and challenging, the saving bug was a problem for me to finish the level though. The Vong were too tough, the Peace Brigade dies harder than stormtroopers, and the dark lighting was a huge disavantage. I like to point out that the anphistaffs the Vong carries doesn't block or reflect blasters. The Vong voodumn armor partly protects them from blasters. I like you to take all this into consideration on the Inception sequel. I hope you will add some of those reptile troops or modifled humans, they are accoding to the books still partially affected by the force. Anyway, I look forward to any new levels about NJO becaus Inception was great and inventive.
Posted: 2001-12-21 2:23 a.m.   Report Abuse
Why thank you (blushes). You'll be pleased to hear that the first level of TNJO: Renegade is nearing completion. The whole episode will consist of two levels, though I aren't going to spoil the plot too much. But you will find that the happenings here will add a grim and macabre twist to the tale... in short, if you liked Inception, you'll love Renegade.

Since Berlick edited Inception, he hasn't been willing to return to his position as the main editor, and so it has fallen upon me to edit the whole thing. Berlick has been tutoring me along the way, and I think you'll find that you won't be dissapointed!

As mentioned before, the Yuuzhan Vong will be much harder and also look more the part, I'm going to use the image from SW RPG 3 - which is a mint picture! As for the voxyn - if anyones willing to edit the 3dos, keys, etc, then I'm more than willing to include one (or several). But you'll be having plenty of more trouble with YV and their technology (part of the plot will centre around the good ole' ooglith masquer... hehe). Trust no one.

Oh, and get used to the darkness... there's gonna be a lot of it (though more on a metaphorical basis, rather than a literal one.)

Thank you.

Posted: 2001-12-21 5:18 a.m.   Report Abuse
Dark Light Strike, the Yuuzhan Vong could, in effect, deflect blaster bolts with their amphistaffs. Think about it, it those weapons are strong and tough enough to actually parry with a lightsabre and if the Warriors themselves are fast enough to maintain a fight (and beat) a Jedi, then there is no reason why the amphistaffs can't stop blaster shots. All that it depends on is how accurate the shot is, how fast the Warrior's reactions are and if the Warrior is taken by surprise or not. Just because its hasn't happened in the books doesn't mean it won't. It is, in the Star Wars universe obviously, theoritically possible.

Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2001-12-22 5:18 p.m.   Report Abuse
I'll admit that the Vong weapons can probably defect blasters, but the Vong have a lot of advantages in the game. There are about a dozen of them in the level, they're tough, and there aren't power-ups to go around. I just wanted Renagade to be aschallenging but not frustrating.
Posted: 2001-12-23 6:11 a.m.   Report Abuse
It coulda been worse; he could have used one of the harder Dark Jedi as the model for the Warriors and not Yun. And as the power ups go, its actually probably one of the most realistic levels I've seen in a long time. Pick ups aren't going to be dotted everywhere exactly where the Jedi needs them; you need to be skillful and stealthy to survive, much like it would be in the real world.
Renegade should be good, depending on how Dark Side the main character is going. Because the level is based in actual Star Wars universe events, the editor is going to have to decide when it happens; before Star By Star, and if the main guy goes dark, then Luke and most of the other Jedi would kick his ass back to the Light; after Star By Star, and I don't think anyone is gonna care that much - They just lost a bunch of Jedi, Coruscant and the Chief of State and jaina's gone bad, Jacen's a captive. Like I said, it all depends on whenabouts the level is set.

Posted: 2001-12-23 1:26 p.m.   Report Abuse
Thanks for the kind comments, Kammerice. Realism was one of the main aspects of the level that we tried to maintain.

As for the character and his status in the Force, well let's just say I've got the whole story planned out! For continuity buffs, Renegade is set during the events of balance point, with the later level taking place a good few months afterwards...

I'm also seriously considering that voxyn idea (see above). The first Renegade level is going to be tough, but not because of badguys... its going to be perception and awareness based. The second level is where the challenges start... and yes, if you thought Inception was hard...


Posted: 2001-12-23 3:47 p.m.   Report Abuse
A word of warning if you are considering putting some voxyn into the level (I assume we've all read Star By Star). You're gonna have to make them harder to kill than a Kryat Dragonfrom JK; the voxyn get hacked apart in SbS and still keep coming after the Jedi.
If its set during Balance Point and a few months after, that would put it during Edge of Victory as well. That has no real significance except to get a general feeling as to the state of the New Republic. Hell, if you want, I could help you with the background for you levels; just mail me if you want my contribution.
Another thing that may be kinda cool is for the main character to come to blows with other Jedi (yes, I know its been done before, but it would definately show him sliding toward the Dark Side). And a 2 on 1 against a Yuuzhan Vong Lord would be kinda cool; 2 Jedi, 1 Lord.
Okay, that'll do for just now, but if you want my help, like I said, mail me; if not tell me to shut up in the forum.

Posted: 2001-12-24 10:32 a.m.   Report Abuse
One step ahead of you there, my friend!

Without spoiling things TOO much, Zack will be coming to blows with a fellow Jedi in Renegade. This will be one of the main features of the whole plot. As for how dark the character goes, well I can tell you that he's gonna do an Uliq Qel-droma... if you know anything about the Sith War, you'll figure out what I mean.

I have no intention of using a voxyn yet, but I'm going to keep the idea for later.

As for your help, well I'm honoured that you've offered your assistance. You can email and I'll give you some more info about the plotlines for Renegade and the third title (drum roll) TNJO: Equilibrium.

There will be some time between Renegade and Equilibrium, I'm gonna set it around the SBS time frame so Zack has time to dwell on his actions...


Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2001-12-24 6:02 p.m.   Report Abuse
Realism all good and well, what I think Inception should had were not easier enimies, but more lighting and space for the saber duels. Most of the Vong were found in pitch-blck hallways. This is not an envirment suited for a saber duel, never mind realism.

Sorry if I complain too much, just pointing out a few things.
Posted: 2001-12-25 9:36 a.m.   Report Abuse
Let's say - hypothetically - that a bunch of fairly experienced Yuuzhan Vong were, let's say, told to invade a research station, called, oh say, Elixir. And as they're doing what they do best - killing - they come across a rather brash and inexperienced rogue Jedi - what shall we call him? hmmm... Zack Helix, yes, that'll do.

Ok, so because they're better at fighting than him, they find that they can engage in combat in places that he finds difficult, such as these enclosed spaces. Do you catch my drift? There are no rules to combat...

But I do appreciate your opinions, and I will bear this in mind for the second level of Renegade. There will be more room to manouvre, but that's because its an old mining colony, with plenty of space for lots of workers and heavy machinery... Elixir was a brand spanking new research station - the purpose behind it wasn't to be Jedi friendly.

Keep those comments coming in.

As long as they're constructive.

Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2001-12-25 10:23 p.m.   Report Abuse
Thank you, Pac_Man 3d, for respecting my opinions, but I think I've said just about I want to say. I'll post more more comments when I get any more ideas. Just wandering, when is Renegade going to be finished and what is the time setting for it?
Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2001-12-25 10:30 p.m.   Report Abuse
Again, just wandering, are more of the Vong biotech weapons going to be in Renegade? The amphistaffs weren't bad, but they just didn't seem real. They're alive, but they look stiff and dead.
Posted: 2001-12-26 3:08 a.m.   Report Abuse
Hehe, if you can make fluid, morphing amphistaffs then I'd be glad to include them as the YV primary weapons... no, sorry - I'd be bloody ecstatic!

The first level is about two weeks away from completion... its rather large, and set in an open canyon system with outlying buildings to explore as the plot unfolds.

The second level will be set in the bowels of an abandoned mining facility which spreads far beneath the surface of the snow world.

I'm guessing that it'll be completed in about three months or so since I'm doing the majority of the mapping and editing myself, with aid from good ole' Berlick.

I'm pleased to announce that there WILL be more YV technology (possible thud bugs if we can edit them properly), and DEFINATELY ooglith masquers... you're gonna love this if you have any appreciation of an epic storyline. As for peoples' suggestions on making non-boxy rooms and passages, well it's kinda hard in some cases, but for the most part I've gone for a kind of rustic feel and made unusual shaped interiors. Obviously a passage is a passage though...

As for the timeframe, Renegade is set approximately two hours after Inception... to give Zack time to escape the coralskippers and make a blind jump into the neighbouring system. So there you go!

I'm gonna post the first level's loading screen blurb soon, so you can get a taste of what's waiting for you. The second level and what happens in it however is going to remain a closely guarded secret....



PS. Download SBX2 - 'tis amazing.
Jedi Slayer
Posted: 2001-12-27 5:19 a.m.   Report Abuse
D@#M it! I've been working on one of these freaking levels and trying to figure out how to make the Battle of Dantooine level possible when all of the sudden, boom a level involving this crap comes out. Oh, well. Maybe no one will make one about that.
Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2001-12-27 9:30 p.m.   Report Abuse
What Force powers and rank will Zack Helix have in Renegade? I know the Force doesn't do much to the Vong, but it would help against the other enimies.

P.S: Why does Zack have Force Throw in Inception when there's nothing in the level to throw? If Zack has Force Throw again, could you please add throwable debries?
Posted: 2001-12-28 4:27 a.m.   Report Abuse
Okay, first things first. I'm kinda getting into the way that Pac_Man3D's mind's working, so.....
Throw is in Inception even though there ain't nothing to throw because he's simply trying to illustrate the point that the main character is going to the Dark Side. He has the power; don't mean he's gonna use it.
Secondly, Jedi Slayer, are you saying this level is crap and you didn't like it, or are you just using 'crap' instead of the word 'something' or something similar?
And a comment about amphistaffs looking dead and lifeless; what do you want them to do, jump from the Warrior's hands and tell jokes? Really?
Rant over.......

Posted: 2001-12-28 12:18 p.m.   Report Abuse
Hehe! Thanks Kammerice, ole' buddy. First time someone's commended my insanity... hehe.

As for Dark Light Strike's comments about Renegade's force powers... well he's going to have the following powers added to his arsenal...


Hope that clarified some points. This whole saga of levels will explore the redemption scenerio of a fallen Jedi.

As for those of you who are ever curious as to the progress both I (and now Berlick) are making on the Renegade episodes, well the first level has been fully mapped. I may even be benevolent enough to post some screen shots for you all... we just need to edit the cliff walls throughout the level (they're a bit too boring), add various 3dos, goals, and some more of those lovely lovely allies who offer lovely lovely keys... yes, this is very plot driven. I hope you like cutscenes.

Any more suggestions will be helpful.



I would like to give handshakes to the following people -


Dark Light Strike

You will be mentioned in the new HTML file... oh, the priviledge!
Posted: 2001-12-28 12:22 p.m.   Report Abuse
As for you, Jedi Slayer...

What exactly is this crap you're talking about? Due to the fact that I'm having trouble understanding your barely legible ramblings, I'm guessing that your hoping people will stop making levels about the NJO series? Am I right?

If that's the case, my dear boy, then why the hell were you attempting to make a battle of Dantooine level in the first place?

Hmmm... the mind boggles.

Can't we all just get along? Well, enough of this bickering... I'm going to drink copious amounts of coffee, listen to Stone Roses, and download some guitar tab...
Posted: 2001-12-28 12:30 p.m.   Report Abuse
And yes, there will be throwable debris in the mines complex - just for you Dark Light Strike ;)

Besides, you're gonna need it!
Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2001-12-28 5:29 p.m.   Report Abuse
How many types of enimies will be in Renegade? Maybe you can add different castes of Vong with different ranks and purposes.
Posted: 2001-12-29 4:37 p.m.   Report Abuse
Shapers would be cool. Y'know, walk around a corner, have your head removed and put on the body of a reptiod thingy.
Voxyn were mentioned, but really in game terms they would be way too hard. Stab! 'You one dead voxyn!' 'No I ain't!' Munch! Pretty much what would happen.
Gasp! I get a mention in the! WOW!!!! I'm so happy. I'd like to take this moment to thank my mum, my slightly sarcastic sense of humour, my good typing skills, the fact that no one has told me to shut up, and, oh yeah, ME!!!!!!! *Listens to the resounding cries of 'SHUT UP!!!!!!!!'
Anyways, seriously now, doncha think it would be cool if the probe driods (if any) in the next levels really didn't shoot at you like in Inception?
I'm gonna stop now, becuase I really am running outta things to say, and its really not healthy when that happnes but you keep talking anyway. Much like I'm continuing to do. As you can see, nothing of real value is actually being said, yet I continue to write. Whats that about?

Posted: 2001-12-30 9:12 a.m.   Report Abuse
I would just like to point out they is some throw objects, helmets!

If you're gonna use them though you have to either punch the helmet to the destination or get the opponent to follow you to it's location.

If anybody would like to make us some bad guys you would be most welcome.
Posted: 2001-12-30 9:30 a.m.   Report Abuse
(message posted by good ole' Pac_Man3D)

Hi Kammerice!

You'll be pleased to know that not only is there another probe droid, but its also more hostile and kills you in about three shots...

As for badguys and what they are, then you'll have to wait and see...

Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2001-12-30 2:13 p.m.   Report Abuse
Why do the probe droids fire on you anyway? The Vong don't use them and I thought they were exclusive Imperial tech only. They're suppose to know who to fire on, right?
Anyway, are there going to be stormies on your side that will fight for you?
Posted: 2001-12-30 3:50 p.m.   Report Abuse
Dark light Strike (from now on, you're gonna be DLS), Probe droids are no longer Imp tech only. Lot of people ran from the Imp Space to the New Republic and vice versa. There's bound to be at least a bunch in the hands of the peace brigade by now. Its just that since their droids, and 30 years old, I doubt anyone would use them unless they were desperate. Which the PB are.
Well I'm off to drink some coffee and try to stay awake most of the rest of the year. And if I don't post before hand, have a HAppy New Year. Unless you're Chinese. In which case, have one when it happens.

Posted: 2001-12-31 10:58 a.m.   Report Abuse
Actually in this case, you're both wrong about the probots... they're actually programmed to assault any lifeform that could be a potential threat. Because of the sneaky and insidious nature of the Yuuzhan Vong, the imperials put a high priority on maintaining security against anything suspicious while they conducted their (somewhat ill-fated) defense of the facility...

Hope that cleared up a few things.

happy new year!

Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2001-12-31 6:32 p.m.   Report Abuse
Happy New Year everyone! Just asking, are there any more NJO levels after Renegade?
Posted: 2002-01-01 12:36 p.m.   Report Abuse
Are there any more levels after Renegade? Hmmm... Since Renegade hasn't even been released yet I guess not.

Did anyone detect a hint of sarcasm there?

I apologise for my conduct.

Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2002-01-02 10:39 p.m.   Report Abuse
No need for sarcasm:
"Can't we all just get along?????????????"
Posted: 2002-01-03 2:30 a.m.   Report Abuse
Posted: 2002-01-03 3:43 a.m.   Report Abuse
If we all got along then writing in these discussion pages would be boring and uninteresting. See, if we argue and attack each other then it makes for good reading and everyone has a good laugh. Except those that got attacked and beaten into the proverbial pulp. But thats their loss. Now, sarcasm is required to generate enough tension so that these debates become heated enough that people do get beaten. See, now you all know my reasons for taking so much crap.
I thank you and good night

Posted: 2002-01-03 10:45 a.m.   Report Abuse
Wahey! Past the 800 mark!

Come on people, let's get it to a thousand!
Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2002-01-05 3:18 p.m.   Report Abuse
Posted: 2002-01-06 8:24 a.m.   Report Abuse
Attack? Why attack? Why not 'Pet them until they turn into little balls of fluff'? Why would we attack? What would we attack? Where would we attack? When would we attack? Do we have any weapons to attack with? Would anyone attack with us? Would anyone attack us whilst we're attacking someone else? Have you thought about all of these points? I don't think you have........

Posted: 2002-01-06 12:23 p.m.   Report Abuse
Once again, a valid point there - made by the ever wise Kammerice. I can see that a great level of consideration has been put into this statement.

Posted: 2002-01-09 11:39 a.m.   Report Abuse

Because of my sudden interest in oriental medievel warfare, I have decided to begin production of a samurai mod, in a similar style to Ninja Kage 7.0. The main problem is I have absolutely no idea how to make mods, and because of this I would like help from anybody who can make the following features which will be used:

New keys - realistic samurai movements (I know that nobody here was probably alive then, but hey...)

New sounds - armour rattling, heavy footsteps, screams, etc.

Hari Kari - when the player types the 'kill' command, the character withdraws two knives and rips his/herself open.

Execution - when an enemy player dies in a MP game, the vanquished opponent drops to their knees, giving the victor an opportunity to slice their head off. Otherwise the dead character simply slumps, head still securely in place between shoulders.

Crossbow - one of the new weapons.
A selection of relevent skins - samurai, sensei, ninjas, etc.

If you can provide any help, I would be most grateful as this is going to be quite a lengthy project for just Berlick and I. More postings with new feature ideas will follow shortly.

For more information, or to enlist your services, please email:

Thank you
Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2002-01-10 7:43 p.m.   Report Abuse
I look forward to such a mod.
Posted: 2002-01-11 12:14 p.m.   Report Abuse
Why thank you!

But hey! Here's an idea! Rather than merely 'look forward to such a mod', how about contributing to the production of the damn thing?

Once again, any help would be hot.

Keep those comments coming in!

Posted: 2002-01-13 2:08 p.m.   Report Abuse
I thought this level was very good... hard, but good. Since the saving bug was already mentioned I won't comment other than to say it did help in learning how to kill the Vong... I'm pretty good at it now and they make for some nice battles. With the saving bug, I can't give this level over an 8 but otherwise, great job.
Posted: 2002-01-14 10:31 a.m.   Report Abuse
Thanks a lot. Hope you enjoy killing more of those Vong!
Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2002-01-14 7:45 p.m.   Report Abuse
Ah, the art of killing Vong, not difficult in Inception, except when they gang up on you in teams of two. Then they slaughter you in short time and fast swinging actions.
Hope that will help someone.
Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2002-01-16 10:04 p.m.   Report Abuse
I forgot, when is Renegade suppose to be completed again?
Posted: 2002-01-18 10:11 a.m.   Report Abuse
Ah, well theres the problem!

Berlick, who's computer(s) we use to edit the levels, since they're faster and more efficient than my stoneage PC, is joining the RAF - unless he screws up the interview, which knowing Berlick is a distinct possibility (see the funny side, Berlick).

Yes, he's going to fulfil his second lifelong ambition of becoming a RAF provost (police) officer (a flying pig). His first lifelong ambition is to become a Jedi Knight ;)

Because of this, it may be a long long long (did I mention long?) time before any further progress is made. And I'm also planning additional projects, such as a samurai mod, and also a complex ninja training level (based on the hub system used in Quake). You're gonna love it though!



Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2002-01-19 10:16 p.m.   Report Abuse
OH well, better late than never I guess....There will be a later, right? I was and am looking forward to Renegade.
Posted: 2002-01-21 3:10 a.m.   Report Abuse
I have read all the feedback and all I am getting is spoilers.

What I want to know is how you get past the very first bit where there is a vent above you. I have tried jumping into it but I cannot time my force jumps correctly. Can someone please help me here. Thanks.

Posted: 2002-01-21 3:23 a.m.   Report Abuse
"We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know whennnnnnnnnnn..." etc etc. Well, thats my patriotic moment over and done with.

Yes, Renegade will happen sometime, but my pc is difficult to use since its... well, crap, really. And JED is exceptionally slow to use, especially on the all important 3D preview. But thank you for your continued support, and of couse the level will eventually completed... and hey, if Berlick doesn't get into the RAF then we'll all be okay.

Now where did I put that bribery money?

Gareth Durasow
Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2002-01-24 3:58 p.m.   Report Abuse
The way to get on the vent is to jump lightly. With 3 stars to jump, it's powerful and overkill on a vent. It is useful later, but not at this time in the game.

By the way, Gareth, I took your advice. SBX3, 'tis amazing!!
Posted: 2002-01-25 12:44 a.m.   Report Abuse
I dunno, DLS, I kinda liked SBX2 better. Don't get me wrong, SBX3 is a brilliant mod (the changing stances is great) but it lacks something hat the second one had. Maybe its because it keeps crashing my computer when the second one didn't, but as no one else has complained about such a problem, I'll assume that its down to my crappy machine. Anyways, what the hell's up with not completing the next Yuuzhan Vong level? Thats not fair!!!!!!!!
Oh and by the way, I'm back (in case you didn't guess). Phone bill = huge last month. That meant Me = Zero Internet.

Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2002-01-25 10:16 a.m.   Report Abuse
I have both SBX-2 and 3. 3.0 does take away too many things, but I like the new moves. The stances are useful. I like the Ninja Kage stance with the extended saber.
Posted: 2002-01-25 11:12 a.m.   Report Abuse
Personally, I find it annoying that people keep using 16 bit mats when my stoneage PC can't handle them, but them's the breaks... ah, well.

Making good progress on my new 'stress relief break' project - The Five Aspects: Ninja Clan training is coming along smoothly. As for you two, Kammerice and Dark Light Strike, your names are already mentioned during the deathmatch level... hehe, I'm sure you'll like your little humourous inclusion!

Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2002-01-26 11:03 p.m.   Report Abuse
I take it that your attempt to "bribe" your partner did'nt go so well? I agree with you on the 16-bit skin thing. What do you mean that I'm included in your Ninja project?
Posted: 2002-01-28 5:50 a.m.   Report Abuse
DSL, do you want in on this or not? I mean, damn man, I didn't have anything to do with the Nija stuff either, but do you hear me complaining that my name's getting mentioned? No.... Just sit back and relax and enjoy the slightly jaded limelight.
I really should start making an acceptance speech. And what's this about humourous stuff? What have you written? If its bad, then you can expect a letter from my fake internet lawyer. Seriously. I'm going to go and make up a name for him now. :)

Posted: 2002-01-28 1:49 p.m.   Report Abuse
Hehe, you'll love it, trust me...
Posted: 2002-01-28 4:43 p.m.   Report Abuse
It was a very good level, playing it with SBX 2 or 3 really makes it good. The only thing I had a problem with was the lighting... if you're going to make it THAT dark, please, let us have force seeing. I found myself running around in circles in the dark. Other than that, I really liked the level, even though I don't read the NJO books, this got me interested.
Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2002-01-29 8:08 p.m.   Report Abuse
THe reason why there's no Force Seeing in the level is because that the Vong will show up on the map. The Vong do not have direct influence on the Force and shouldn't show up on Force Seeing. So, for the sake of realism, there is no Force Seeing. It is a decision which I support. Besides, there need to be a tough mostly saber only posted, because the rest of the levels are simply a breeze compared to this. This is a challenge worthy of JK. Besides, the tougher the better.

(Just don't make Renegade too tough, Gareth.)
Posted: 2002-01-30 10:52 a.m.   Report Abuse
Too tough? Make Renegade too tough?

Would I?

Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2002-01-30 3:51 p.m.   Report Abuse
I think I'll decide if it's tough when I see it.
Posted: 2002-01-31 3:06 p.m.   Report Abuse
You do realise that you just said, in a round about way, that you would efinately be finishing Renegade, don't you? Making it too tough implies that you are making it. Damn, I'm good. I should be on TV.
Oh, and Raven Blade, if you do actually read this (no offense is intended here) the reasons for the Force powers that were included (and exculded) were mentioned earlier on this page. I know that 'coz myself DLS and Pac Dude said most them ourselves. Take time to read other comments before posting your own; you may find that you have little else to say apart from what a good level this is, and will therefore save Internet time hence samller phone bill. See, I DO care for all of the little people. Yeah, and this is when Raven Blade turns out to be some 8 foot guy with a bad attitude. 'Ulp, I'll go away now and hide.

Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2002-02-01 9:28 p.m.   Report Abuse
Generally, I think it's a bad idea to piss off anyone. Especially a 8-foot guy with a bad attitude.
Posted: 2002-02-03 10:17 a.m.   Report Abuse
Personally, I find that its a bad idea ro piss off various different coloured ghosts with better manouverability than you - even if you have swallowed one of those lovely power pills.

Mmmmm, power pills.
Posted: 2002-02-04 12:45 a.m.   Report Abuse
Ordinarily, its a bad idea to piss off anyone that's a) taller than you; b) uglier than you; c) bigger than you; d) stronger than you; e) heavier than you; f) not a member of your family; g) is a member of your family; h) eats meat raw from the bone; i) pissed off already.

I think that may have cleared a few things up about people I don't want to piss off. And if I've missed anyone out, feel free not to be pissed off about it; you're simply not important enough for me to type about you. Heh heh heh.
I wonder if in years to come, people will read this post and consider the consequences of my actions - mass panic in the streets, stuff like that. Nah, I ain't that important myself.

Posted: 2002-02-04 2:47 a.m.   Report Abuse
You seem to have neglected to mention 'wider than you'.

Thought that might help.
Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2002-02-04 4:16 p.m.   Report Abuse
You do realize that just by posting these comments, we are/may be "pissing someone off." And/or insulting others(especially Ravenwood or thatever the guy's name is), which generates negative emotions toward us. I think I will be the one to go hide now........
Posted: 2002-02-05 12:44 a.m.   Report Abuse
The dude's name is Raven Blade. You'd better get it right, coz he's the guy that could be 8 foot tall and built like a tank. And as for hiding and stuff, I know a great spot, but I can't tell you coz it would mean that those people that are after me would know where it was. Ha hahahahahahaha.
And we'd best try to keep these posts funny as it seems to be that we three are the only ones left writing in here, so we'd better give ourselves something funny to read.

Posted: 2002-02-05 5:50 a.m.   Report Abuse
Just bought Dark Journey...

'Tis rather enjoyable
Posted: 2002-02-05 7:57 p.m.   Report Abuse
Nice. very very nice.
it was great to actually encounter 2 of the yhuzan vong at once. i had a great time killing multiple 'vongs.
only problem i encountered was i could only save game twice. on the third time the game crashed.
if i had've been able to get further than the air vents after the yhuzan vong with the lightsabre then i would've enjoyed it more.
the crashing might just be my pc but it's annoying to lose a game when you save for the third time.
i look forward to any newer levels with yhuzan vong (sorry for the spellin of yhuzan vong)
Posted: 2002-02-05 8:08 p.m.   Report Abuse
I'd like to apologies for the atrocious spelling of "YUUZHAN VONG".
i feel really stupid (no one agree with me!).
i would definetely download a second installment.
also another thing i forgot a moment ago was to congratulate you Berlick on the darkness in the level. i think it adds to the abience, and the overall feel of an overrun, crippled research facility.
Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2002-02-06 8:19 p.m.   Report Abuse
Iron_jedi, you can save the game three times. First quick-save, the normally save it, and quike-save again. Do it, in that order, because you can only quikesave twice, and save it once. The vents aren't hard to bypass. Just run, after encountering the Lord, until you get to a door, open, and jump on a catwalk. Then slash a grating above, and jump up the vent, which way to jump, I think you should consult your map. Only one direction leads to a tunnel. Then you have to keep jumping up, until you find a grating vent to slash. Hint, the bacta tanks in the sickbay works, and talk to the troopers.
Posted: 2002-02-07 3:54 a.m.   Report Abuse
Yes, talk to the stormtroopers. They don't shoot you. Seriously. They're not like the one earlier in the level (just beyond the two Yuuzhan Vong warriors). No, these are nice stormtroopers that talk to you and give you gifts. If you still don't believe me, try it. They give up some very nice things.
Do you think he/she fell for it? By the way, just ignore me. The troopers do help you.
Yuuzhan Vong should run into walls. That would be funny; Force Blind (not possible I know, but hey) and then Force Push (if you could) and hey presto - Yuuzhan Vong in a wall. And yes, I am in a strange mood today - boring Phsyics lectures and a crappy Maths tutorial and later a Bioscience lab (I don't know the first thing about Biology - how screwed am I?)


Posted: 2002-02-08 3:11 a.m.   Report Abuse
Thank you very much for the kind comments, iron jedi... as for the darkness, it wouldn't have been done if I hadn't said,
"Berlick, I want darkness... yes, an eerie, haunting darkness that is cloying and tangible... yesss, my pretty, yessss..."


That of course, is my ranting over and done with.

Bought third edition WOTC Dungeons & Dragons a bit back... 'tis a hefty tome of merriment.

As for Dark Journey, well... (snigger)

Started out pretty well, but then the author takes Jaina's personality and throws it in the bin. Yeah, I appreciate that she's tainted, but its ridiculous! You realise at the end of the book that NOTHING ACTUALLY HAPPENS. Prime candidate for 'worst NJO novel yet' award? I think so...

But of course that is just an opinion.

And is Jacen REALLY dead? No-one knows... hmm, intriguing.

It might have been nice to know what was actually happening to him though. That might have added some actually interesting events into an otherwise mundane book. The description was good... the story, well I think you've guessed by now... blah, blah, yadda yadda.

Posted: 2002-02-08 4:44 p.m.   Report Abuse
The Vong AI of this level is incredible IMHO. Also, it is frightening. This is what makes it stand out from the other levels. The Vong jump high at and aim to come down straight on your with their staff's at your head. They swing selectively well and, like they should, they are immune to force powers. Only down part of this level is how hard it is with so many enemies at once. For example, you must fall down a deep pit into water (in complete darkness) and fight off hordes of Mailocs and at least one Kell Dragon. This is where I stopped. :) Great job on the level, however!
Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2002-02-08 11:10 p.m.   Report Abuse
(Havn't read Dark Journey yet... Therefore...)
[Klaxon Blaring!! Klaxon Blaring!!]
(Voice over an intercom...)
Posted: 2002-02-10 2:22 a.m.   Report Abuse
Thanks a lot, Mariners2001... if you play the rest of the level you might find that the battles get even more intense!

Oh, and DLS, there is nothing to spoil in Dark Journey, because not a great deal occurs...

except the death of (ahem, cough, splutter)

Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2002-02-10 6:30 p.m.   Report Abuse
Posted: 2002-02-11 3:53 a.m.   Report Abuse
Eh, can anyone else see who's taking this war analogy far too far? Maybe DLS should pop a couple pills and sit in a corner holding his head and repeatedly say 'Can't sleep, clown'll eat me, can't sleep, clown'll eat me'. No, wait, thats the Simpsons.

Posted: 2002-02-11 11:39 a.m.   Report Abuse
personally, I was always more afraid of the bumble bee guy from the simpsons... my heart trembles still... (shudder)
Posted: 2002-02-12 5:32 a.m.   Report Abuse
By the way, I think I've come up with a reason why Dark Journey's so slow and boring for a while (I've only read the first five or six chapters). Its simple. You had the shocks throughout the whole of SBS, ending with the fall of a certain planet (just in case anyone reading this hasn't read SBS) and the death of two major characters (we should ALL by now know who that is...). The NJO needed a book to kinda slow the pace down a little; the series has been running from one crisis to the next, killing off major characters like a failing soap opera. It needed DJ to show the readers how the war and the most tragic of tragic events has taken a toll on them. I mean, from what I've read, Kyp's going through a change of heart; Jaina's beginning to regret whats gone before, but she doesn't seem to be in any mind to change her actions as of yet. We're only now seeing the other effects war can have on the Jedi. So far the only REAL threat that they've faced is death or sacrifice. Now, because of the young Solo, we're now realising that the Dark Side is still there and wants to be acknowledged by taking one of the most powerful New Generation Jedi over to its side.
Sorry if thats spoiled anyone's reading of the book, but like I said earlier, I've only read the first few chapters, so I haven't ruined much.

Posted: 2002-02-13 12:41 p.m.   Report Abuse
Well I must say that you've touched upon DJ's only saving grace, Kyp's personality development. Personally, I feel that DJ is slow because its rather dull, not because its written that way deliberately.

But honestly, I'm pretty sure that Jacen isnt dead because obviously nobody is certain (except the ever-grim Jaina). Hell, even his own mother didnt feel the full power of the guy's death. I think that the YV were torturing him to the brink of death... for whatever reason.

Posted: 2002-02-14 12:50 a.m.   Report Abuse
Well, I agree that Jacen can't be dead; the other Jedi woulda felt it worse, and no matter what kind of state Jaina'a in, she'd have felt it to. Naw, the YV were simply torturing him to get her attention. Or maybe even, he's just let himself go and gone to the Dark Side himself, the Force surge being his rage and hate...
Another reason why he won't be dead; Jaina's still really REALLY sore about the loss of Anakin (who wouldn't be?), so her feelings through the Force are totally messed up; especially with all of the Dark Side emotions running through her.

Posted: 2002-02-14 3:51 a.m.   Report Abuse
I do agree. And let's be honest, Jacen's gonna be the one who's destined to end this whole war... if its not Anakin, then who the hell else can it be?

Not Kyp, and not Jaina.
Posted: 2002-02-15 12:44 a.m.   Report Abuse
I dunno about Jacen ending this. It could take a turn for the cliche and have the original bunch end it the way that they ended the Empire; coz lets face it, thats what th Yv have become - a new Empire. With Corscucant gone, the New Republic in tatters, all thats left to do is become the Rebellion again and fight this whole damned war all over again. Which, although has been done, might be cool.
And no offense to Jacen; he's far too weak to end a war - his attitude might start one, but no way will he ever end one. Unless everyone else dies because their so bored by his views.
Hell, if this war goes on long enough, Ben might even end it. But no, thats waaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too far away.

Posted: 2002-02-15 3:01 a.m.   Report Abuse
I think that by stating that Jacen is far too weak to end the war, you've actually unintentionally touched upon the exact reason why he would end it!

I'll elaborate. Throughout this whole series of books, the authors have conspired to confront us with the unexpected. Nobody thought that they'd kill off Chewbacca... although it did take a moon.

It would be a logical twist in the tale for Jacen to mature and become a more formidable Jedi Knight. We all know that the guy's capable of causing a serious threat to the Yuuzhan Vong. Hell, Jacen even stood toe-to-toe with Tsavong Lah (who for all intents and purposes IS the new Darth Vader) and not only lived, but severely injured him!

Jacen could easily be a highly powerful Jedi Knight if he overcomes this whole 'the Force is holier than thou' attitiude. And let's face it, thats what the NJO series has been about; overcoming obstacles and barriers.

Phew. Sometimes I even amaze myself.
Posted: 2002-02-18 4:13 a.m.   Report Abuse
Dude, I just finished DJ. What the hell was that about? Tsavong Lah's son deciding that thing at the end of the book (just in case people reading this haven't finished it yet). Why the hell did they bother to even bring him in? And yes, I do know that I just gave away the ending (okay, simply implied it, but still). What was the point of even having the character if they were simply going to take him out after 300 hundred pages? He could have been just as good a character as Tsavong Lah himself; at least we would get to see first hand how the YV go into parenting. But no, the just have him let the YV fleet target his ship. Waste of time and paper if you ask me.
As for Jaina becoming Kyp's apprentice...what is that about? I agree with Pac Dude - they've taken her personality and destroyed it. She hated Kyp earlier in the series and now agrees to wander the galaxy with him. Yeah, right.
Like I said earlier, Jacen won't be dead. He'll just be in a lot of pain.

Posted: 2002-02-18 7:55 a.m.   Report Abuse
Thank you. The voice of reason goes gains another member, adding strength to its somewhat dwindling ranks.

Just think, all those trees are being horrifically slain, and this is what they make out of it... lets hope this is the worst it gets. They should have brought Khristine Katherine Rusch (author of the New Rebellion) to write a NJ book. She's easily the best female author of the SW novels... although Timothy Zahn is my personal favourite.

I do agree about Tsavong Lah's son though. He could have been awesome. His destructive capabilities (ie. when he slew the three YV in a battle of honour) were incredible. Star Wars fans, the NJO books just lost a great enemy... may we mourn.

Once again, thank you for your support.
Posted: 2002-02-18 2:34 p.m.   Report Abuse
Just thought I'd update everybody on the situation.
The first part of the level is complete with the exception of a few minor things and the second part has a starting point.
My annoying little friend Pac_Man3D hasn't done anything on the level in the pass month or so although I will say he did have JED open for about a minute today ;).
I would also like to point out that I have no intentions of doing any actual editing for the level because I have numerous projects of my own, I've also gone off editing once again (might be a few months before I regain my interest).

One last thing, a big thank you to everybody, including Pac, for spoiling the story for us who have not yet bought the books.

Thank you and goodnight.

P.S. I thought I'd leave you with a bit of my merriment;
"Life is but a network of roads, you keep on running till you hit a dead end."
Posted: 2002-02-20 10:41 a.m.   Report Abuse
Morbid sod.

Yes, its true... I've lost the muse. I must now await the next star wars film until my creative influences are restored to their full glory and influence.

And lets hope it isnt as bad as Phantom Menace... or Dark Journey.

"It was once said that A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back were great films. And that Return of the Jedi was a mediocre film in an excellent trilogy. Now it looks like A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back are going to be excellent films in a shitty saga."

Words of wisdom spoken by another star wars fan.
Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2002-02-20 3:30 p.m.   Report Abuse
The the same old lame question comes to mind anyways. When is the level going to be completed? (you know what I'm talking about!)
Posted: 2002-02-21 5:28 a.m.   Report Abuse
I would actually have to say that RotJ is, in my opinion, the best of the original three films. I absolutely despise the first one, A New Hope - it sucks. In all meanings of the phrase. Empire was cool and dark, much what the trilogy needed after the failure that was Episode Four.
Episode One now replaces Four in relative crapiness, so that should make Two nice and dark and fun, with Three just being a total killfest with the whole bunch of Jedi getting killed and not being there any more and the Empire becoming an Empire.
The next level, DLS, as has been said before, should not be for a while until two people (no names getting mentioned, but they, of course, know who they are) decide to make the level; like I said way long ago in the distant past of this discussion, I don't edit, so I'd be no help. It really does actually rely on Berlick and Pac_Man. If we want a new level, we'd either better make it ourselves, or let them do it in their own time.

Posted: 2002-02-23 10:28 a.m.   Report Abuse
Hey! Stop trying to rope me into this! I don't wanna do anymore work on the levels, that's Pac's job so bug him (!
I've reduced my work load to just cogging and the occasional mat and 3do and I'm NOT gonna increase it for anybody (bribery will be accepted - min bribe = £100).

If you missed that e-mail address it will be displayed at the bottom of this post.

On a more personal note;
1 - I'm currently enquiring into joining the army.
2 - Finding out if a bribe was responsinble for my failure to join the RAF.
3 - Working on a saber level pack.
4 - Thinking about a SP level.
5 - Planing an arena like level for sabers.
6 - Working on my own personal levels.
7 - Improving my fitness.
8 - Working a ton of extra hours at work.
9 - sleeping.
10 - Doing the occasional cog for Pac's levels.
11 - Improving my art skills.
12 - Improving my swimming ability.
(The above list is in no set order)

And now that e-mail address again :-)
Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2002-02-23 6:48 p.m.   Report Abuse
I really don't care who finishes the thing, as long as it's done. Therefore, I am not roping anyone into making the level.
(Special emphasis on the "I" part...I as in me)
Posted: 2002-02-24 5:06 a.m.   Report Abuse
All in good time, my brothers. All in good time.

Greatness cannot be rushed.
Posted: 2002-02-24 8:12 a.m.   Report Abuse
nice to see a well done njo level.
I thought the best part was how you got the Yuzhan vong to be as tough as the book suggest, giving a good duel feeling. The level was going great until I dropped into that cavern, and about 20 mynocks attacked me. That was when I fell off my chair. Lol.
Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2002-02-24 8:28 a.m.   Report Abuse
I think there were only 15 mailocs. But who's counting? I just drop into the water and hope I don't hit the crate or the beam. And shoot anything that moves. That's the most fun part of the whole level. Shooting mailocs and ignore the Kell dragon. I take it on, for fun.
Posted: 2002-02-24 4:02 p.m.   Report Abuse
To be exact there's 12 mialocs, 3 from each access port (four in total). If you've found all the secrets (the readme will help there) you should have the correct weapons and ammo to easily take them out and then either ignor the kell or have some fun with it. For those who don't know, the kell CAN swim, we was a little shocked by this but without moving a limb it can move any direction it wants, although it can't attack underwater, thank goodness. There would have been more mialocs but JK couldn't handle it and caused the sound to mess up.
Sorry if any of you have trouble with the mialocs but I find them easy as pie to kill and thought it was a nice change from YV. It also gave the right atmosphere, the sound of wings comming from an un-seen enemy. :-)
Posted: 2002-02-25 12:49 a.m.   Report Abuse
Yeah, they are kinda easy to off, but when you first play the level, the sounds of them descending kinda scare you. A little. Hey, I wasn't hiding behind the couch; none of you have any evidence I was.

Posted: 2002-02-25 12:08 p.m.   Report Abuse
I seem to remember that my first word when I realised that these new additions to the game had descended on me, was something along the lines off f*ck.

Thank you.

Have a pleasant evening.
Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2002-02-25 7:22 p.m.   Report Abuse
One thing I don't understand is, if the pit was part of an elevator shaft leading down that the Vong trashed, and the mailocs sneaked into the place after it was trashed. Then why were there no mailoc outside the building to kill?
Personally, I thought the level needed more critters since the Vong absolutly adores the deadliness of nature's predators. Anyways, I hope you take that into consideration in Renegade.
Posted: 2002-02-26 11:09 a.m.   Report Abuse
Firstly, yes, the Yuuzhan Vong do adore nature's little beasties. Unfortunately they don't control their reproduction rate... and even if they did, they werent in the place long enough to be able to say, "yesss, my pretty beasties... reproduce, screw each others' brains out... muhahaha."

And they also came from the same tunnel which the kell dragon came from, which - incidentally - goes up to the outside! Ha!

Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2002-03-01 5:30 p.m.   Report Abuse
More nasty critters is a good idea for Renegade, but I'm really interested in the hero, Zack Helix. Could you please use something other than the skin he had in Inception?
The Kyle look just didn't say to me-young and brash, hotheaded, confused, scared Jedi/Sith Charge with dead partner. He is a young person with problems.
As long as the project is not scrubbed altogether, I'm content to wait, comment and offer advice.
Posted: 2002-03-09 10:13 a.m.   Report Abuse
I have recently resumed production of the Ninja Kage training level I mentioned previously... earlier this week I toyed with the idea of turning it into a level pack, but today I decided against it.

The level will feature the gardens, cemetary, tea house, small dojo, lake, etc... and I will soon begin creating the large underground training temple which I have designed today. The level will consist of several key areas, all of which warrant different styles of play (with different lighting, etc), though the underground temple will truly be an intimidating place in which to battle.

As for Renegade, watch this space.

Once this Ninja project is finished, I will return to the eagerly awaited second installment of Zack's adventures.

Can't let the fans down, can I?
Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2002-03-09 12:37 p.m.   Report Abuse
Yes, yes, yes.... I'm absolutly giddy of the prospect of watching and waiting.

(After all I've been doing so for 3 months now, catch the sarcacism???)

Anyway, I truly and totally look foward to the possibility of waiting for the O so long awaited Renegade to make its appearence here on Massassi.

After all, what's more fun than having your eyes glued to a screen while waiting for Renegade to magically appear on the screen for how many months? One? Two? Three......99? 100? 101? 102? 103? 104? 105.....two to the second power? two to the third power? two to the fourth power..... the square root of infinity?......etc.

(If you don't find this particilary hilarious, don't blame me, I'm just trying to post something happy to read for myself and for others.)
Posted: 2002-03-10 4:11 a.m.   Report Abuse
Am I the only one who confesses to finding DLS's previous comment about as amusing as the Holocaust?

If you want it doing quicker, I'm more than willing to email you the somewhat complex designs which I have at home. You're welcome to attempt the level yourself... and I'm sure Berlick is more than willing to let you write the cogs for it.

You'll have to wait, Berlick and I both have lives outside of Jedi Knight.

Pac_Man3D has spoken.
Posted: 2002-03-11 12:50 a.m.   Report Abuse
Yes, that's right, I have returned (if you didn't notice that I had left, then I had, and now I'm back). DLS, I am the only one in this entire post that is authorised to say weird and wacky things; basically, if something funny's gonna be said, I'll be the one to say it.

Kammerice has spoken in the way that he is acutally writing.
Seriosuly though, don't take anything I say, except comments about the level to heart.
Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2002-03-11 4:48 p.m.   Report Abuse
Initially, it wasn't my idea to launch personal attacks and sour sarcasism on others.
(Want to know where I got the idea? Refer to earlier posts.)
Posted: 2002-03-12 3:30 a.m.   Report Abuse
I'm shocked. Positively shocked. Are you atcually implying that you gained your sarcasm from me. Probably not; I'm not all that important.
Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2002-03-13 3:58 p.m.   Report Abuse
Congradulations, you have created a monster.
Posted: 2002-03-14 12:41 a.m.   Report Abuse
Really? Can I keep him? I'll pet him and pet him and take him for walks and feed him all the time.....PLEASE LET ME KEEP HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 2002-03-14 11:10 a.m.   Report Abuse
Sad... very very sad.
Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2002-03-14 4:01 p.m.   Report Abuse
(Monster awakens)
(Monster walks around, exploring his surroundings and the Universe in general)

Posted: 2002-03-15 12:44 a.m.   Report Abuse
I don't want a monster that'll eat my brain. Take it away; I don't like it; I'll probably wake up dead one day if I let it near me.....

Posted: 2002-03-15 11:14 a.m.   Report Abuse
Reminds me of the denizens of that lovely game entitled 'Resident Evil'. How I enjoyed pointing the business end of a shotgun towards their uncomprehending zombie-faces, and watching their heads explode with that delicious 'crack'.

Posted: 2002-03-21 8:34 a.m.   Report Abuse
Resident Evil and Star Wars, never thought I'd see the moment when those two were combined. That would make a good level; someone should do that.

Posted: 2002-03-21 10:50 a.m.   Report Abuse
Yes, that would be an interesting prospect.


Why are you looking at me that way?
Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2002-03-21 6:32 p.m.   Report Abuse
(Monster gets up.)
"Must surviiiiiiiiive."
(Turns hideous face on nearby frightened denizens.)
Posted: 2002-04-06 3:32 p.m.   Report Abuse
Wow, no one has posted in here for a while. Maybe its the adrenaline rush of Jedi Outcast. Or maybe we all ran out of things to say. Took us long enough...

Posted: 2002-04-08 12:05 p.m.   Report Abuse
True enough. I've had the pleasure of playing (or is that 'enduring') a few hours of JKO. Rather tough, I must say. And those saber duels are bloody difficult. But of course, Berlick can kill Luke quite often... apparently.

I have to say, the game itself is excellent. Shame my archaic computer can't handle anything more than tetris... or DF2. Maybe I need a new hamster to keep the thing running.

Anyway, this message was just to let you known that both Berlick and I haven't died due to lack of nutrition. Berlick is currently working on a JK MP Co-op... but a good one. Not one of those crappy non-synced ones.

Have a good evening.

And if you're driving home, don't forget your car.

Posted: 2002-04-08 11:26 p.m.   Report Abuse
love it even if the vong were not correct............i just want to kill the vong.

Posted: 2002-04-09 1:51 p.m.   Report Abuse
Don't we all?
Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2002-04-10 8:24 p.m.   Report Abuse
You know what I want? To kill NEW Vong.
(You know what I'm talking about!)
Posted: 2002-04-12 3:56 p.m.   Report Abuse
DLS, my what a sad little life you must lead if all you want to do is kill new YV. You know that they can lock you up for that anyways?

Dark Light Strike
Posted: 2002-04-12 7:51 p.m.   Report Abuse
Read bottom line!
Posted: 2002-04-13 9:44 a.m.   Report Abuse
is Enemy Line 1 out yet?

Posted: 2002-04-17 11:51 a.m.   Report Abuse
See thats all part of my secret plan!

JK came out in 1997, and JK Outcast came out five years later... the tension was immense and the public opinion of it seems very supportive.

You know what I'm talking about...
Posted: 2002-04-17 1:04 p.m.   Report Abuse
Okay, DLS and Pac_Man may know what they're talking about, but the rest of us don't, so if you'd mind telling me what the hell is going on....

Posted: 2002-04-19 2:20 p.m.   Report Abuse
Yes Enemy Line 1 is out...but nothing happens, except that Luke finally gets his act together, and the rebel alliance starting again.
Posted: 2002-04-24 11:48 a.m.   Report Abuse
Haven't read it yet.

Can't say its been a priority after reading Elaine Cunningham's debacle.

Although Aaron Allston did write the latest one, so I'm guessing it might be okay... afterall, he did write enough of the X-wing books.

Posted: 2002-05-14 3:17 p.m.   Report Abuse
Does anyone come in here anymore? Or have we all left?

Posted: 2002-05-14 3:29 p.m.   Report Abuse
I think theyve all given up hope of the new level EVER coming out and left. Sad too as the original lvl was so good (if abit short)
Posted: 2002-05-25 10:13 a.m.   Report Abuse
Every time I enter a comment, someone replies then no one else seems to be around. I must be so sad for actually continuing to come back in here...

Posted: 2002-05-29 2:00 p.m.   Report Abuse
Don't worry, my children...

I am still watching over you all.

I was thoroughly disappointed by Episode 2, by the way... tsk tsk.
Posted: 2002-06-04 7:44 a.m.   Report Abuse
overall this level was pretty good a little dark in some areas but not bad. Its good to see some NJO levels out. You should stick whith it and make a second installment! Maybe you could even use some voxyn??
Posted: 2002-06-17 11:29 a.m.   Report Abuse
Thanks for your kind comments. Unfortunately, the main editor, our dearly beloved berlick decided to give up his day job and join the army instead.

Go figure...
Posted: 2002-06-19 3:24 p.m.   Report Abuse
So let me get this straight...he considers joining the army MORE improtant then Jedi Knight?.......weird
Posted: 2002-06-24 4:22 a.m.   Report Abuse
Yes, strange isn't it?

Maybe my design demands gave him some sort of masochicistic (?) complex or something.

Poor guy.
Posted: 2002-07-06 5:40 a.m.   Report Abuse
You'll be happy to know I'll be returning home soon so if Pac_Man will get of his big rear end we can get this level done.
On a similar note, Pac, you had plenty of time to finish the level before I left and you could have always transfered the files over.
Anyway, if I can get Pac off his rear I'll try to get the level out before November. (not much chance there then!)

P.S. If anybody here is planning on joining the British Army take a good long think, the training is a nightmare!!!
Posted: 2002-07-30 2:48 p.m.   Report Abuse
How do you get this thing to work? I can't figure it out? This level looks really good from the screenshots, though. It's probably impossible to make a highly detailed Yuzzhan Vong for JK. I gave it a ten. Good looking level!
Posted: 2002-07-30 3:44 p.m.   Report Abuse
I'm relatively new, and I just caught up on the conversation.But first things first(1) I need some serious help on getting the level to work. Seriously, I'm going paranoid with eager because of everyone's comments, and(2)Jacen is not dead. He is on a Yuuzhan Vong worldship. I learned this from my Insider magazine(You know, Star Wars Insider). the book is called Traitor or something like that. Again, some help would be very(Did I mention very)nice.

Posted: 2002-07-30 5:06 p.m.   Report Abuse
Is anyone here? Kammerice? DLS? Pac_Man3D?
Posted: 2002-08-01 2:47 p.m.   Report Abuse
Yeah I know Jacen isnt dead....hes going to come back with a better grasp on the force after Vergere trains him...and i got that knowledge from the book is called Destiny's Way and its coming out in October
Posted: 2002-08-03 8:26 a.m.   Report Abuse
Thanks,pur33vil, for the info. By the way, do you know where to find the JKSuperPatch2000? And how to get the level to run(start up)?
Posted: 2002-08-04 8:12 a.m.   Report Abuse
Did you put it in the episode folder? if you did when you start a new game you should be able to pick the lvl from a list....if u cant ive no idea
Posted: 2002-08-05 4:45 a.m.   Report Abuse
Thanks again, pur33vil.Is this the right directory(C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Jedi Knight\Episode)? And do you need to load that JKSuperPatch2000? Your help is
Posted: 2002-08-09 4:13 p.m.   Report Abuse
Okay, sorry dude; as most of you that inhabit this little world that I sometimes visit, my computer is not the greatest piece of machinery in the world (in fact she's kinda like the Millennium Falcon - held together by hopes and prayers). Hence the lack of posting.

To answer u're question, no, you don't need a patch commander of any type to run this level (I don't think - I always use Patch Commander 4.something from or somewhere - can u tell i really have no idea what i'm talking about?)

Anyways, i'm opff to see the wonderful wizard of somewhere or other. catch u all in a littl while...

Posted: 2002-08-19 7:19 p.m.   Report Abuse
This is the first and best level I've downloaded or JK, and I have 2 questions for the producers of this level: Will our buddy Zak ever go toe-to-toe with Tsavong Lah, Supreme Overlord Shimraa (is that how you spell it?) or any other high and mighty extragalactic abominationsin the Renegade? Question #2: Will our homie Zak be allied with a YVH droid? I've twitching with anticipation for the next installment in this series. Give Peace A Chance
Posted: 2002-08-19 7:23 p.m.   Report Abuse
sorry about my mistypings in my last post, i'll shut up. for now
Posted: 2002-08-27 2:17 p.m.   Report Abuse
WHY NOT TELL US IF WE WON'T BE ABLE TO SLEEP FOR A WEEK DO TO NIGHTMARES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Posted: 2002-08-27 2:18 p.m.   Report Abuse
igniton 101
Posted: 2002-08-31 11:46 p.m.   Report Abuse
i realy liked this level. it is truly one of the best on massassi. i even stoped playing outcast to play this and i loved it. i think you should make another level along the new jedi order line. great job!!
Rogue 1
Posted: 2002-09-22 12:45 p.m.   Report Abuse
Chewie on NJ is right they look too humen. Otherwise superb level!! Not too long to download and great playing too!
Posted: 2002-10-11 4:48 a.m.   Report Abuse
Told you all I'd be back!

There are no plans for the player to be allied with a YVH (as yet). As for the above comment regarding the human-looking nature of the YV, it is rather difficult to make them appear as they do in the novels/rpg.

So if anyones up for the challenge, then please do contact us.

Just to whet your appetites, Zack will encounter more devastating Vong warriors on the stricken planet, make and break an allegience with a new Jedi character, and cause much chaos on his misguided path.

If you have any additional plotline suggestions, then you're welcome to offer them here.

Gareth "soon to be back from retirement" Durasow
Posted: 2002-10-13 2:29 p.m.   Report Abuse
Will the sequel be SBX 3.1 compliant? If I play this level (fantastic) with SBX 3.1, the Warmaster chap's lightsaber isn't there.
Give Peace A Chance
Posted: 2002-10-29 2:39 p.m.   Report Abuse
So, I'm gonna guess the posting ran out of steam. I wonder if I'm the only one that still comes in here.

evil pie
Posted: 2002-11-25 3:37 p.m.   Report Abuse
hey this is a great lvl im starting to red the books ...fisrt one vector prime ..i think u should put more enemys in the lvl .if i can learn how to mae lvls and stuff i would gladly help you!!! the bugs that were in the lvl wernt to bad i bearly notice them make more
Posted: 2002-12-07 6:21 p.m.   Report Abuse
Is there going to be a sequel or not??? November has been over with for a while now...
Posted: 2002-12-15 7:34 a.m.   Report Abuse
Just thought I'd post because I haven't posted in a long while. This post will contain questions, so for those of you that can't handle questions, read no further.

When will the sequel be out?
Why isn't it out already?
Where did DLS go?
Why isn't he/she here?

Posted: 2002-12-16 6:40 p.m.   Report Abuse
Hey, I don't have enough people to talk NJO with, so does anyone here have an AOL instant messenger screen name? Mine is Morpheus7187 or Ninjayuzzum2, depends on my mood. (I'd also like to know when the new level will be out, or wether or not it's being worked on or anywhere near finished. Not everyone has abandoned DF2 for JK2...)
Posted: 2002-12-22 8:28 p.m.   Report Abuse
This Level is great. It would be cool if you made a follow up and made it follow along one of the books. It would be neat if there was some coralskipers added. But overall this was my favorite level and i'm speaking for all my friends.
Posted: 2002-12-26 9:06 a.m.   Report Abuse
Whens the seond instalment comimg out.
Posted: 2003-02-02 7:31 p.m.   Report Abuse
I'd really like to know when the sequel is coming out. Oh yeah, on the newest book: I bought Force Heretic I: Remnant. It's a good book so far. Buy it and read it.

P.S.- I'm writing a NJO book. If you'd like details, E-Mail me at
Posted: 2003-03-24 8:32 p.m.   Report Abuse
Um, isn't it more than a little obvious that when Jedi Slayer says "involving this crap", he means "involving Dantooine", which was made clear when he defined the pronoun "this" earlier in the message? You seem to think he was trying to insult your level. Please stop assuming you are constantly being attacked, everyone. I guess reading comprehension is a rare gift :)
Posted: 2003-03-24 9:04 p.m.   Report Abuse
Excellent. Do not pass this level up, no matter what.

Scores (5 is about the average rating):

~ Visual artistry: 9 out of 10.
I had no problem with the lighting at all, but if my lightsaber wasn't there for me, I wouldn't have been able to see a dang thing. Your architecture is very clean, and decorative objects are well-used. Your custom skins were excellent. This is probably really about a 9.8. It really sets a standard for others to follow. But where did 2/10ths of a point go? Bland texturing (certain textures overused) and odd lighting (some light sources in the air shafts were coming from nothing so you oughta have a little yellow disc or something to explain the light, and also I think the lights should not have been dead in at least some rooms). But these are such microscopic piddly things that they count for a micron of your total score. Very nice-looking level.

~ Plot: 9 out of 10. Yay! A REAL PLOT! WOOTAR! A point was deducted for having used a book's plot. Not to say that that is a bad thing, I just have to factor the lack of work there somehow. You then earned some back for pulling the use of the book off so well, and modifying it in a good way. Also, you get points here for being really serious about explaining the plot and putting real thought into the accompanying instructions.

~ Fun factor: 9 out of 10. Way too much fun! The only loss was from crashes when I saved towards the end, and the part in the pit with the whatchamaflyingthings somehow puts a bad taste in my mouth. I don't know why. It could have somehow been better executed. Real score here is probably about 9.8.

~ Level layout and integrity: 10 out of 10! You were very, very close to a 9, even an 8, but somehow you pulled it off! Your great secrets placement, non-frustrating puzzle things, good item placement, good use of NPCs, excellent flow, and nice, even architecture are all to be commended.

Overall score: One big, solid 10! Simply astounding. More.

Can someone tell me what is said when the Lord is defeated, and when you take the TIE? Those parts consistently got corrupted for me, so the text was question marks and Lithuanian or something.
Posted: 2003-07-01 3:45 a.m.   Report Abuse
Very good level... Outside it looked ok, but inside it was very impressive... Only problem was that it booted out too much...
I kinda liked that "horror"... It was well made...
Posted: 2003-07-08 8:31 p.m.   Report Abuse
Posted: 2003-07-26 4:29 a.m.   Report Abuse
Greetings once more, my comrades!

Havent posted for a while because I got corrupted into playing Neverwinter Nights. How are you all anyway?

Glad to see we've had some rave reviews. I appreciate that there are many people out there crying out for a sequel, but its difficult to dedicate time to such a large task due to college and my addiction to Jedi Outcast. Still, the plot is in place. I DO know what becomes of our main hero if such a sequel was to be produced. Although if Berlick and I DID continue work, we would probably have to use the Jedi Outcast engine to do it justice... which means learning to use it!

Has anyone been keeping up with the latest developments in the NJO saga.

Zanoma Sekot (or whatever its called)... what a selfish sentient planet, eh?

Hope you're all ok!



(and his evil alter ego, Gareth Durasow)
Posted: 2003-08-21 3:58 a.m.   Report Abuse
Nice to see the conversation is as interesting as ever...


"The more stupid people think I am, the more surprised they are when I kill them."
Posted: 2003-08-23 7:37 p.m.   Report Abuse
Dude...Zonoma's not selfish! It's a's got a different way of thinking. But anyway, it's going to fight now, and now isn't it Jacen who, after embarking on the dang mission to *find* Zonoma, is now like "Ahhhhhhhhh, this could turn me to the Dark Side?" You wanna talk about selfish and self centered, it's all about *Jacen* and what *Jacen* thinks is right. That kid annoys the crap outta me. Can you make an AU level where Jacen dies? :p

J/k, though I do think a sequel would be great. And yeah, I like playing JK levels, but I understand what you mean about doing a story justice...that woudl be awesome to see a JO level about the Vong. :)

As for this level...good idea, I agree with others, a bit boxy, skins aren't great...but 10 for concept. However, I only giev it an overall six because of that frigging bug. In fact, I haven't even finished it. I'm at the part where you fight that dude on those ramps...oh, and there was a glitch where you can't read whatever they're shows up only as questions marks, or not at all. :(

Anyway, so I don't know what happens after that, cause several times I quicksaved at one point or another, and it shut me down. :( What happens after that?
Posted: 2003-08-26 11:51 a.m.   Report Abuse
whean u make #2 you sould base it on one of the books i have the whole seiese thats out so far and for the space battels u need cut sens and the Vong sould have apastafs not crowbars and thaere was a few glictces
Posted: 2003-10-14 1:55 a.m.   Report Abuse
As there are with your spelling

Jay Shisky
Posted: 2005-06-07 6:07 a.m.   Report Abuse
Love your Idea downloding now I love the NJO books and cant wait to play this lvl. do you mind if I make a sequal to this one? I will give full credit to you of coure :b.
Ifrit Zero
Posted: 2005-06-30 3:57 p.m.   Report Abuse
Great, except for the YV texture. Now that I finally found a working JED, I might make a NJO level... 9/10
Posted: 2023-09-06 9:13 p.m.   Report Abuse
Downloaded it this morning and I have been playing this level all day. So, I'll probably give you a good review but it won't be tonight. Its a late one already. So, if I remember this, I'll come online to rate and comment you. But it's gonna be like 8-12 hours before I'm back. Really tired. I'll see ya then...
Posted: 2023-09-07 6:15 a.m.   Report Abuse
Okay, this was a great level. Perfect. I'll give you a 10/10. 100%.

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3D Preview developed by Stephan Reiter