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Big Oasis 2

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » Big Oasis 2


I modified the popular Oasis level into a gigantic hunting ground for the gun happy Jedi. After all, that's where all the fun is in my opinion. You won't find any impressive cog work or stunning architecture here, I just wanted to make a level I felt would be fun. To all you hosts, the level seems to lag when you start the level, but will run smoother once you've run around a while... Note: Sorry for how the pictures look.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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84.4 KiB


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Posted: 2001-11-24 8:35 a.m.   Report Abuse
I give this a 0. For the love of..Aglar, STOP MAKING OASIS MODS!!! Oasis is a fun level, but when you make it something like this it totally ruins it.
Posted: 2001-11-24 11:12 a.m.   Report Abuse
I was unaware that you could compress JPEG's that much. That in itself moves my score up from 0 to 1.
Posted: 2001-11-24 1:16 p.m.   Report Abuse
How long does it take to submit a level? I remember playing "Big Oasis 2" over 3 years ago! Its event the first addon level I ever played!
SimoN CL
Posted: 2001-11-24 3:59 p.m.   Report Abuse
Yay. More Oasis :|

It is probably best that you dont do another Oasis mod, many people instantly make score it a 1 or a 2. Its the same problem with mots and Cargo Ship....just build your own.

Posted: 2001-11-24 5:05 p.m.   Report Abuse
Dash... STFU. JHS owns all the levels with their "Stunning (gay) Archi". U missed his point (I think). His point was that it's designed to be fun and not be all pretty and preppy like many levels that get rave reviews here but really never gets played other than testing. =P. Think about wut ppl mean and not wut they say.
Posted: 2001-11-24 5:41 p.m.   Report Abuse
The CO mods are back and there worser then ever.
Posted: 2001-11-24 7:45 p.m.   Report Abuse
JHS has horrible flow. There's only one way out of that stupid hallway with the conc cannon, and that's through that hall. Once someone has gotten that thing in their grasp, it's really tough to get it back. If you played anything besides JK, any other FPS games, like UT, Q3, etc, you'd know what good flow means.
Posted: 2001-11-24 10:39 p.m.   Report Abuse
HOLY CRAP! Even if you did those shots as bitmaps they'd still be better! SITHLORDS!
My memory fails me, but I think there is a whole Big Oasis trilogy. This being the second it's not too bad...when it came out! Not too many people will pay attention to it now. Everyone wants creative cogs and 16 bit graphics (which JK DOES support, surprise!)
I'm only giving it a 7 because I played it when it first came out. That oasis level in the new Massassi pack whoops this ones butt anyday.
Posted: 2001-11-24 10:53 p.m.   Report Abuse
I donno about you all but that cannon in JHS isn't that hard to avoid. All you do is move to one side and pot shot them with a large weapon even a bowcaster can kill them. Either they run out away from the cannon or they die.

JHS has good flow with a minor few problems such as getting large weapons and blasting those people who dont have them. Unless every weapon in the game has balanced power that will always happen.

Quit being so hard on those CO levels for being nothing more than CO levels. If they suck at game play and look bad then rate them low. If they are good and look decent rate them so.

Quit judging them before you play them people make them for YOU to enjoy.
Posted: 2001-11-25 9:49 a.m.   Report Abuse
Omg i cant believe it copied this 2 from Is just not right and ive played it the name is Kick Ass Oasis. and u changed it into Big Oasis 2. And da big Oasis 2 is diff. So i give this a 0! like the Battle arena cuz u copied it 2
Posted: 2001-11-26 5:01 a.m.   Report Abuse
I give it a 10. Not because it is a replica of an already existing Canyon Oasis mod that came out in 97/98, but because Massassians didn't realize it and actually thought that it was a new level. You brought out the fact that if these Massassians actually PLAYED JK, instead of just learning to make advanced curved architecture, they would have caught this instantly. Anyone who thinks that the turrets in JHS are difficult to evade has obviously spent less than 2 minutes playing the map. Not only is that hallway not the only way out, but there are 2 other exits that I can think of right off the bat, although they both take 1337 CTFer skills and some advanced team MJing...something you Massassians wouldn't know much about. ;)
Posted: 2001-11-26 11:39 a.m.   Report Abuse
I gave this a 0 if you could have a - score I would give it a -10 for 2 reasons.
1) Its a CO remake... need I realy say more?
2) Either your video card isn't even VGA supported or those mats were made by a incompetent monkey in the dark because man they are bad.
Posted: 2001-11-26 1:31 p.m.   Report Abuse
Hey pretty good level. i give you a seven, which is a heck a lot better than IVE ever gotten. SECRETS GALORE! framerate was good too. that catwalk elevator freaked me out. i fell into the water! No weaker weapons though. And 1 of the water secrets you can see because of some funky texturing. But COOL.
Posted: 2001-11-26 2:04 p.m.   Report Abuse
I KNOW its a total ripoff, I am not going to deny it. but hell I want these levels to be submitted no matter what.
Posted: 2001-11-26 5:21 p.m.   Report Abuse
Once again, classic. This was one of the original Oasis mods, and a pretty decent one at that. My god is this nostalgic... The last time I played this level was on JKBoard with Chyren and these four Aussie kids obsessed with Rainbow 6, and we played for close to three hours. Anyways, it holds up pretty well when compared to the rest of the Oasis mods it predated because it adds a few new dimensions to an already good level, but, correct me if I'm wrong because I haven't played this level in almost three years, there are no respawn points in any of the additional areas, making it extremely unbalanced if people decide to camp up top. Regardless of this, it's still a classic.
Posted: 2001-11-26 8:40 p.m.   Report Abuse
You're correct Exar. There are no spawn-points in the hidden/high areas. I remember this level being good for both NF/FF and Manowar2. There have been many good Oasis mods, it's a shame that people here bash them just because it's the popular thing to do. Regardless, the level is still fun and it brings back good times...of an earlier JK community and some hardcore IP games. ;)
Posted: 2001-11-27 1:27 p.m.   Report Abuse
You don't even know what good flow is, then. If JHS had good flow, there would be multiple ways in and out of each area. Good flow isn't being cramped into a little hallway getting blasted constantly by some guy behind an uncollidable wall. I suggest you get into UT or Q3, then you'll really know what good flow is all about.
Posted: 2001-11-28 12:52 p.m.   Report Abuse
"You don't even know what good flow is, then."

There is a multitude of opinions about what good flow is. Saying that someone doesn't know what good flow is, just because it doesn't fall under your definition, doesn't make them wrong.

"If JHS had good flow, there would be multiple ways in and out of each area."

That's not entirely true. What is true, is that the MAJORITY of areas should have multiple ways out, to have good flow. There have been some great DM maps(in many games) with great flow, but had a few areas with only 1 way in/out.

"Good flow isn't being cramped into a little hallway getting blasted constantly by some guy behind an uncollidable wall."

The turret behind the wall in JHS has very little to do with flow. It may be aggrevating to people that don't play the level much, but since it's extremely easy to evade, it doesn't really effect the flow of the level. What does effect the flow in JHS are the multitude of doors and the extremely slow elevators.

What aggrevates me the most about the level that we're responding to, is that this level was released years ago and either the author is taking credit for someone elses work or he has changed his name. I think that it should be investigated and if the person being listed as author isn't the real author, the information should be changed. I have this feeling that Massassians think that just because it's an Oasis mod, that it's of no real concern, if the author is being ripped off.

Posted: 2001-12-06 4:41 p.m.   Report Abuse
People he copied this lvl from they have a lot of cool levels there and this lvl is stuppose to be kick ass oasis but not big oasis 2. Da big Oasis 2 is better than this. I give it a 0
Force master2
Posted: 2001-12-18 1:42 p.m.   Report Abuse
oh, I dunno, I think CO mods are fine, in fact, this is one of the best ever!
Posted: 2002-08-09 1:57 p.m.   Report Abuse
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