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Guns From the Halibut

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » Guns From the Halibut


This level is based on a canyon, it has many secrets, caves, and cogs. Some secrets are easy, while others are hard. It is a fairly big level, I suggest a force of at least 4.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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File Size:
543.1 KiB


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Posted: 2001-11-20 6:08 p.m.   Report Abuse
I'm guessing this is your first level. The over-all architecture is ok. The texturing definetly needs work.
Funky Jedi
Posted: 2001-11-20 6:21 p.m.   Report Abuse
It looks ok, but it looks like it has the effect that exploding Namek does. On exploding Namek, wherever you move the ground kinda shifts in a weird way. It looks
like that's what's happening to your wall there. It also looks somewhat small but it looks GREAT for DBZ mods. The structure and design looks great though. Keep editing!
Posted: 2001-11-20 7:39 p.m.   Report Abuse
Hey guys, thanks for the good comments. This is my 3rd level I made 2 others; Sumo Sabers and Guns from BGJ and they well...sucked. I know this one is like having a strobe light in your moniter, I couldn't seem to fix that, but anyways thanx again!

HINT: Slash walls, use map.
Darth Vedder
Posted: 2001-11-21 2:58 a.m.   Report Abuse

No offence but the texturing is really horrible!
Archi is ok but could use some more detail.
Posted: 2001-11-21 12:34 p.m.   Report Abuse
Whoa, I liked it Xen it was pretty good, but there was to much open area, and a bit laggy for me,(on my Pentuim 3 866Mhz)other than that, it's a good lvl.
Posted: 2001-11-21 12:42 p.m.   Report Abuse
Hey Xen,
Arch is good and glad to see you got rid of the stairs ;). Lighting is ok and I agree with JJ it is a little open. But this level rocks, its much better than your last two. You got potential, nice going. All I can say (like I did before) is work on the texturing, thats would make it much better. But besides that, I love it I give it a 6 based on your last one you have shown real effort, keep up the good work.
Posted: 2001-11-22 8:53 a.m.   Report Abuse
Well guys, thanks, and I was wondering, maybe we could start on Jedi Theme Park now or soon, sound good?

Posted: 2001-11-23 3:10 p.m.   Report Abuse
Fairly big is a bit of an understatement. Its a huge level it could have been better. The ammo, guns and health were sparse for a level that big and someone could hide on it on a normal nf game.
Posted: 2002-01-09 7:50 p.m.   Report Abuse

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