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Shadow Canyons

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » Shadow Canyons


My version of BGJ. Before you bash it, at least try it out. At first, it was just to see what I could do with the level. Friends liked it and said I should post it, so here you are. Enjoy Shadow Canyons!


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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305.7 KiB


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Posted: 2001-11-15 8:15 p.m.   Report Abuse
"Who's up for a trip down to the waterfall? Jeez, what's that in the sky? It looks like an imperial cargo ship. Hmmm, it's getting bigger... oh no... RUN AWAY!!!!!"
This wasn't that bad at all. The extended bits did fit in very well with the existing rock formations. Very believably what the area looked like before the cargo ship crashed into it.
I did like the rock formations. The outside areas from the original blended in nicely with the added bits, so good work there.
However, some minor niggles remain:
There were two places where the orange rock was used. This sat very uneasily with the layered sedimentary rock that was used elsewhere throughout the level.
There were quite a few stitching errors, especially on the floor and on the water.
And speaking of the water...It would be good if when the river bent, the direction the water flowed in followed it. A few different cleaves on the water surface and just one other vector calculation would have solved this I think (altho I can't be sure)
I was also slightly worried about the shape of that arch - looked almost too regular to me at first, but I think it's just about OK.
My final niggle was with the lighting. I guess you were going for a sunset-time theme from the sky? That's cool, but I think it was just a teensy bit too dark all over, but you've mentioned that in your readme.
I didn't get a chance to try out the gameplay, cos its 3:52 am here, and I don't suppose people will be too thrilled if I woke them up just to play Jedi Knight, but it looks like it could play quite well compared with BGJ. I don't think I'll miss the inner ship bit too much (I always found it gave the Dark Jedis too much of an excuse to do continual Force Throw). Most of my time was spent outside, and the additions are of a similar feel, but slightly different enough to give some nice variation.
One last point I've just thought of - was it a deliberate gameplay decision to have just the two surges and one force boost in the level? Or am I being blind and not seeing them?
So all in all one BGJ-mod I don't expect to get _too_ badly flamed (altho I bet you're gonna get some just becos its a mod).
[EDIT: If I was into actually giving levels a numeric rating this would have got quite a high one, but alas...]
Seeton Fenner
Posted: 2001-11-15 8:18 p.m.   Report Abuse
The screens look good, and according to the longest commant i have ever seen(no Offense intended) it's a good level, i'm gonna get it
Posted: 2001-11-15 8:21 p.m.   Report Abuse
WOW! Nice work. All because of that reddish tint it went from 10 to 7. HEHE. Nice work tho. 7 I say, say I 7! BTW: Nice water textures bro!
Seeton Fenner
Posted: 2001-11-15 9:03 p.m.   Report Abuse
a good level i must say but a keeper, in my oppinion no, it resembles BGJ yet doesn't match it. My advice would be to change the textures on the water and sky from 16-bit to 8-bit, this level is also big enough to have some guns on it. I can see that your idea wasthat the items and stuff spilt free from the cargo ship but still there was not enough.
Posted: 2001-11-15 9:09 p.m.   Report Abuse
About the water stitching... it wouldn't work right, I stitched it a lot and that is the best that came out, so don't say I didn't try.. it just didn't work. About water moving in different directions... It didn't look that good when I tried it (worse than it looks now) What else... Oh the tint.. I thought with a red type sky the area should look more red, Plus I thought the cliff mat looked better with that tint. Ok about the new area looking abit out of place compaired to the original. All I can say it try and do it like I did.. Everything I tried seemed to bring up some error. Bad screen shots... I had no idea what to take Pictures of, no one part of the level looks good alone. Last (thank goodness Terra is being quiet right?) I'm a sis not a bro lol

Oh about the red rock.. oops I missed a spot :b It wasn't suppose to be there sorry. And the surges... I ment to have 2 of each.. originally there was another cliff near the arch, thats where the other serge was, the lag was bad so I cut it out... and forgot to replace the surge elsewhere (hopes no one notices)
Posted: 2001-11-15 9:14 p.m.   Report Abuse
Seeton Fenner, Guns never! not a keeper? I didn't expect it to, any level submitted are just from people messing around with JED. A level can get 100 votes of 10 and it will not be seen played anywhere.
Posted: 2001-11-16 7:12 a.m.   Report Abuse
This level is better than BGJ in my opinion. I never likes the ship at all. Slanted gameplay doesn't do it for me. I like dark lighting, it gives more to the mood of a saber battle. The sky was cool, and this level didn't over-do-it like all the other BGJ clones. I give it a 8!
Posted: 2001-11-16 7:51 a.m.   Report Abuse
quite a good lvl, could be a bit bigger and maybe not as red. Overall good.
Posted: 2001-11-16 1:51 p.m.   Report Abuse
One of the better BGJ mods. The best still has to be N-BGJ, it was very believeable. I say if you want to make a new BGJ, remake the WHOLE thing, and don't copy this one a bit. Make sabering formations such as cliffs and platues, but don't base the architecture off of this level. See what Detritic-IQ did with "Can-yun-o-ace-is?" in MLP4? Do something like that. Same theme, same feel, new level.
Posted: 2001-11-16 7:05 p.m.   Report Abuse
Originally I made this level because someone told me that the ship could not be removed, I had to prove him wrong :b and also the fact that the ship in BGJ has always been pointless to me. Very hard to fight in and didn't even look like a ship. Any game of BGJ is never in the ship, maybe a fight or 2, always Cave or on the cliffs.
Posted: 2001-12-01 7:07 a.m.   Report Abuse
This is a superb level, and different from the rest. There has been alot of thought been put into this level and the size of it is also great.

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