The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Mod » Hole
Replaces the Kyle skin with a Trandoshan who has been through a lot (see screenshots) and a green saber and a Flame Saber. In Single Player, Force Pull slices enemies in half. I'm not really a big fan of blood, but there are a few extras ... (the Rail Detonator fires bleeding StormTrooper arms). Happy Halloween!
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just in time for Halloween
just in time for Halloween
I'll try to answer everybody...
YES, it is intended to be comical (like most of my stuff). This is my third released patch, so I am still kind of new at this. Force Pull DOES chop enemies in half, if they have a weapon.
I think that even if I'd done a Mandalorian or a Gran or anybody with a hole in them, there would always be someone to say "that's not cool."
Thank you for your time.
Master David
chunk!" [old hong kong man's voice]
Good work for a first mod.
5 outta 10