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Yenn Korron Series: Chapter One

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » MotS Single Player Level » Yenn Korron Series: Chapter One


Through the cockpit canopy, the mottled blue sky of hyperspace shimmered, and then stretched into glowing streaks of light that funneled down into infinity. A faint reflection of the starlines reflected off of the visor of the small ship's pilot. Anyone that might have been observing would have noticed a slight distortion in the black backdrop of space as Yenn Korron's ship burst seemingly out of nowhere and arced across the Nal Hutta system to the main inhabited planet of Nal Hutta, the homeworld of the Hutt species and the center of the vast Huttese crime network. The planet looked serene and beautiful from space, korron noted, but everyone knew that below the layer of frosty white clouds the entire planetary surface was composed of endless chains of swampy land. The sky was always an overcast gray, although no one knew whether or not to contribute it to centuries of pollution or to the seemingly permanent clouds that flooded the already soggy surface with an endless drizzle. As Korron's ship soared into Nal Hutta's gravitational field and began arcing across the horizon towards the night side of the planet, a small twinking orb became larger and more detailed by the second. Slowly, it grew to fill the entire viewport, it's surface completely built over with layer upon layer of buildings. Because the moon was so small and so much of Nal Hutta itself was permanently flooded, the moon Nar Shaddaa had been developed over the centuries, until the buildings streched skywards to give Nar Shaddaa it's common nickname: The Vertical City. As Korron's ship entered the atmosphere of Nar Shaddaa, miniscule airborne grease deposits attatched themselves to the transparisteel canopy, eventually covering it in a thin layer of grease thick enough to create halos around the millions of lights that seemed to cover every conceivable surface. Nar Shaddaa was a smuggler haven, where smugglers went by the billions to do their illegal activities unscrutinized by the Empire. Korron personally didn't care about galactic politics. The Empire did nothing to fight crime, so there were plenty of small-time thugs to post bounties on. The only winner in this game was Korron and others like him, whose trade kept the criminal population in check. As Korron cruised over the decaying buildings, he heard a rattle in the cargo hold. That was just his latest capture, shuffling around in his cell. He had captured this one in a system about 8 parsecs away, and his ship couldn't complete the journey without stopping to refuel. The streets below Korron's ship teemed with creatures that would stab you in the back just to prevent you from picking up a lost credit chip laying in the street before they did. Such was life around here, an endless drama of murders and betrayals. Under his helmet, Korron smiled as he flexed his gloved fist, causing the deadly katar blade carefully concealed in his glove to slide out with a faint metallic ring. The blade washoned down to the width of a molecule, the metal being of among the hardest and strongest in the galaxy. He could do his share of backstabbing as well, should the need arise. Then there was the prax rifle, the energy cell equivalent to the deadly rapid-fire repeater rifles that were carried by high-ranking imperials. Granted, the prax was slower, and fired the triple-burst spread unique to repeaters, but it was smaller, had a longer range, and did more damage than the conventional Repeater rifle. Repeaters were too impractical to use, simply because they needed expensive power cells to fire. Even on Nar Shaddaa, power cells would be hard to come by, no doubt. Fortunately for Korron, the Prax used energy cells, which could be bought or stolen from about anywhere. Sighting a vacant docking port, Korron maneuvered his ship onto the landing pad and shut down the engines, unaware that the power regulator indicator for the forcefield cell doors was flickering slightly. After checking on the bounty in the hold, Korron ventured outside the ship to get the grimy fuel pump working. While the ship was fuelling, Korron secured the ship's hatch, sealing the hydraulic locks. Then he strode away into the filthy streets of nar Shaddaa. The very same grease that covered his cockpit canopy also drifted down to cover the deck plates on the city walkways with an indellable grime. Junk sat everywhere, long forgotten. Various alien gang members waved their blasters at Korron, cursing at the bounty hunter as they patrolled their various gang territories, each looking around for something to shoot. There were hardly any stormtroopers around. The local imperial commander was paid far more than his normal imperial salary to simply ignore the blantant crime in the streets and skyways of Nar Shaddaa. The Hutts had money to burn, and bribing the local imperial commander was cheap insurance for them. It was a normal sight around here to see bribed stormtroopers guarding crates of contraband along with the criminals. Korron turned into a weapons shop to stock up on energy cells. So far, this looked pretty simple. He talked awhile with the shop owner, but he was still able to hear The prison cell forcefiields deactivate when the power regulator blew out. Korron swiped the energy cell on the counter, forgetting to pay the shop owner, and ran back to his ship, hoping that he would not find what he feared....


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
16.6 MiB
Will Kraft


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Posted: 2001-10-09 3:13 p.m.   Report Abuse
Ok then, Any way i think it looks good and i cant wait 2 play it
Posted: 2001-10-09 3:33 p.m.   Report Abuse
What a ridiculously long description.. especially when you consider that the story is nothing more than some bloke escaping and Yenn Korron looking for him.

The architecture of this level was brilliant, however texturing and lighting isn't up to the same standard. There was also some terrible HOM near the end. The framerate remained highly playable though.

The level featured a few new weapons, which were a nice addition. There were no where near enough health packs in this level, I found myself dying quite a lot. One thing that really bugged me was that for 17 MB, this level simply wasn't long enough.

The cutscenes weren't bad, however they were a bit too long and they featured terrible voices. Whatever Korron said would have been a mystery to me without the subtitles.. all the rest of the characters' voices were irresistable to laugh at.

If the download for this level was under 5 MB, I would recommend... but for nearly 17 MB, I can't be so forgiving. If you have a fast connection or are desperate, then by all means give this a try, I've seen far worse. The reason the download is so high is because of the unnecessarily high quality that the sound files are saved at. Final rating: 7/10.
Posted: 2001-10-09 4:18 p.m.   Report Abuse
I played this a while ago. All in all it's kinda good, except the voices and the cutscenes.

Cutscenes weren't bad, but the city. It was all blinkin. these small lightpoint everywhere were eyehurting. but all in all... good
Posted: 2001-10-09 6:19 p.m.   Report Abuse
Not bad not bad at all.

I like how you actually made the city "LOOK" like a city. Though you miniturized the buildings making them look far away (the illusion is spoiled when you shoot at them).

It seems you really wanted to make it story based. So Ill comment on that first

1-Brilliant directing of Cutscenes

1-Voice acting isn't terrible just that its way to low i can barely hear anything your character says
2-You come in with this great story and then we get attack alot of times for no reason (sure blame it on gangs) but if they are gangs how come they aren't fighting eachother (such as you walked in on some fire fights and then they shoot you as well as eachother) or the storm troopers are fighting gang members and think your one of them (since your loaded for bear).
3- You completely screwed the story element when the character lands and then wanders around the city looking for his prisoner. For one thing there were no clues to where he went to as well as how to get there. So basically your wandering around shooting things until you find him.
4- Shorten that description to the basic essentials. Your not trying to write a novel here just a intro to the character we don't need to know every detail.

Also i feal you should have beta tested this level more. I found some unflagged surfaces as well as stairs that i could walk up (needed to jump them). Also the bad HOM at the end of the level should have also been avoided.

The patch with the weapons was nice it added some nice guns and glowsaber technology but the sound effects for the 2nd gun was horrible. It gave a good shot sound effect then came in with a crunching sound that didn't sound right i suggest leave the blaster shot effect in but get rid of that 2nd sound effect.

I recommend this level for poeple who want a fun little romp. I finished it in about 35 minutes and it isn't difficult at all. I didn't find anything wrong with the lighting either. I understand if you have a 56k modem and don't feal like downloading this thats understandable but this is fun if you have a cable modem.
Posted: 2001-10-09 6:47 p.m.   Report Abuse
What the heck were you thinking making the description that long. Remember it is only a description. If you wanted us to know that much about it then you could have just writen a novel. Other than the description I think it was a fiarly nice level.
Posted: 2001-10-10 11:20 a.m.   Report Abuse
5/10? Are you people just marking this level down because of the long description?
Posted: 2001-10-10 1:00 p.m.   Report Abuse
I agree totally with Piggot, this level was really something more than the discription. If you dont like it dont read it. Other than that I must say that second screen is beutiful. The pic actually shows that this city is highly active, and actually reminds me of the Couruscent (I think thats spelled wrong) shots at the end of RoTJ. All you need is a large falling statue and a bunch of fireworks!

Unfortuanatly, the D/L Is extreme, and Im on 56K, so Im not gonna DL it. Maybe if you made a vs. with out the voices and just subtitles you could cut it down a bit, but 17 megs, heck, might as well get my CS update I keep putting off with that time.

Posted: 2001-10-10 5:57 p.m.   Report Abuse
Oh my gosh, by the looks of the second screen shot this level is a MUST dload. Im getting it because i have a 152k modem. Dude, GASP!! just HOW LONG did it TAKE YOU TO MAKE THIS???!!! RADICAL, UNREAL!
*dloads now*
Posted: 2001-10-11 6:10 a.m.   Report Abuse
What's so radical about the second screenshot, all it is is "stary_mat or stary_mat2" all over the buildings, but it most likely did take him a while with the buildings.
Posted: 2001-10-11 1:58 p.m.   Report Abuse
Skater: It's not a star mat- If you look closely or play the level you will see that the white lights are bigger than the stars. I'm thinking of releasing a YKS:1 mat pack for those who want to use the mats in city levels, b/c we're all tired of the stupid Yellow lights city mat from JK.

As for the HOM at the end of the level, it did not hom on my comp when I made it. After all, I can't fix what I can't see :)

It took me about a year to make this level, and it is around 3000 sectors, which gave my 800 mhz computer a hard time in JED.

I'm soory about the long description (it was meant to be the background story, not the description.) When I submitted the level, I thought that Massassi would condense it like they did when I submitted it first at TACC. I just wanted to convey how ghetto Nar Shaddaa was when I wrote the background story, b/c it didn't look dirty enough in the cutscene. I was also running up against a shool deadline, so I had to release then or wait a few more months, so I cut corners where I shouldn't have. I also like writing, so I just sat down and wrote a detailed story w/o thinking about it.

Yenn Korron Series: Chapter 2 wil be a lot better than YKS:1 when it comes out. You can get the latest news about YKS:2 over at TACC.
(New Screenshots available periodically.)

Thanks for trying my level, and may the force be with you. :)

Posted: 2001-10-11 5:25 p.m.   Report Abuse
The good staff of Massassi (God, did I just say that?) don't have time to analyse and condense any level description because they get multiple levels a day, seeing as TACC gets a level submission once every blue moon, Ryan can take the time to condense it. Also, a condensed description is more important to TACC, because it has less updates, therefore news stays on the front page longer. In a couple of days, YKS:1 will disappear from Massassi's front page, two months from now, it'll probably still be on TACC.
Posted: 2001-10-11 5:27 p.m.   Report Abuse
[Goddamn constant server crashes!! Caused my message to get posted twice, sorry folks!]
Darth Vedder
Posted: 2001-10-14 10:02 a.m.   Report Abuse
Don't worry; I d/led it with my 64 k modem and it's so worth it!
I really like the city; it's beautifull!
Posted: 2001-10-14 11:48 a.m.   Report Abuse
The guy here's been working on this level for almost an entire year, dispicable. The visuals are astounding, though. The bluish lighting everywhere and city-ish looking atmosphere. My only major complaints:

When I saw the cutscene at the beginning, I thought this was going to be the lively, more appealing Nar Shadaa from DF. As the cutscene ended, I found myself disappointed at the feeling the level actually gave; it was just that stupid, bland getto-like Nar from JK. You NEVER got to go out into that wide, open area that you saw in the intro. And you onlyenemies you fought were grans, grans, grans, rodians, more rans, and the occasional weequay r trandoshan. Nothing new there. What I did like: I enjoyed the awesome outdoor part at the end, right before the duel in the subway station. I also love that prax-rifle thingamabobber. The skin was as good as ever, but I guess that was all Mr. McDweynolds doin. Final comments:

Worth the download, but repetitive, ohh soohhh repetitive. And what the hell were those ysalimiri-sounding screwy-looking destruction bolts that grans launched at you? That freeked the orangutang outta me!!

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