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CTF - Dark Life

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » CTF - Dark Life


A CTF level with the teams as:

Team 1 (Red) - Imperial
Team 2 (Gold) - Scum
Team 1 are Stormtroopers and Team 2 are the Ree-Yee aliens. You can either play it CTF style or just go all out teamplay WAR!


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
700.5 KiB


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Posted: 2001-09-28 4:14 a.m.   Report Abuse
I havent had a chance to play yet but this looks like it could be one of the best levels to be posted here in a long time.
Posted: 2001-09-28 4:38 a.m.   Report Abuse
I just got done playing this level and let me say it more than met my expectations as posted above. Apart froma few small texturing and lighting problems, the level is very well designed, and item placement is very well thought out. The crossbow was especially well hidden- I never would have found it without the map. The level is basically one big maze on Nar Shaddaa, and let me say, as far as Nar Shadddaa lvels go, this one is one of the best. I played on the Red Team, and found the gold flag pretty quickly, but it took me like half an hour to find the red base again. I recommend everyone to download this level as soon as possible.
Posted: 2001-09-29 7:55 a.m.   Report Abuse
Well, thank you! As I put in my email (but it didn't get posted on the description) this is my swan song for the community, something which I've been meaning to release for about a year now! And as you can see, Dark Life really is living up to the name: pack your Night Vision Goggles ladies and gentlemen, you're gonna need 'em!

Anyway, glad you liked it, except one thing... where IS the crossbow?! ;)
Posted: 2001-09-30 7:30 a.m.   Report Abuse
I loved the DM version of this map(Nar Shaddaa - Dark Life). It was one of JK's best kept secrets and although not many people downloaded it, hopefully they will now, since this version has been released.

I have to say though, I didn't think that it worked well as a CTF map. Jenny, with her skills, would definitely be able to create an awesome CTF map for JK, this just isn't it. This map was best left for DM. I know it must have sucked to release Nar Shaddaa - Dark Life and not get much recognition, even though it was such a great level. Keep up the good work and I hope one day that you do a CTF map from scratch, you would do a great job.
Master David
Posted: 2001-09-30 8:33 p.m.   Report Abuse
Great level! The Scum vs. Imperials is a nice twist to the old CTF theme. My only complaint is that the Gran 3do is a little buggy (I have another one if you're interested). Very nice gameplay.

Master David
Master David
Posted: 2001-09-30 8:33 p.m.   Report Abuse
Great level! The Scum vs. Imperials is a nice twist to the old CTF theme. My only complaint is that the Gran 3do is a little buggy (I have another one if you're interested). Very nice gameplay.

Master David

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