Stolen Supplies
The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Single Player Level » Stolen Supplies
The Imperials have stolen supplies from the Rebellion. They have stored the munitions at a storage base awaiting use against us! You must find the crates in which the supplies are being kept so that we can liberate them. The Crow was landed at the Landing Area, but we have not been able to make contact with it...
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3D Preview developed by Stephan Reiter
This Level is ok. Could use a little touching up
I gave it a zero. I loaded it up, and found myself in perfectly rectangular hallway covered in: DFLT.MAT!!! I turned and saw a big, boxed-shaped room. It was textured with: DFLT.MAT!!!!
I immediately exited the game, and deleted this level. No, don't tell me "You didn't even see the rest of the level!" What I saw was bad enough.
Don't even bother with this. The author sure didn't...