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The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Mod » Elements


A formidable patch changing weapons, adding a grappling hook, shapeshifting with force pull, and many skins adding the element theme


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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File Size:
435.2 KiB


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Shadow Thief
Posted: 2001-09-09 10:20 a.m.   Report Abuse
Posted: 2001-09-09 12:25 p.m.   Report Abuse
*sigh* Yet another hack-pack, this doesnt look that good. That "shapeshifter" cog is ancient, and i could use all these features without downloading some "mod". BTW, the skins look somewhat interesting, but the rest just plain sucks. Nice attempt if youre a first-time editor, i guess
Posted: 2001-09-09 4:00 p.m.   Report Abuse
I don't like to discourage people... So I won't say anything degrading, but My score will. This Mod really dosn't do anything that much justice and as was said, besides the skins this mod is just a collection of Cogs that I could use easier then Downloading this mod. If it was your first try, I would give you a 7, but it didn't say anything about that so I assume your experianced... which is why I gave you a one. Try again, with those skins and some more thought out cogs and additions this could be worth Downloading.
Posted: 2001-09-10 11:54 a.m.   Report Abuse
I don't think this is very good there are quite a lot of mods like this people just change the things they shoot. A true elements mod would include the elements, you know things like shooting fire and water, and blowing wind at people. Probabky doesn't sound very good but it would be more original.
the true Jim7
Posted: 2001-09-11 5:07 p.m.   Report Abuse
i like the idea of using the moldy crow as a projectile but i would be more creative about it like make it appear "magically" with a burst of muticolored particles and when it hits i would have it make a big explosion but also make that attack only usable once per game per person or something
Posted: 2004-12-05 12:17 a.m.   Report Abuse
I think this is a quite a nicely done mod, but you could of changed the lightsaber actions. The thing I find wrong about this mod is when you use the fist weapons the shots can hurt you. Aside from that,
I recommend people to you this mod with the multiplayer level "Lavawars".

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