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Sith Sabers

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Mod » Sith Sabers


Sith Sabers allows the user to master one of four new sabers. Each new Character is skilled in the use of one of these sabers. The new sabers are a light staff, twin Sabers, trident saber, or a heavy saber. In multi-player games the special saber you are able to use is determined by which character you chose. In single player you will be able to use all of the saber weapons. To activate the special sabers browse your inventory as though you were looking for a key or a wrench. You will see several icons. These icons indicate the saber specials and the other features in the mod. If you try to activate a saber that your character can not use, you will be told that you are not skilled in the use of that weapon. Also included in the mod is the ability to throw your saber. The saber will seek out a victim and follow him around the room until it strikes him or a wall. A graple ball is also included in the inventory. In single player you will be given a damage control option which will reduce damage from weapons and sabers. You will also be able to rotate characters in single player allowing you to chose from several select skins. To access the new items browse through your items inventory. Another feature of the Sith Sabers Mod is the 'death blow'. On some occasions when you kill an opponent with your saber his head and arm will be severed from his body as he will burst into a messy gout of blood. A skull and a bloody arm will be left behind. I also added a secret character into Sith Sabers. If you can discover how to unlock him you will be able to use all the saber specials in a multi player game. The secret character is also allowed to use damage control in a multi-player game.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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1014.7 KiB


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Posted: 2001-08-18 5:26 a.m.   Report Abuse
1st download! Whoo-hoo!
I'm in the middle of d/l'ing it right now. From what I read, it sounds pretty sweet. I can't see the screenshots, though; it might be a problem with my browser, or it might be a problem on the other end. I dunno. I'll check back with you after I've played it.
Posted: 2001-08-18 5:44 a.m.   Report Abuse
Sweetness! Good moves, sweet sabers, this mod has a lot of stuff we've been looking to insert into JK for the longest time, including the twin sabers. The saber handles are detailed, the characters are detailed, and all in all, it's pretty good.
There is one little nit to pick, however, and you can deal with it any way you see fit; when the lightsaber is activated, it'll activate immediately rather than wait for the character to "hit the button." This may have been intentional, as we all know that invisible blades have knocked blaster bolts out of our path, and someone might have wanted to correct that little error.
Those clown skins are something else, man. I give it an 8.
Posted: 2001-08-18 6:48 a.m.   Report Abuse
These screenshots look awesome!!! I'm downloading right away!!!!!!
Posted: 2001-08-18 8:22 a.m.   Report Abuse
I hated the how he had it zipped twice, and then in a folder inside the second zip, making me unable to just drag it into the patch commander. The streaming effect on the sabers did not look real. He made the heavy saber seem heavy when in all actuality- light has no weight. Most of the animations were pretty good- but the spin made me think too much of good ol' spork. The amount of skins is nice, and the 3dos are ok, but they could have been matted better. The worst thing about the mod was the big hit, that blood did not look realistic. I hated the Gui, especially the color scheme. The mod seemed to be a little egotistical. The secret character was put in there probably as a way for him to rule in MP games. Also- how many mods [i]really[/i] need a grappling hook? Despite all my negativity there was a lot of good stuff, like the amount of content, some of the keys, and some of the other stuff. The mod does not stand out among others as something special, and I give it a 5.
Posted: 2001-08-18 8:23 a.m.   Report Abuse
[b]Warning[/b]: Use of undefined constant comment_text - assumed 'comment_text' in [b]d:\inetpub\\levels\edit_post.php3[/b] on line [b]65[/b][br]
oops, double post
Posted: 2001-08-18 9:00 a.m.   Report Abuse
I have to agree that this mod seemed like an ego trip. Anyway I think the animations were unimpressive and choppy, and the sabers could have been much better designed. I didn't find the secret character and I don't really care to.
Posted: 2001-08-18 9:30 a.m.   Report Abuse
This is a good mod in principal...but it just doesn't work, at least not this edition. For one with some of the skins, the second saber for the twin saber's doesn't appear. On others the twin saber opens the light staff instead.

I agree with the heavy saber comment, it shouldn't be swung as if it's heavy unless there is a significan't increase in size where the handle is concerened because that's what will be the weight of the weapon.

If the bugs were weeded out, and a few things changed this could be a fantastic mod...but there were just a few too many problems for this release.
Posted: 2001-08-18 10:23 a.m.   Report Abuse
Great mod, one thing i hated tho was the way that you had to cycle the itmes to change the saber, cant you make it so you just push a button?! i give you an 8 you lose 2 marks because of the difficulty to change sabers.
Posted: 2001-08-18 11:58 a.m.   Report Abuse
Um, one problem i see imediately. There's already a great mod called sithsabers been around for over a year now. You should change the name, especially seeing as this mod isn't as good.
Posted: 2001-08-18 3:01 p.m.   Report Abuse
This is the best saber mod out there right now. You're bouns mp player was easy to find.. Though i have been playing it for a while can't wait for the other parts of the game to be put into sithsabers
Posted: 2001-08-18 6:25 p.m.   Report Abuse
nice job cl0wn
Posted: 2001-08-18 6:28 p.m.   Report Abuse
I gave it a seven. I really didn't care too much for the clown outfits; they were in your other mod, which was kinda cool. I just wanted this mod for some different sabers, which are kinda cool, but hotkeys would've gardnered a few extra critical points to make this mod better. Also, the grappling hook wasn't really needed, as mentioned before. Maybe this will be a little tip for others who want to put this hook thing in their mods. Actually, the only reason to put a hook in, would be for a certain level that requires the use of the hook, ala Spork and the Spork levels. One idea though, combine the unique elements from this mod and the other clown mod, and there could be something quite interesting...
Jedi Red 2
Posted: 2001-08-18 8:15 p.m.   Report Abuse
The two lightsabers look cool, and the shirt-less maul is funny, but some the other charecters look silly, or plain stupid, sorry, but that's the way I feel, good ideas though.
-Jedi Red 2
Posted: 2001-08-18 10:11 p.m.   Report Abuse
I do have more criticism. When you switch away from the first Clown skin, the script says "Vader," but that most definitely is NOT Vader. What was the idea here?
And there is something to be said about the saber throw. First off, speed is a factor which weighs in heavily. When you hit that key, the saber jumps straight ahead of you, but only a couple feet. Then it doesn't move very quickly when it spins around, and if you wait long enough, it will disappear altogether.
My score, of course, stands, as does my opinion that the mod deserved it. All in all, it was pretty cool.
I think, however, it became a tad overboard on the ego trip, however, when you turned the "dragon" bar signs into reminders of who made this mod.
Posted: 2001-08-19 1:40 a.m.   Report Abuse
Totally awesome sweetpea!
Posted: 2001-08-19 1:44 p.m.   Report Abuse
Heh great mod Cl0wn :)
Posted: 2001-08-19 2:50 p.m.   Report Abuse
Well, some of these things were adressed in the readme texts included in the download. I know no one reads them, but it's still annoying to have to go over it again ;)

1) If you are using a twin saber character and get a lightstaff when you activate the special it is because you are on an add on level. Because of the way add ons are made and the weakness of the JK engine these levels can not handle the 3do information. This could be corrected by altering the levels, but they arn't mine to change so I didn't include any fixes for this in the mod.

2) The 'Heavy' in heavy saber refers to its damage, not weight. Each saber was given a strength and a weakness to force players to adapt different styles for different sabers. When you use the heavy saber you sacrifice speed for damage.

3) There was a zip within a zip because my e-mail doesn't work for attachment so I posted the Masassi version on a geocities site for the Masassi staff to DL. Geocities doesn't allow .exe so I had to move it into a zip to save it. Did it really stress you that bad?

4) If you throw the saber and it spins in place that means you had no victim in sight for it to chase. It is slow because I thought a projectile that chases you really fast and costs the user nothing would be kinda unfair. Imagine if it was faster everyone would be throwing sabs and no fighting would take place :)

5) The sabers were not 'Hot keyed' because I am saving those for future expansions. Is it really that hard?

6) I like grapple hooks...they are fun.

7) Yep, the CL0wN skin is in this one and will be in all the other mods I ever make because I like to use that skin. You do know you don't have to pick that skin right?

8)Whoever it was that said I need the secret character to play doesn't know me at all. Heh heh you should play me before you insult me.

9) As for the blood splatter not looking realistic ... The game was made in 97. Does any of it look realistic? How many of us have ever seen a body explode? Heh heh I guess I'll have to take your word that it doesn't look like an exploding body should LOL ;)

10) Maybe the tagging is an ego trip, maybe it's part of hacker culture, maybe I just made the whole freaking mod by myself with almost no assistance and have the pride of a parent. Either way ... who cares.

11) I didn't realize that there was another Sith Sabers out there. As far as I know it's a skin pack and not a true mod (Could be wrong here I'm not a Mod fan).

Well, I can't rember any of the other "Comments" I'm sure there will be others.
Posted: 2001-08-19 4:17 p.m.   Report Abuse
Hey, this is pretty cool, considering the twin sabers are the number one thing I would want to use in a mod. By the way, who knows how to get the secret character and could share how?
Posted: 2001-08-19 10:18 p.m.   Report Abuse
Wow. This is a tight mod! When I first thought of having two sabers I went postal trying to figure out how to do it! Congrats man, that was some tight stuff.The Trident Saber was also pretty rad. The reason I gave it a 9 was that the animations were really fast and sometimes almost disconnected from the body. It almost seemed like he was a 3 yr. old who just got a new bat and was swinging it as hard as he could. Some were good though: Like when he holds the blade back a sec or two. Overall a good mod with a 9 rating.
If the world didn't suck, we'd all float away.
Posted: 2001-08-20 8:39 a.m.   Report Abuse
I gave the mod a 3 for effort. I can tell the author really tried hard but I also could tell that he did make it alone, before he even said it. This is because there aremore bugs than playing the thing is worth. It is basically a cobbled together mess of redone stolen ideas, hacks, and a few new, original yet boring ideas. Single bladed sabers and double sabers are enough, people should quit making sabers with more blades, or heavier, trident, etc. I deleted this mod after the first time I played it because of these reasons. I am sorry if I made anyone mad and I think Clown has great talent, but he just needs to be more tuned in on playability and control as well as new weapons/forcepowers.

May the Force be with you
Posted: 2001-08-20 12:25 p.m.   Report Abuse
clown, i think your amazin. I've tried sooo many times to make boc style sabs. jeeze. you should make one thats just boc sabs.
Posted: 2001-08-20 2:27 p.m.   Report Abuse
Originally a mod with just boc sabs was my intention. The problem lies with the JK engine. It simply can not keep up with the model changes and the model referces within the cogs necessary to run the mod. It begins to losse models (That's why the twin sabs show up as a staff on Add on levels). So I decided to use a hevy sab and a staff which requires no redundant models.
Also which parts on my mod are "Stolen". Please don't say the light staff. That is an invetion of the star wars novelists. Twin sabs maybe? Nope that's from the original game. Heavy saber then? nope that also is from the original game. Trident saber? don't know any mods with that. Saber throw? That is from MOTS. Grapple hook? basiclly just force pull in reverse. Explain that will you.
Outlaw Torn
Posted: 2001-08-20 8:06 p.m.   Report Abuse
Honestly, I love the way this guy thinks. You have great potential. If this was an updated engine, you probably could do better. But with what was given, I would have to say this was great. Some inovative weapons, nice way to think on the grappling hook, and nice charecter changes. I personally like scorpion using the twin blades. Let me know if you are doing an updated version of this, I want to test.
Posted: 2001-08-22 6:45 a.m.   Report Abuse
This Mod Is Great I Gave It A 10 Because I Like The Sabers In It...But I Was Disturbed That There Is A Secret Skin In It That Can Use All Sabers And I Cant Find It...But There Is A Cog In Your Mod Which Is Named Expansion6.cog I Checked It Out And It Said....Secret Character Cog Made By Clöwn....I Think You Should Make More Mods Instead Of Hax That Every Newbie Hacker On The Zone Uses And They Say That They Wrote Them....Because Clöwn Is A Hacking God I Think That If U Tell Anybody That U Have Wrote A Cog That Clöwn Wrote It Will Be Call....BLASHPEMY!!!!! Overall I Liked This Mod As Well As All Your Other Mods
Together We Stand....Divided We Fall
Posted: 2001-09-29 3:10 a.m.   Report Abuse
Sick! I love te look of the Darth Maul screenshot without a top on from the comics, niiiice.
Posted: 2001-11-23 3:16 p.m.   Report Abuse
Great mod. It is perfect!
Posted: 2001-11-23 3:49 p.m.   Report Abuse
Man the sabers are hard to change you should make it easier

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