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The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » HoLy HeLL


Well, first off, this is my first level. I have always wanted to make a saber battle ground with a few obstacles. Shortly after being introduced to the Zone and Jedi Knight I decided to make one. This is kind of like Gladiator in the sense that there is one main battle ground and then a room or two that you can go in for goodies. The only exception is that my level has lava that kills on touch surrounding the battle ground and atleast four extra add on rooms around it. A few secrets for aid and yes even an area where you may find the occasional gun. I know its a saber level, but oh well. And finally there is almost a dozen death traps or whatever you want to call it. I made this level for Saberists. Its a good level for forcers too, but not for gunners. I am still learning. For now I only made this as a fun level for all to play. I am a professional or anything. I am not even close. Have fun guys. :)


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68.3 KiB


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Posted: 2001-08-18 6:17 a.m.   Report Abuse
actually the textureing is not too bad. better than other first levels i have seen people must think "hmm thats the floor, yeah, the starry mat will be good, now, this wall can be a forcefield, ooh and this one can look like a saber. The ceiling can be water, yeah that looks great! *sends to massassi*"

And the overall gameplay is fairly good. i give it a 6. much better than my first level, do you mean its the 1st level youve ever made or the 1st level you've released?
Marcus Lordson
Posted: 2001-08-18 10:53 a.m.   Report Abuse
When I looked at this level, I felt that there was something lacking.

those cooridors should lead to some place, like a major reward of some kind at the end. Those puddles shouldn't imediatley kill you, and it needs to be a pool of some kind to avoid confusion. give it a 5. Texture needs more variety as well. (he says as if he's a veteran at level making)
Posted: 2001-08-18 12:47 p.m.   Report Abuse
Its not that great. Theres enough space for some saber fights, but a few points i have. The lava is solid its just ground you die except in one bit where you fall through and die. Plus it doesn't really look much like lava. Also those corridors should lead to other places.
Posted: 2001-08-18 9:04 p.m.   Report Abuse
DOH! sooo many bad levels are being sent into massassi. didnt you read ANY tutorials? DONT RELEASE YOUR 1st level, EVER. if your going to make a saber level, atleast make different elevations or catwalks, cant you be the least bit creative??

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