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Galtha City

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » Galtha City


A little city complete with a City Hall, Sheriff's House, Boat Harbor, coke machines, and additional convience and restaraunt stores. Read the document file included with this ZIP for more about Galtha City.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
238.3 KiB
TJ13 (aka Death_Unto_Thee)


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Posted: 2001-08-08 3:45 a.m.   Report Abuse
I like this level. Definately feels like the center of a town, doesn't look muuch like a city though. Like the coke machines. You could perhaps make the boat so it carries you across the water, if you're feeling lazy. The town hall didn't seem much like a town hall. You could have put in some chairs and a podium or something. But its a good level which should be fun.
Super S51
Posted: 2001-08-08 6:35 a.m.   Report Abuse
Nice level. The KFC was a nice touch. Next time, experiment w/ your own textures.
Darth Maul
Posted: 2001-08-08 9:49 a.m.   Report Abuse
looks like you made some improvements. I was one of the beta testers and I'm downloading the full version right now. if this is as good as the last beta, it's gonna rock! my zone name is titaniumxlaser but you might remember me as Jade_Saber
infantry monkey
Posted: 2001-08-08 10:56 a.m.   Report Abuse
here's an idea, why not make the coke machines give out bacta fluid, but change the mats / textures on the bacta / what it looks like, and you can make diff types of bacta (beer cans, coke, stuff like that) Also, add chairs like the other guy said. This could be a really awesome rpg level...
Posted: 2001-08-08 3:18 p.m.   Report Abuse
Looks ok.. outside is a bit boxy... and anyway... shouldnt it be GFM (Galtha Fried Mynock) because I dont think Kuntucky or Chickens exist in the Star Wars universe...

Something to rival Mos Espa RPG (By Saber_Scorpion and Saber_Ryan1)
Posted: 2001-08-09 7:07 a.m.   Report Abuse
the texturing is allright, just a bit boxy. And although i agree it is good, i dont think it stands up to Mos Espa RPG, not quite. good level though, nice idea about the bacta cans out of the coke machine too infantry monkey.
Posted: 2001-08-09 2:40 p.m.   Report Abuse
[b]Warning[/b]: Use of undefined constant comment_text - assumed 'comment_text' in [b]d:\inetpub\\levels\edit_post.php3[/b] on line [b]65[/b][br]
At risk of critsizm, never mind still a good level
Posted: 2001-08-10 8:54 p.m.   Report Abuse
Hey, dude, doublefake, your message is screwed...but I've had that happen to me too. it's strange. But anyway, about the lvl, looks interesting. Maybe I'll download it, Later...I gotta go now.
Posted: 2001-08-15 2:35 p.m.   Report Abuse
Good Level. Like it and would like to try a RPG with it. Wish more ppl would D-L it and then it would be easier to play on the zone. Q('.'Q)
Posted: 2001-12-08 4:06 p.m.   Report Abuse
Its a really nice level but it needs much more resouces. All I see for resouces is power cells, power cells, and more power cells. You need to add more energy weapons. Bacta tanks and health packs would be a BIG improment too. I gave it a 10.

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