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Domain of the Jedi

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » Domain of the Jedi


To become a jedi, one must learn the ways of the force and learn the ways of the lightsaber. One must practice diligently, day in and day out. To be a true Jedi, one must use only the saber, and not other weapons. That is why I have actually taken out the blaster for this level. Because Jedi training takes hard work, the Jedi have set up a training facility for these needs. Who knows what secrets are contained within the... Domain of the Jedi.


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Posted: 2001-06-24 9:21 p.m.   Report Abuse
Well, thank you for your constructive critisism. I'd like to ask you a question: What shape is a normal room in a house? It better not be octagonal. Thanks for your input though. I won't be mad, or furious like other authors often are. Please, if you like or dislike my level, let me know in here. I would like to benefit from your input. -Evilution
Jedi Master Jay
Posted: 2001-06-25 4:51 a.m.   Report Abuse
Well u can input a big fat 0 into your level for a nice big box!

j/k j/k,no but this author brings up a point that will forever be turning the tables, should we create awsome looking rooms, or boxes that are more lifelike. Personally i like choice #1 better as do most people, so take that piece of advice when making your next level
Posted: 2001-06-25 3:11 p.m.   Report Abuse
Not bad for a first level. Especially since I know how long you've been editing :)

You could have put that grating we discussed in the area where the beams are, and had a lift in the central pillar. Good luck with your next level!
Posted: 2001-06-25 8:12 p.m.   Report Abuse
i dislike boxes, and screw reality, this is a star wars computer game, rooms need detail, architecture, amazing textures, otherwise it's boring, but this was a pretty good idea, some good potential, just need to work on some jed skills
Posted: 2001-06-25 8:52 p.m.   Report Abuse
Well, just to let you all know, this WAS my first released level. Thanks again for the constructive critisizm. (If it is NOT constructive, please try to make it). Thank you for your help. -Evil
Posted: 2001-06-26 9:31 a.m.   Report Abuse
First of all its a great first level and second in some levels u cant pick up sabers i like the fact that u start out with out a saber (pretty dam creative) and i liked were the secret weas placed and the textures werent bland.
Posted: 2001-06-26 2:47 p.m.   Report Abuse
Yuk. I don't get it. So what is it, a hobo-shack?

P.S.~ Don't release a level unless you expect to get all sorts of opinions on it. But don't worry, some great authors out there don't even give there stuff a theme or a story, like you did.
Posted: 2001-06-26 4:09 p.m.   Report Abuse
You don't understand. Although you may think the level sucks, get 4 people in there, and see how much it sucks. Everyone I've talked to, first hates it. Then, after they play it with 2-3 other people, they LOVE my level. 152+ people can't be wrong. -Evil
Posted: 2001-06-27 7:32 p.m.   Report Abuse
According to you, Evil, the "big box" is more realistic (correct me if I'm wrong, and that's not what your point was a few posts back), but sadly, in gaming/level editing 'boxes' are never favored - no matter what realism excuse you may come up with. For example, look at any game on the market today, like Swat 3. That game is full of buildings and houses, for hostage rescues and whatnot, but even in the most boring house, the ceiling has beams on it, or is curved, domed, or an odd-shaped room. NEVER will you see in a game (professionally done, mind you) a replica of a normal, boring house. Never. If it does happen, than you are one of the very few who like buying games with boring architecture. So if this is a first level for practice, than it's alright. If you seriously believe that even if you knew a lot about JED (or JKEdit, God forbid haha) you would still make boring boxed rooms, then you are a VERY strange editor. 'Nuff said,
Posted: 2001-06-27 7:34 p.m.   Report Abuse
"Because Jedi training takes hard work, the Jedi have set up a training facility for these needs."
haha, one more minor note.... If the Jedi set up this facility, don't you think they could afford a nicer and more expansive place, like the Black Mesa Research facility from Half-Life?
Posted: 2001-06-28 12:45 a.m.   Report Abuse
Jeez guys. How bout this. If you don't have anything nice to say, DON'T say it at all. You can really bring down an author's feelings about whether or not he/she wants to create another level. Thanks. Also, you said, and I quote "...will you see in a game (professionally done, mind you) a replica of..." PROFESSIONALLY is the key word here. I am not a professional, nor do I claim to be one. Finally, this is just a game, please don't let your life revolve around whether there are beams in it or not. It is here for fun. That is it. Fun. Which, I might add, is accomplished through the use of this level and 3-4 people. -Evil.
Posted: 2001-06-28 1:01 p.m.   Report Abuse
Hey, I was a beta tester for this level and i thought it was pretty ok for dueling, but i gave it a six, in needs to be extended, and its a bit zone name is Rebel_Snyper

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