Domain of the Jedi
The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » Domain of the Jedi
To become a jedi, one must learn the ways of the force and learn the ways of the lightsaber. One must practice diligently, day in and day out. To be a true Jedi, one must use only the saber, and not other weapons. That is why I have actually taken out the blaster for this level. Because Jedi training takes hard work, the Jedi have set up a training facility for these needs. Who knows what secrets are contained within the... Domain of the Jedi.
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3D Preview developed by Stephan Reiter
j/k j/k,no but this author brings up a point that will forever be turning the tables, should we create awsome looking rooms, or boxes that are more lifelike. Personally i like choice #1 better as do most people, so take that piece of advice when making your next level
You could have put that grating we discussed in the area where the beams are, and had a lift in the central pillar. Good luck with your next level!
P.S.~ Don't release a level unless you expect to get all sorts of opinions on it. But don't worry, some great authors out there don't even give there stuff a theme or a story, like you did.
haha, one more minor note.... If the Jedi set up this facility, don't you think they could afford a nicer and more expansive place, like the Black Mesa Research facility from Half-Life?