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JK Domination (SDK and demo)

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » JK Domination (SDK and demo)


This is a SDK and demo that features the new Unreal Tournament style domination mode for use in Jedi Knight! This file includes the LEC CTF level "The Duel" that has been converted into a domination level and a document teaching JK editors how to add domination to their levels.

The rules of JK Domination are simple. There are 3 control points placed in a level. These control points have that same appearance as the CTF flags in JK CTF except they are gray. In order for teams to gain points, they must secure a control point by walking into them (which turns the control points into the team's color) and then make sure that no other team secures them. The more control points your team secure, the more points your team gains.

Whenever a control point is secured, the team that secured it (and the player that secured it for his team) will gain 5 points. After that, while that control point is still held for that team, that team will then gain 1 point every 3 seconds. However, if another team secures the control point, your team will stop gaining points from that control point and the other team will get the points instead.

In order to keep taps on which control points are secured from which team, status screens are placed through out the level (similar to the score boards in JK CTF) that display which control points have been secured by showing the control point's number in the color of the team that secured it. Keep an eye out for these display screens so you can figure out which control points need to be secured and defended.

As in JK CTF, The level will end whenever a team reaches a score limit or when the time limit is reached. Additional team scoring occurs when players kill the opposing team. They only gain 1 point per kill for both the team and the killer so don't depend on winning just by killing. Unlike JK CTF, you only lose 1 point when you commit suicide, not 2.

Also unlike JK's CTF, there is no lobby and no teleporters for teams in this mod. Everyone starts out in the game like they would in Deathmatch. However, they will already be set to a team when they join (by default, they are set to either red or gold teams.) The "team" console command is NOT disabled in JK Domination so you can switch to other teams while in play. JK domination can support up to 4 teams (not 2 like in JK CTF) so you can choose to be on the green or blue team as well as red and gold.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
173.0 KiB


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Posted by
Jedi Legend
Posted: 2001-04-27 6:29 p.m.   Report Abuse
wow! great work, i cant wait to see more JK Domination levels
Posted: 2001-04-28 3:39 a.m.   Report Abuse
Do you EVER stop SavageX?
You're just too friggin good
Posted: 2001-04-28 11:38 a.m.   Report Abuse
awesome this thing is sweet
Val Langley
Posted: 2001-04-30 6:21 p.m.   Report Abuse
Ngrr! Now I gotta make a level for domination, too.
Posted: 2001-05-01 2:17 p.m.   Report Abuse
Finally Domination for JK! I have UT so this isn't new to me. The only problem i can see is that the level was a bit small....
I hope the UJK project has bigger DOM levels.

Anyway Nice Work (as usuall)
Posted: 2001-05-02 5:10 p.m.   Report Abuse

SavageX your good i think that this kicks azz all we need now is somptin like assult GOOD JOB SAVAGEX
Posted: 2002-04-25 10:33 p.m.   Report Abuse
I like Domination levels on Unreal Tournament, so on JK this is going to be fun!

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