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Invasion! Canyon

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » Invasion! Canyon


This is an Invasion! level I made this to make people interested of making Invasion! levels of their own. The level is modified from an original LEC level, so i didn't make it =).

To all of you who don't know what Invasion! is, Invasion! is a new mode of Capture The Flag. There are six bases in the level. Instead of taking a flag back to your base, you have to keep control of the base.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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303.4 KiB


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Posted: 2001-04-27 6:05 p.m.   Report Abuse
It looks and sounds really cool I already downloaded it but I havent played it yet.
Posted: 2001-04-28 3:34 a.m.   Report Abuse
Sweet I've been waiting for Invasion levels with more of a TFC feel to them for ages
Posted: 2001-04-28 7:55 a.m.   Report Abuse
More great work from Cave_Demon.
Posted: 2001-04-28 2:03 p.m.   Report Abuse
Great level but there are some things that could have been better.

-When I played I always re-spawned where you start the level by the two pits you cose what team you want to be on.

-The score limit has to go. Let the people playing decide what they want or make it higher. (I'm not sure if you have to put a score limit into the level with JED making CTF levels)

-Make the level easier to get around in. I know you didn't completely make the level but next time use a different LEC level or make your own.

-Make the rules a little more clear.

Other than that AWESOME job on this level I really like the idea of the Invasion type levels. Keep up the good work.

The one and only,
Jodo Kast :-รพ
Posted: 2001-04-29 11:45 a.m.   Report Abuse
I personally thought invasion was good idea at the time. I have just created a MOTS invasion level but I will not not release it.


1) There is a massive problem with the fact that you return to the lobby if you die.

2) The player has no control over the score system (limit etc.)

3) SavageX has just made a version like invasion, just without the errors.

P.S. The cog is excellent, it just needs a bit of fine-tuning.
Posted: 2001-04-29 3:09 p.m.   Report Abuse
Hey Jodo, Ill just inform you that there are prolly some reasons that score limits shouldnt even be implimented with these cogs. Notice you get 5 pts. every time u hit the switch, and that the opposing team also does not have to capture it before you hit it again. Thus u can sit at the switch and hit your activate key as much as you like and rack up about a couple 100 points per seocnd. And I think most people are right, while invasion is highly anticipated in the Jedi Knight world, (Im makeing a level myself) these cogs still need allota fine work. Things like respawning back into the lobby are not cool. And the other major problem, is there is only one point to respawn a team at. I got by that by respawning a team in a room and then useing a teleporter to respawn to 4 points. The one bug I dont mind though, is the respawn in lobby. From playing CTF frequently when someone leaves its a pain. This allows you to suddenly change teams if you need to. And since its not a score based thing cause the small console bug, its not a problem. I think that importing the scenarios from UT and TFC is a great idea and possible could expand JKs life even longer (gotta give it credit its still around).

Just my comments
Posted: 2001-05-02 5:14 p.m.   Report Abuse
this is cool but i agree witt ghost SavageX made a cooler version
Posted: 2001-08-05 7:50 p.m.   Report Abuse
I too noticed that you can rack up points just siting at one switch; though, the only way to win is not by points, it's by marking each of the six switches at the same time. Still, I don't see the point in giving one team 5 points when they mark a only confuses people if points don't matter at all.

I don't like the job on the editing side either. too many parts of the level are pointless dead ends, and there are some places where you can just get plain stuck, and have to self kill. Also, not many weapons/ammo. I found a conc, but didn't see any power cells around.

Perhaps with a rerelease this level could be really nice.

Until then, people who are interested in these kinda of ctf variations would probably like 'Infiltrate!' (In the mods section). It's pretty sweet.

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