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AV Oasis

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » AV Oasis


Well, this is basically another Oasis mod, and so you've probably lost interest already. This level was inspired slightly by Ji Oasis. I was challenged to make a better level, and I feel I have done that. This level is for hardcore gunners only. If you're looking for innovation, this isn't where you'll find it. This level was made purely for the gameplay aspect. Anyway, if you like gunning, give it a go.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
143.4 KiB
AV_Karandras (a.k.a. ColdFusioN)


Score (0-10):
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Posted: 2001-04-24 7:35 p.m.   Report Abuse
Lots of guns great for the crazy sico gun people like me but a Oasis mod is a Oasis mod sorry.

-Live for the swarm-
Posted: 2001-04-24 8:35 p.m.   Report Abuse
wow weve never seen conc over-kill b4 have we? oh wait yeah we have...
Posted: 2001-04-25 12:30 a.m.   Report Abuse
Yawn. I could go on, but that sums it up.
Posted: 2001-04-25 11:17 a.m.   Report Abuse
This may seem like a shameless plug, but I don't think people are taking advantage of the resource my editing group is offering them. We have some great "Starter Sets" to download at . Starter sets are core units from a level that you can modify to create your own levels. I hate to see someone's talent go to waste on a CO mod. People just aren't willing to play them anymore. So, for your benifiet, I suggest you take and modify a Starter Set. Other than that, good luck with your future endeavors.
CoLd FuSi0N
Posted: 2001-04-26 10:01 a.m.   Report Abuse
Firstly, don't take this the wrong way, I have no problem with constructive critiscism, but I do have a problem with people who cristiscise for no reason. You don' seem to have got what this level was intended for. Load, leave packs, does that mean anything to you? Obviously not, those are elite gunning rules, and this level was made for elite gunning. As i've said before, I know this level isn't innovative, it's not meant to be. But I rekcon some of you havn't even downloaded it, you just think it's an oasis mod, it's rubbish. In another post, on another level, you said any convesion of an LEC level is rubbish, no exceptions. Take it you think that about Barons Hed RPG then? While on the subject of other posts, i noticed two of you just copyed word to word what you put on another post. That only serves to prove my point. As for the guy trying to flog his levels, I can edit perfectly well thank you, this isn't by any means the best of what I'm capable of, but I'll it again, IT'S NOT MEANT TO BE! It's for gameplay, and if you don't play guns, then you can't really comment on how the level plays. However if anyone who does play JIO, or the like, has any comments, I'd be greatful to hear them, because I'd like to know if I went wrong on the gameplay anywhere.
Yet again, sorry if i've offended anyone, but I'm fed up of everyone's cynical views and only saying stuff because they want to look like they have some idea what they're talking about. Oh, and one last thing. Did you know that Tee made an oasis mod once? No? LoC Oasis. Go get it, and then tell me all Oasis mods are rubbish.

CoLd FuSi0N
Posted: 2001-04-26 1:19 p.m.   Report Abuse
erm, sry, thats was longer than i anticipated, lol.

Posted: 2001-04-26 9:16 p.m.   Report Abuse
hey Karandras, its me ELD_Morphius

look man, dont worry about what other people say 'bout this level. like u said, if its played elite rulz (leave packs etc) its pretty good, alot of people look for eye candy in a level, but whats the point if it has no damn playability? which is what u did pretty good on this level man, playability.
it is also fairly good for MOD testing (ive been using it to test my lastest escapade into JKediting)
it takes alot just to go and make a level, mod or whatever, let alone posting it on a place like massassi (what with those massassi level packs and everything) without knowing if anybody is gonna pay it or even like it. leave us a message on the eldar board sometime soon ok? i want to play u with this level.

as for the rest of you, get back to what JK is, a game remember?:gaming not damn landscaping. if it looks good but it plays like a 1200 pound mud pig then where is point?

Posted: 2001-04-27 4:04 a.m.   Report Abuse
This level SUX only joking, this is basically JiO theory with more guns and a few shields which solves the pax disputes... it doesnt play as hard as Ji, it is easier to run away from a fight and get back up to full health... in conclusion original oasis suxors for guns, JiO beats this for 1v1 but for big ffa (4+ people) it will ownzjo0, just get all 3

Posted: 2001-04-27 10:24 a.m.   Report Abuse
I really don't get it why everybody here complains about AVOasis. The creator actually said that AVO is "just" another Canyon Oasis modification, so it's nothing sensationally new! AVOasis is great for gameplay compared to JIO (*ugh*) - AVO has two armor vests, while JIO only got one (which rather sucks due to being taken all the time!). Just one example. AVO generally includes more ammo than JIO. AVO is simply great for hardcore concussion duelling - Like it or not. But please don't go down on it because you are sick of Oasis conversions!

Download it and actually try it out before rating, please.

Peace and may the force be with you :)
Posted: 2001-07-26 6:12 a.m.   Report Abuse
It reminded me of Ammo oasis. Its basically canyon oasis but with loads of ammo. I guess those people who love the concussion rifle will like it but im not really one of them.
Posted: 2001-08-12 8:20 a.m.   Report Abuse
This is rubbish, ow fution you have done it again, first it was the big city now its this... tut tut tut , just to let u know my new perfect dark level is coming out and i hope you would like it, it has a ai button too. Ow year thanks for the dark eldder people you are giving me,... 1 2 3 vote 4 me. i am the king..the president, the emprar, bow down to me hahaha... ill see ya at thanks giving your frieng Dk donky donk! Vote 4 me!
Posted: 2001-08-13 3:23 p.m.   Report Abuse
AVO was made by my good buddy Kar and he succeeds in modifying oasis AV style.

I doubt it will live long in the memory of many but all the same its home.

Posted: 2002-04-09 1:44 p.m.   Report Abuse
Trainer_Patrick's Review

What do you get when you add 400 more conc rifles, repeater guns, and rail detonators to Canyon Oasis? The guarantee that you won't run out of ammo.
You change all the mats and add gunz, all you have is a changed origional. You notice thease modifications of levels get less downloads then some rookies who are submitting their first level. Here's a liiiitle helpful tip. DON'T SEND THEM IN. As the rating for most changed origionals, 0 out of 10.

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