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Laboratory VI: Achluophobia

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » Laboratory VI: Achluophobia


This is a multiplayer level set in a Laboratory that has been studying an alien organism. When the creatures break out, the scientists end up killing themselves to prevent their addition to the hive, and mutilation by their test subjects. (Notice: This level contains areas that might not be suitable for all audiences.)


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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2.5 MiB


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Posted: 2001-03-24 2:23 p.m.   Report Abuse
wow. an amazing level, at worst.
Shinmen Musashi
Posted: 2001-03-24 2:48 p.m.   Report Abuse
I soiled myself. Nice and dark, perfect for scaring the buh-jeezus out of everyone. The ambient sounds topped it all off. I think I shall go back into the level and soil myself further. :) Great job.
Posted: 2001-03-24 3:04 p.m.   Report Abuse
Dude i have been waiting for ya to send this thing in. Awesome its great!
Posted: 2001-03-24 3:20 p.m.   Report Abuse
Oh yes, oh yes, ho yesohyesohyes!!! I have been waiting for this! Finally, it's here! I give it a

Posted: 2001-03-24 3:35 p.m.   Report Abuse
Is that door supposed to move up about an inch? Usually pretty type level. Similar to all that stuff on the last Massassi Pack.
Posted: 2001-03-24 3:58 p.m.   Report Abuse
I would give it a 10, but Its still downloading. Damn big file. :)
Posted: 2001-03-24 4:15 p.m.   Report Abuse
This is one sweet scary level!

Spiral has done it agin!

All the errie sounds, sparks flying, and the room with all the dead sceintists, is just sick man!

This is a great level!

Rated: 9
Posted: 2001-03-24 4:26 p.m.   Report Abuse
I give it a 7... There is some good archetechture, but it just doesnt give me the feel of a science lab you know? theres lots of open spaces. I love the room swith the dead scientists, and that floating alien fishtank, but somthing is missing. Oh, theres a little but of lag, and I have a pretty high performance machine. Great job nevertheless, I commend you on your masterpiece, however it would have been better if it was single player i think.
Posted: 2001-03-24 5:00 p.m.   Report Abuse
Awesome level! Love the scientists!
Posted: 2001-03-24 5:26 p.m.   Report Abuse
finally you released it ... sweet
Val Langley
Posted: 2001-03-24 6:01 p.m.   Report Abuse

No, it's awsome! Does Spiral do any games besides JK?
Posted: 2001-03-24 6:19 p.m.   Report Abuse
Half-Life/Aliens/Jedi Knight/ I JUST LOVE IT.
Posted: 2001-03-24 8:05 p.m.   Report Abuse
Yes, the door is only supposed to open a few inches. Awesome level, it has been since the beta stages. Nice cogs :)
Posted: 2001-03-24 8:32 p.m.   Report Abuse
Ok. Question.

How did the guy who hanged himself, stab himself through the side?

Posted: 2001-03-24 9:36 p.m.   Report Abuse
OMG ELITE!! lol nice lvl bro

Posted: 2001-03-24 9:36 p.m.   Report Abuse
not all the scientists killed themselves, some of them were mutilated by the aliens, hense the decapitation, and spikes and stuff.. I was going to put blood hand prints on the walls, and have them be smudged, but I had to draw the line somewhere.. (thanks Aglar) ;) PS. I made the door only open a few inches for two reasons: To add the feel like it was broken down, and not everything was in top condition, and also to make it harder to get what is behind the door.
Posted: 2001-03-25 1:12 a.m.   Report Abuse
WOW!!!!!!! Nice job! Great work Spiral!
Scariest level out there! Keep up the good work!

Posted: 2001-03-25 6:54 a.m.   Report Abuse
Had a Half-Life feel to it. Very cool. The scientist room kinda freaked me out a bit, it looked so wierd. The level was really realistic, give it a 9. Great job!
Posted: 2001-03-25 7:10 a.m.   Report Abuse
Where did you get the bug sound?
Èl Mo
Posted: 2001-03-25 9:07 a.m.   Report Abuse
I liked the room in which the dead bodys lie... I didn't test it in LAN, yet... great job... I had a feeling of playing HL... a 10... is placed good here.
Posted: 2001-03-25 4:59 p.m.   Report Abuse
When Spiral gave me the early pics of the level *with the dead scientists*, I INSTANTLY knew it'd rock. It looked so much like a horror movie. Very cool. I didn't expect it to be THIS great. I give it a ten. I suppose this is my favorite level, now. :D You were gonna put blood stains on the wall?? Whoa.......COOL!! Please, by all means, release a second version of a level if you have second thoughts. :D
Posted: 2001-03-25 6:19 p.m.   Report Abuse
good idea, horrible texturing. I'd say work on the texturing a bit then re-release this level. Some areas look rather blan as well. Also the blood looks like gravy. I hope to see a better version of this level.
Posted: 2001-03-25 6:25 p.m.   Report Abuse
Man, I had nightmares after playing this level! I love the creepy Half-Life feel. Excellent job. I give it a 10.
Posted: 2001-03-25 8:49 p.m.   Report Abuse
This level was very good. The only problem is I don't know if I'll be able to sleep tonight...
Posted: 2001-05-14 5:55 p.m.   Report Abuse
Nice level! I thought it was really creepy though. It's scary because I'm in a saber battle and I spin around, I am face - to - face with one of those creepy corpses! AAAAAHHH! Anyhow, I really liked everything about it. Good job Spiral!

.....EN TARO ADUN!...
Posted: 2001-05-14 6:00 p.m.   Report Abuse
By the by, what does "Achluphobia" mean anyway? I know it means "fear of" something, but I don't know what...!
Posted: 2001-06-05 12:41 p.m.   Report Abuse
Fear of the dark.
Posted: 2001-06-05 2:59 p.m.   Report Abuse
Yeah, it is cool, I'll say that straight off. This is a great level. However...maybe I wasn't looking that hard but apart from the lighting and ambient sounds, was there any indication the lab had just suffered a catastrophe - the textures could have shown scorch marks, burn marks, claw marks...walls/walkways should have been bent and broken - I recall one place where there was a section of floor missing, all it was was a jagged edge to the floor, the metal hadnt been twisted or ripped out, it looked more like someone had careful taken a power saw to it.
Small grievances I know, but so much effort had gone into the rest of the atmosphere that these things seemed really odd somehow. I would suggest a quick eye is cast over some of the scenes in Half-life for some ideas on disaster struck labs.
My final point is simply this...SP yes!!!!!! Think how much cooler Half-Life would have been with a lightsaber? It would, of course, require all new 3DOs for the aliens, so we can soil our pants all over again.
Great level overall. Nice work.
Posted: 2001-06-05 4:40 p.m.   Report Abuse
Well, what I was going for in this level was a laboratory that wasn't really damaged, so people wouldn't really know what to think about how the aliens did it(killed the people). I didn't want it too obvious that anything was wrong, that's why I concieled most of the bodies in the basement and hive. As far as the cut out floor, using JED, it is rather difficult to make twisted surfaces without extreme FPS lag (which I have a great fear of) and extreme HOM. If I had been working on a better engine, The hole would have been more convincing. I agree in full with your idea about it being a SP level. It would have made a great SP level. Because plots, or backgrounds, on MP levels are so rare, I thought I would add one more. Thanks everyone for the comments.
Posted: 2001-06-05 4:41 p.m.   Report Abuse
Good level! I'm guessing you used Graphtallica 2 for most of the mats. Pretty sweet!!!
Posted: 2001-06-05 4:44 p.m.   Report Abuse
This level sent a nauseating feeling of darkness and fear through me... As if something was going to reek around the shadowy corner and decapitate me. Now I may not be an editing expert, but it doesn't take an Einstein reincarnation to see that it is very hard to pant a sense of fear through the player. David Mchale's Aliens: Terror on Sigma 51-A sent me flying out of my seat, but this level contained a different type of fear... Not fear of something sneaking behind to kill you, but a lonely kind of fear... Like your head will end up on either the floor or a pole.

Anyways, this is also quite a fascinating piece of architecture; great sounds, great atmosphere, great simitry, great... Well, great a lot of things. But there are always the things that detract from the map. For example: the previous member's comment. Oh and by the way; if you happen to make another version of this, I've got an idea. You could put three multiplayer maps in the episode;

1. What you have right now, only with the suggestions in the last comment.

2. An "edited version" of the level, just in case Mom's in the house.

3. Wouldn't a co-op version of the level be a hit?! I mean you could have AIs of those bruisers in the smoky fishtank lurking around and beating you up! And you have an objective: Escape the lab.

Okay, so maybe the multi-level episode idea is aking for too much, but please consider it; it also combines the earlier requests for a singleplayer version with your multiplayer version. But still well worthy of a '9'. Now I shall end my comment with a quote from the sci-fi masterpiece, Dune.

"Fear is the mind-killer."
Posted: 2001-06-05 4:51 p.m.   Report Abuse
BTW~ When I said "the previous guy's comment", I was referring to Evil_Giraffe. I guess people were posting when I was writing up my comment.
Posted: 2001-06-05 8:07 p.m.   Report Abuse
Whoa. Great level. What did Yun and Kyle do to deserve to die that many times and in that many ways.
PS. Can anyone say, Pinyata' Party?
Posted: 2001-06-06 9:17 a.m.   Report Abuse
THATS DISCUSTING!! I love it!! Nice work, man! Also I noticed that you took out the head light and the map.. I think. . . or maybe my headlight was just mapped to the wrong key? Ha, and are those flies I hear in the dead scientist room?! HA HA HA!!
Posted: 2001-06-06 10:12 a.m.   Report Abuse
Great looking level. It looks like you spent a lot of time on the detail. Unfortunatly, where the level thrives in detail, it lacks in multiplayer playability. This not meaning that you can't play it online, but it meaning that the level just isn't good for playing multiplayer. I don't think I'll be seeing it much on zone. It would have been better off as a level in an awesome single player series. I gave it a 5 because it only shows half of what a multi-player level should contain, that being a vast variety in detail. It just needs the other half, which is playability.
Mr A.J. Kippocrap
Posted: 2001-06-06 10:29 a.m.   Report Abuse
I'v had this level for when it was a resent file on the main page and i'll say what i thought about it then "This level is wicked!"
It kindda reminds me of halflife or Aliens vs Preditor
Mr A.J. Kippocrap
Posted: 2001-06-06 10:48 a.m.   Report Abuse
This would be a great Sp level. Does anyone else thing this would be good with a large area with lots of catwalks that are broken and twisted and stuff like that with gaps that u had to jump?
Posted: 2001-06-06 11:14 a.m.   Report Abuse
THIS LEVEL IS AWESOME! I loved the cogs and the dead scientists room. Good for RPGs like with BFPx2, 2 players play Scully and Mulder, and 2 others play ET. Also works with SS3 9.0B. I gave this level a 10, but I think there should be more mutilated scientists!
Posted: 2001-06-06 1:33 p.m.   Report Abuse
AWESOME LEVEL!! This level is amazing! It has great architechture and awesome ambient sounds to make your spine tingle.....
Posted: 2001-06-06 9:37 p.m.   Report Abuse
hey i was just wondering how that really big hole got in the floor and where it goes to? but anyways i gave it a 8 because it was pretty creepy with all the dead scientists hanging there with spikes going through them but i really didn't think there were very many weapons in the level so gameplay was a little hard, but the lighting was pretty good so you could sneak up on someone. but i gave the level an 8 because it was pretty good
Posted: 2001-06-07 4:00 p.m.   Report Abuse
I liked the lightning shooting across the gap in the floor, added to atmosphere. Nice touch. *supresses a laugh*
Dan 317
Posted: 2001-06-08 11:59 a.m.   Report Abuse
Lousy. Nothing interesting. At first sight, you think of an awsome, blasting aliens level, but the only reason it's not "suitable for all audiences" is because the scientists have spikes in their heads or have hung themselves. It's gross and nothing special. Now if it had AI in it...
Posted: 2001-06-08 1:18 p.m.   Report Abuse
this level scared the living F+++ out of me.
good scared the crap out of me.......i pissed my pants........did i mention it scared the F+++ out of me yet. hope to see more.
Posted: 2001-06-10 6:17 p.m.   Report Abuse
Sweet level. Awesome with SS3. You really should make a single player version. the plot could be that you are an FBI agent sent to investagate rumors of a lab accident. You get there, and aliens rome (sp?) the halls. You mission: escape the lab alive. n e wayz, thought that'd be cool.

Pain is weakness leaving the body.

Bring on the Rain
Shadow Thief
Posted: 2001-06-11 11:29 a.m.   Report Abuse
OOHHHHH.....looks great !! i think i´ll download it. nr¹.
Shadow Thief
Posted: 2001-06-11 11:36 a.m.   Report Abuse
Pretty Pretty, walks the night. Pretty Pretty, fears the light. Pretty Pretty has no soul. Pretty Pretty, black as coal.© You are nr¹.
Posted: 2001-06-13 1:46 a.m.   Report Abuse
This level is great and the sounds to are great the arcitechure is awesome and the alien skinz are cool this level rockz
Posted: 2001-06-13 4:15 a.m.   Report Abuse
Very interesting. :) Reminds me of the old days of HL single player. :)
Posted: 2001-09-14 11:19 p.m.   Report Abuse

This level is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo awesome! I reccomend making a SP lvl out of it. That would be the ULTIMATE in JK gaming...I WAAAAAANT YOU TO DOOOOOO IIIIIT.....

But there is only one downside 2 this level:Its kinda big and confusing for MP gamez...but i guess that's just my opinion...
--Love ya!
Posted: 2001-10-06 5:38 p.m.   Report Abuse
Dude i LOVE how ya made the lvl but it says theat the reason they killed themselves was because of aliens.... THERE WERE NO ALIENS!!
Posted: 2001-10-09 9:30 p.m.   Report Abuse
freaky level but you should have had screams echoing down the halls and a big nasty alien AI that eats you! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA......*ahem*...
Posted: 2001-10-10 9:20 p.m.   Report Abuse
= P
Posted: 2002-03-04 4:25 p.m.   Report Abuse
THIS LEVEL IS AWSOME!!!! but im not sure about all the aliens u guys are talking about i havent seen any...maybye its cuz i only play it on multiplayer..hmm.I usually use this for resdident evil rpging but anyways i rate this a 10
Posted: 2003-02-14 9:52 p.m.   Report Abuse

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